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📮Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Defense Funds Have Raised Over $900,000

🗓Settembre 1, 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Defense Funds Have Raised Over $900,000 Two legal defense funds for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with first-degree murder for allegedly shooting three rioters in Kenosha last week, have raised over $900,000 as of Monday night. The #FightBack Foundation, a legal defense fund which was started by Nick Sandmann’s attorney L. Lin…

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=73181
VQB Channel

🗓Settembre 1, 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄TWITTER HAS LOCKED OUT LIN WOOD. TWITTER HAS LOCKED OUT LIN WOOD. RETWEET IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE SEND ME SUGGESTIONS ON ACCOUNTS WITH LARGE FOLLOWERS TO TWEEY THIS TO. #FIGHTBACK@realDonaldTrump⁩ ⁦@michellemalkin⁩ ⁦@AnnCoulter⁩ ⁦@RudyGiuliani⁩ ⁦@SaraCarterDC⁩ ⁦@carterwpagepic.twitter.com/FRhy7k3EWk— John Pierce (@CaliKidJMP) September 1, 2020

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=73405
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📮Video: Kyle Rittenhouse speaks from jail

🗓Settembre 2, 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄Kyle Rittenhouse speaks from jail KYLE RITTENHOUSE SPEAKS!!!!!! THIS MUST BE THE TWEET HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD!!!!!! RETWEET AND DONATE TO THE #FIGHTBACK FOUNDATION RIGHT NOW!!!!! #PaulRevere@LLinWood⁩ ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ ⁦@TuckerCarlson⁩ ⁦@michellemalkin⁩ ⁦@PressSecpic.twitter.com/fOCzeLGkcm— John Pierce (@CaliKidJMP) September 1, 2020

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=73621
VQB Channel
📮Lin Wood Tweet; BIRTHING STATIONS (possible connection to New Mexico Epstein Ranch)

🗓Settembre 5, 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄Lin Wood has a question for Bill Gates and Bill Clinton BIRTHING STATIONS https://mobile.twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1302092250017665025 Just verified, that’s his actual account. Man is a Savage! >BIRTHING STATIONS PERV’S ‘GENE PLOT’ Jeffrey Epstein ‘planned his own baby-making factory to spread his DNA and to have his penis frozen after death’ JEFFREY Epstein wanted a baby-making factory to…

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=83263
VQB Channel
📮If you are a supporter of @realDonaldTrump & you try to discuss possible options for treating Covid-19 in interview with @andersoncooper forget truth & fairness

🗓Settembre 8, 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄If you are a supporter of @realDonaldTrump & you try to discuss possible options for treating Covid-19 on @CNN in interview with @andersoncooper forget truth & fairness. Be prepared to be falsely attacked & insulted. Ask my new client @realMikeLindell. Stay tuned. #FightBack— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) September 8, 2020

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=87199
VQB Channel
📮HASHTAG REPORT for Digital warriors: #FightBack #QAnon #MAGA #Obamagate #Brennan #FakeNews

🗓9 Settembre 2020 🏷 #We_Are_The_News

📄HASHTAG REPORT for Digital warriors, September 8, 8 pm >#Fightback, as per POTUS and tagged by Q in new post. Does great. Shooting up like rocket, staying up to 3000 unique tweets per hour, this is huge. Ritetag report lagging a bit, still reaching 500k exposures per hour. >#QAnon 500 tweets/hour (new Q drops). Impressive.…

🔗Linf to full post: https://www.qresearch.it/?p=91890
Forwarded from We The Media (13th-GEN_PATRIOT)
Media is too big

StrikeBack for FREEDOM
#FightBack 🙏🇺🇸

#FightLikeAFlynn 💪🙏🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
A few months ago, Nancy Ross spent many long hours assisting #FightBack in its efforts to defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Nancy also worked with me on my campaign for Chair of the South Carolina GOP.

Nancy worked long hours without seeking compensation for her time and efforts. Nancy is a Patriot who loves her children, her country, and God.

I did not know that Nancy was a friend of Veronica Wolski until she called me last week and told me she was Veronica’s medical power of attorney. She asked me if I had any contacts who might be able to reach out to help Veronica be afforded her “right to try.” I placed calls to a friend and former hospital administrator in South Georgia and a friend and healthcare lawyer in Iowa who said he knew some officials at Amita and would reach out to them. I also called and spoke with an ICU nurse at Amita. I heard nothing further and assumed the issue had been resolved.

Sunday evening, Nancy called again and informed me that Veronica was asking to be transferred and arrangements had been made. Nancy asked me if I would call the hospital and I did. That conversation was recorded and I posted it that evening.

I later learned that Veronica passed away a few hours after I had heard from Nancy without being transferred.

I never had the privilege of speaking with Veronica but I did follow her fight for freedom on her Telegram Channel, The People’s Bridge.

Veronica was an American hero.

Nancy Ross is an American hero.

The kind and well-intentioned people who worked with Nancy who she discusses in her interview with Stew Peters are American heroes.

We live in extraordinary times.

We ALL need our friends.

Our country needs more brave Patriots who are willing to sacrifice for others, even strangers.

God bless, Nancy Ross.

Pray for Veronica’s family and our healthcare providers. Pray for our country to be restored.
VQB Channel
A few months ago, Nancy Ross spent many long hours assisting #FightBack in its efforts to defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Nancy also worked with me on my campaign for Chair of the South Carolina GOP. Nancy worked long hours without seeking compensation…
Alcuni mesi fa, Nancy Ross ha trascorso molte lunghe ore ad assistere #FightBack nei suoi sforzi per difendere la nostra Costituzione e Bill of Rights. Nancy ha anche lavorato con me nella mia campagna per la presidenza del South Carolina GOP.

Nancy ha lavorato molte ore senza cercare un compenso per il suo tempo e i suoi sforzi. Nancy è una patriota che ama i suoi figli, il suo paese e Dio.

Non sapevo che Nancy fosse un'amica di Veronica Wolski finché non mi ha chiamato la settimana scorsa e mi ha detto che era la procura medica di Veronica. Mi ha chiesto se avevo qualche contatto che potesse essere in grado di contattare per aiutare Veronica ad avere il suo "diritto di provare". Ho chiamato un amico ed ex amministratore dell'ospedale nella Georgia del Sud e un amico e avvocato della sanità in Iowa che ha detto di conoscere alcuni funzionari di Amita e che li avrebbe contattati. Ho anche chiamato e parlato con un'infermiera di terapia intensiva all'Amita. Non ho sentito più nulla e ho pensato che il problema fosse stato risolto.

Domenica sera, Nancy ha chiamato di nuovo e mi ha informato che Veronica stava chiedendo di essere trasferita e che erano stati presi accordi. Nancy mi ha chiesto se avrei chiamato l'ospedale e l'ho fatto. Quella conversazione è stata registrata e l'ho pubblicata quella sera.

Ho saputo più tardi che Veronica è morta poche ore dopo che avevo sentito Nancy senza essere trasferita.

Non ho mai avuto il privilegio di parlare con Veronica, ma ho seguito la sua lotta per la libertà sul suo canale Telegram, The People's Bridge.

Veronica era un'eroina americana.

Nancy Ross è un'eroina americana.

Le persone gentili e ben intenzionate che hanno lavorato con Nancy e di cui lei parla nella sua intervista con Stew Peters sono eroi americani.

Viviamo in tempi straordinari.

Abbiamo TUTTI bisogno dei nostri amici.

Il nostro paese ha bisogno di più patrioti coraggiosi che sono disposti a sacrificarsi per gli altri, anche per gli estranei.

Dio benedica Nancy Ross.

Prega per la famiglia di Veronica e per i nostri operatori sanitari. Prega per il nostro paese per essere ri