Wag the Dog Brand Firm
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the little branding firm with big results!

REPRESENT: Krystal Tini|KrystalTiniTV Nourish My Soul, Stew Peters Show, CJ Dunning|OurTown
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Are you a parent of a special needs child? Then this is a must watch #x39 testimonial.

This one hit home because one of my children did not speak until he was close to five.

I may be late to this (as I was somewhat skeptical of what seemed too good to be true), but this info may be new to others.

I'm using my other business account on threads & Instagram to journal our journey, but this mom's story was too moving not to share here. I know this account is where my SPED parents tribe is 💗 follow along if you wish https://www.instagram.com/stayathomedogmomsd


Our personal anecdotes of one week in both my daughter and I have been...

Literally stopped and interrupted to receive compliments by random strangers (not normal!)
I was complimented on my posture in the produce section. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My daughter "feels taller" - she actually LOOKS taller - wait, what?

Luke's joining us, too, and my son's face appears distinctly more chiseled. Subtle but noticeable.

All around increased energy levels & improved mood - despite the many stresses of being Californians!

But the best report for first week on the NON-TRANSDERMAL, NONINVASIVE stem cell activation patches is that our thirty thousand dollar investment [called OUR DOG] is comfortably bearing weight on all four paws since being hit by a car two years ago! She's walking with NO pain medication after one week of patching her collar. Wow. I'm journaling her progress publicly using the hashtag #healingFrances for those interested in observing in real time.

Can't wait to see what a MONTH into the patches brings.

Thank you, @KrystalTini. 🕊I'm kicking myself for not hearing you sooner about these.


Stem cells are the REPAIR SYSTEM of the body; they are the only cell that can manifest as any other cell needed. With these patches, we are activating OUR OWN👈🏼 stem cells - not injecting stem cells from a third party. 🤢

Email me at stayathomedogmomsd@gmail.com to learn more 🐾🐾🥰

Watch below 👇🏼
90 days in... UPDATE on #healingFrances if you're interested.

If you're the squeamish type - skip this one!
