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Forwarded from Liz Harrington
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"So this is blank, but the verified and approved is appearing right in the blank. Same thing here. Same thing here."

"Two different voter IDs, same name, matching signatures, same phone numbers."


VQB Channel
"So this is blank, but the verified and approved is appearing right in the blank. Same thing here. Same thing here." "Two different voter IDs, same name, matching signatures, same phone numbers." #AZAudit #decertify @LizHarrington76
"Quindi questo è vuoto, ma quello verificato e approvato appare proprio nello spazio vuoto. Stessa cosa qui. Stessa cosa qui."

"Due ID elettori diversi, stesso nome, firme corrispondenti, stessi numeri di telefono".


Forwarded from Liz Harrington
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"Speaking of the Big Lie, you can continue to perpetuate it all you want!"

@ RepAndyBiggsAZ destroys the Dems/Fake News' LIES about the #AZAudit

It was an audit NOT a recount!

Question is not total ballots counted, it's HOW MANY were FRAUDULENT

The answer is A LOT!

VQB Channel
"Speaking of the Big Lie, you can continue to perpetuate it all you want!" @ RepAndyBiggsAZ destroys the Dems/Fake News' LIES about the #AZAudit It was an audit NOT a recount! Question is not total ballots counted, it's HOW MANY were FRAUDULENT The answer…
"A proposito della Grande Menzogna, puoi continuare a perpetuarla quanto vuoi!"

@ RepAndyBiggsAZ distrugge le BUGIE dei Democratici/Fake News sull'#AZAudit

Era un audit NON un riconteggio!

La domanda non è il conteggio totale dei voti, è QUANTI erano FRAUDOLENTI

La risposta è MOLTO!



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Forwarded from Liz Harrington
President Trump going over the results of the #AZaudit NOW

23K mail-ins from people who no longer live at that address

No chain of custody for 1.9 MILLION ballots

Missing serial numbers - against the law

Blank ballot envelopes - against the law

10K voted in multiple counties

VQB Channel
President Trump going over the results of the #AZaudit NOW 23K mail-ins from people who no longer live at that address No chain of custody for 1.9 MILLION ballots Missing serial numbers - against the law Blank ballot envelopes - against the law 10K voted…
Il presidente Trump esamina i risultati dell'#AZaudit NOW

23K mail-in da persone che non vivono più a quell'indirizzo

Nessuna catena di custodia per 1,9 MILIONI di schede

Numeri di serie mancanti - contro la legge

Buste vuote per le schede elettorali - contro la legge

10K votati in più contee



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Forwarded from Wendy Rogers
People are telling me to stop hitting Ken Bennett because he is a "good guy". I will stop hitting him the minute he admits that #AZAudit turned up tens of thousands of BAD VOTES that DO NOT COUNT & that the corrupted election must be decertified. His audit assessment is FALSE.
VQB Channel
People are telling me to stop hitting Ken Bennett because he is a "good guy". I will stop hitting him the minute he admits that #AZAudit turned up tens of thousands of BAD VOTES that DO NOT COUNT & that the corrupted election must be decertified. His audit…
La gente mi dice di smetterla di picchiare Ken Bennett perché è un "bravo ragazzo". Smetterò di colpirlo nel momento in cui ammetterà che #AZAudit ha raccolto decine di migliaia di CATTIVI VOTI che NON CONTANO e che le elezioni corrotte devono essere decertificate. La sua valutazione di audit è FALSA.


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