Now is the Spring of our discontent
Is France experiencing a “mass strike” in the image of what #RosaLuxemburg spoke about?
By #OdileMojon, #Paris / #France
Is France experiencing a “mass strike” in the image of what #RosaLuxemburg spoke about?
By #OdileMojon, #Paris / #France
United World International
Now is the Spring of our discontent
Deep, muted anger is gnawing away the country.
Between #Macron and #Africa, the current does not pass
By #OdileMojon, #Paris / #France
By #OdileMojon, #Paris / #France
United World International
Between Macron and Africa, the current does not pass
The current French President is no different from his predecessors: No vision nor any real will. And his trip to Africa went largely unnoticed on the continent and at home.
The Schiller Institute has organized in #Paris an international conference titled “#Water for #Peace”.
As UWI, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers.
As UWI, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers.
United World International
“The Oasis Plan, key to future Israeli-Palestinian peace”
Notes from the Schiller Institute's conference on "Water for Peace", Pt. 1.
The Schiller Institute has organized in #Paris an international conference titled “#Water for Peace”.
As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers. #Africa #JoséMulenda #KarelVereycken #PierreBerthelot #AlainGachet #SébastienDrochon
As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers. #Africa #JoséMulenda #KarelVereycken #PierreBerthelot #AlainGachet #SébastienDrochon
United World International
“Is mutual development around water possible in the Fertile Crescent?”
Notes from the Schiller Institute's conference on "Water for Peace", Pt.2.
#EmmanuelMacron moves into minefield territory
By #OdileMojon, #Paris, #France
By #OdileMojon, #Paris, #France
United World International
Emmanuel Macron moves into minefield territory
Instead of being led to the abyss by the President, France should be a power of balance and moderation.
#EmmanuelMacron se adentra en territorio minado
Por #OdileMojon #Francia
Por #OdileMojon #Francia
Pia Global
Emmanuel Macron se adentra en territorio minado - Pia Global
Por Odile Mojon* - A pesar de una situación interna en la que todos los indicadores están en rojo, Emmanuel Macron ha preferido ser el abanderado de la OTAN, arrastrando potencialmente a Francia a un conflicto fuera de sus fronteras.