📌 #Biden VS #Trump
📌 Elections in #BurkinaFaso
📌 The #US geopolitical attack on #China
📌 Chaos in #Peru
📌 War in #Ethiopia
📌 #Macron criticizes African competitors
📌 Elections in #BurkinaFaso
📌 The #US geopolitical attack on #China
📌 Chaos in #Peru
📌 War in #Ethiopia
📌 #Macron criticizes African competitors
United World International
Biden VS Trump, new US anti-Chinese measures, elections in Burkina Faso and Peru, war in Ethiopia
Geopolitical results of the week in the world
Another coup against #France: Burkina Faso
📌 Politicians support military government
📌 Gold producers want to adapt to the #Damiba government
📌 #ECOWAS suspends Burkina Faso
📌 Solidarity with #Mali
📌 “The coup in #BurkinaFaso puts the #French in a difficult position”
By #Elifİlhamoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/23342-another-coup-against-france-burkina-faso/ #Africa
📌 Politicians support military government
📌 Gold producers want to adapt to the #Damiba government
📌 #ECOWAS suspends Burkina Faso
📌 Solidarity with #Mali
📌 “The coup in #BurkinaFaso puts the #French in a difficult position”
By #Elifİlhamoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/23342-another-coup-against-france-burkina-faso/ #Africa
United World International
Another coup against France: Burkina Faso
US and French supported ECOWAS sanctions on West Africa are of no avail. New government opens border to Mali, breaching sanctions, and is suppported by Russia and China ain the UNSC. by Rys
African Liberation: Why the Military is taking control of African countries
📌 Reasons for the change of power in #BurkinaFaso
📌 #Atatürk, #CheGuevara and #Sankara’s legacy
📌 #France’s troubles are #Africans’ chance
📌 Where is the next coup?
https://unitedworldint.com/23373-african-liberation-why-the-military-is-taking-control-of-african-countries/ #Africa
📌 Reasons for the change of power in #BurkinaFaso
📌 #Atatürk, #CheGuevara and #Sankara’s legacy
📌 #France’s troubles are #Africans’ chance
📌 Where is the next coup?
https://unitedworldint.com/23373-african-liberation-why-the-military-is-taking-control-of-african-countries/ #Africa
United World International
African Liberation: Why the Military is taking control of African countries
Burkina Faso is already the third country where the military took over the power.
La tendencia antiimperialista continúa fortaleciéndose en #África Occidental. La decisión de la CEDEAO de sanciones contra #Malí y #Guinea, bajo la presión de EE.UU. y #Francia, no ha podido frenar un cambio de política en #BurkinaFaso.
Por #Elifİlhamoğlu
Por #Elifİlhamoğlu
Pia Global
Otro golpe contra Francia: Burkina Faso - Pia Global
Otro golpe contra Francia: Burkina Faso. La tendencia antiimperialista continúa fortaleciéndose en África Occidental.
#BurkinaFaso: Awakening from Neocolonialism
📌 The neocolonial world
📌 A new coup
📌 #Africa awakens
https://unitedworldint.com/26876-burkina-faso-awakening-from-neocolonialism/ #France #Mali #Türkiye
📌 The neocolonial world
📌 A new coup
📌 #Africa awakens
https://unitedworldint.com/26876-burkina-faso-awakening-from-neocolonialism/ #France #Mali #Türkiye
United World International
Burkina Faso: Awakening from Neocolonialism
The change of government in Burkina Faso showed a growing trend of anti-French sentiment.
Burkina Faso: #France is at the helm of #Africa’s decolonization
📌 Bad signals for #Paris
📌 The reasons for the failure of #Macron
📌 New benchmarks for #BurkinaFaso
📌 Bad signals for #Paris
📌 The reasons for the failure of #Macron
📌 New benchmarks for #BurkinaFaso
United World International
Burkina Faso: France is at the helm of Africa’s decolonization
Burkina Faso has a strategic advantage to choose a multipolar development path.
Understanding the Coup in #BurkinaFaso in the Context of Post-Colonial #French Policy in #Africa
By #HalimGençoğlu
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Understanding the Coup in Burkina Faso in the Context of Post-Colonial French Policy in Africa
A multi-factoral perspective on the country's coups.
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Entender el golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso en el contexto de la
El periodo poscolonial en África fue testigo de una serie de golpes de Estado que dejaron una huella indeleble en el panorama político del continente.
#Nigerien journalist on the incidents in his country: “#Türkiye has fought, so are we”
📌 “#Russia respects our sovereignty”
📌 Support of #BurkinaFaso and #Mali is vital
📌 #France is literally and officially expelled
📌 Aiming also at the #US
Interview with #IbrahimYero, Journalist Editor-in-Chied of l'Eclosion
By #KıvançÖzdal
https://unitedworldint.com/31256-nigerien-journalist-on-the-incidents-in-his-country-turkiye-has-fought-so-are-we/ #Africa #Niger
📌 “#Russia respects our sovereignty”
📌 Support of #BurkinaFaso and #Mali is vital
📌 #France is literally and officially expelled
📌 Aiming also at the #US
Interview with #IbrahimYero, Journalist Editor-in-Chied of l'Eclosion
By #KıvançÖzdal
https://unitedworldint.com/31256-nigerien-journalist-on-the-incidents-in-his-country-turkiye-has-fought-so-are-we/ #Africa #Niger
United World International
Nigerien journalist on the incidents in his country: “Türkiye has fought, so are we”
The struggle for power is also a reflection of the struggle for a multipolar world, argues the journalist Yero.
Tuaregs in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Causes of #Tuareg uprisings in the #Sahel
📌 #Islamic groups in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Possibility of using #Tuaregs by Atlanticist forces
📌 Causes of #Tuareg uprisings in the #Sahel
📌 #Islamic groups in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Possibility of using #Tuaregs by Atlanticist forces
United World International
Tuaregs in Burkina Faso
Historical overview and regional perspectives.
Alliance of #Sahel States “a new opportunity for liberation”
Interview with Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad of #BurkinaFaso.
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33559-alliance-of-sahel-states-a-new-opportunity-for-liberation/ #Africa #Türkiye #LatinAmerica
Interview with Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad of #BurkinaFaso.
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33559-alliance-of-sahel-states-a-new-opportunity-for-liberation/ #Africa #Türkiye #LatinAmerica
United World International
Alliance of Sahel States “a new opportunity for liberation”
Alliance of Sahel States “a new opportunity for liberation” - Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger dominate the headlines in West Africa and beyond with their breakaway from the ECOWAS and the establishment of a new
The country that struck a blow against colonialism: #BurkinaFaso
Journalist #VittorioRangeloni talked about the fight against terrorism, the economic situation and the view of the government in the country. Rangeloni emphasized that the Burkinabe people view Türkiye, Russia and China with sympathy and friendship.
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
Journalist #VittorioRangeloni talked about the fight against terrorism, the economic situation and the view of the government in the country. Rangeloni emphasized that the Burkinabe people view Türkiye, Russia and China with sympathy and friendship.
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
United World International
The country that struck a blow against colonialism: Burkina Faso
#France and the #US use #Africa|n mercenaries to carry out a globalist coup in #BurkinaFaso
Assistance from #Türkiye or #Russia could protect the country and the #Sahel region from threats from both within and the outside.
Assistance from #Türkiye or #Russia could protect the country and the #Sahel region from threats from both within and the outside.
United World International
France and the US use African mercenaries to carry out a globalist coup in Burkina Faso
Coup d’Etat manqué au #BurkinaFaso : #AhmedKinda, un ancien commandant des forces spéciales souligne la participation des forces étrangères
https://www.pressafrik.com/Coup-d-Etat-manque-au-Burkina-Faso-Ahmed-Kinda-un-ancien-commandant-des-forces-speciales-souligne-la-participation-des_a279747.html #Africa
https://www.pressafrik.com/Coup-d-Etat-manque-au-Burkina-Faso-Ahmed-Kinda-un-ancien-commandant-des-forces-speciales-souligne-la-participation-des_a279747.html #Africa
PRESSAFRIK.COM, Premier média certifié JTI au Sénégal
Coup d’Etat manqué au Burkina Faso : Ahmed Kinda, un ancie...
Le 23 septembre 2024, le Burkina Faso a déjoué une tentative de coup d'État destinée à ramener au pouvoir le président déchu Paul-Henri Sandaogu Damiba. D'après des sources officielles, Ahmed Kinda...
Un fonctionnaire de la MINUSCA impliqué dans une tentative de coup d’État au #BurkinaFaso ?
https://www.maliweb.net/non-classe/un-fonctionnaire-de-la-minusca-implique-dans-une-tentative-de-coup-detat-au-burkina-faso-3081089.html #Africa
https://www.maliweb.net/non-classe/un-fonctionnaire-de-la-minusca-implique-dans-une-tentative-de-coup-detat-au-burkina-faso-3081089.html #Africa
Un fonctionnaire de la MINUSCA impliqué dans une tentative de coup d’État au Burkina Faso ? | maliweb.net
maliweb.net - Premier site d'info | Portail de référence au Mali depuis 2002. Actualité et infos maliennes en continu: Sports, Faits Divers, Politique, Rad
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