Media Center Ukraine
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Media Center Ukraine is a civic initiative dedicated to supporting the media and independent journalists in covering the war waged by russia against the Ukrainian people.

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1️⃣ 12:00 PM — Briefing “Children’s Safety on the Internet” (in person)

Important issues:
- Risks that children potentially face online
- Key skills that children, parents, and teachers should have regarding Internet security

- Ruslan Hurak, Head of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine
- Anastasiya Dyakova, Founder of the educational project #stop_sexting

2️⃣ 1:30 PM — Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, Head of Sumy Oblast Military Administration (online)

Topics of focus:
- The current situation in the region
- The aftermath of missile attacks

3️⃣ 2:30 PM — Vitalii Kim, Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration (online)

Topic of focus:
The current situation in the region

Important Notice! Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform functions as a co-working space! We are waiting for you!

Important Notice! Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform functions as a co-working space! We are waiting for you!

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🔔🔔🔔 Інформація про брифінг

За 30 хвилин: Брифінг «Безпека дітей в інтернеті» (персональна участь)

Важливі питання:
— ризики, з якими потенційно стикаються діти в інтернеті
— ключові навички, якими мають володіти діти, батьки, вчителі щодо безпеки в інтернеті

— Руслан Гурак, голова Державної служби якості освіти України
— Анастасія Дьякова, засновниця освітнього проєкту #stop_sexтинг

🔔🔔🔔 Briefing Alert

Live in 30 minutes: Briefing “Children’s Safety on the Internet” (in person)

Important issues:
- Risks that children potentially face online
- Key skills that children, parents, and teachers should have regarding Internet security

- Ruslan Hurak, Head of the State Service for Education Quality of Ukraine
- Anastasiya Dyakova, Founder of the educational project #stop_sexting

In English:

1️⃣ 11:00 AM – Briefing entitled “The need for consistent aid and support for children in Ukraine. Achievements and challenges encountered by NGOs”


– Emily Nell, Project Manager for “Children's Resilience”;
– Kathryn Leach, Project manager of the "Children's resilience" project;;
– Tetiana Korotchenko, Country Director at Crown Agents Ukraine (online);
– Anastasiia Dovbnia, Project Manager of CF “Save Ukraine”;
– Vladislava Punik, Head of the communications department of the NGO #stop_sexting;
– Olha Glyuza, head of the`help for children' department of CF Future for Ukraine;

Topics of focus:
– Achievements and problems encountered by NGOs in Ukraine. Challenges in attracting state support;
– How the "Children's resilience" project helps NGOs with capacity building;
— How the war affected the condition of children with autism spectrum disorders;
– How to return deported and forcibly displaced children home, which mechanisms have already been developed for this and which still need to be activated?
– Launch of a new awareness raising campaign “Stop Sexting” to help parents teach their children the rules of online safety;

Why this is interesting:
Ukraine Children's Resilience Fund works to help and protect children from war as well as to provide support to NGOs working in various directions to improve children's lives.
During the briefing, representatives of Stop Sexting, Save Ukraine, Future for Ukraine NGOs will speak of the successes and challenges they encountered when implementing the projects, as well as share the solutions they found.

Registration form:

2️⃣ 12:00 PM – Presentation of the findings from the fourth survey titled "Perception of veterans in Ukrainian society"


– Ruslana Velychko-Trifonyuk, Acting Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation;
– Liubomyr Mysiv, Deputy Director of Sociological Group “Rating”;
– Yulia Kirillova, Head of the Department of Educational and Analytical Work of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation;

All in person.

Topics of focus:
– How is the public perception of the military changing three years into the full-scale invasion?
– What is the level of trust in the military and veterans?
– What problems will veterans face after returning to civilian life?
– Benefits and opportunities for veterans – how does society perceive it?

Why this is interesting:
70% of surveyed citizens have a relative who has fought or is fighting at the frontline since February 24, 2022. Compared to previous surveys, the number of those whose loved ones are fighting at the front today is increasing.
At the same time, 41% of respondents admit that they can become a veteran in the future, 53% hold the opposite opinion.

Registration form:

📌 Important Notice! Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform functions as a co-working space! We’re waiting for you!

📞 +38 091 481 00 04

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🔔🔔🔔 Інформація про брифінг

За 30 хвилин: Брифінг на тему: «Необхідність сталої допомоги та підтримки дітей в Україні. Успіхи та проблеми з якими зіштовхуються громадські організації»


– Емілі Нелл, директорка проєкту «Children's resilience»;
– Кетрін Ліч, проєктна менеджерка проєкту «Children's resilience»;
– Тетяна Коротченко, регіональна директорка Crown Agents в Україні (онлайн);
– Анастасія Довбня, проєктна менеджерка БФ «Save Ukraine»;
– Владислава Пунік, керівник комунікаційного відділу ГО #stop_sexтинг;
– Ольга Глюза, керівниця напрямку ʼдопомога дітямʼ БФ «Future for Ukraine»

Теми для обговорення:
– Успіхи та проблеми, з якими зіштовхуються ГО в Україні. Виклики при залученні державної підтримки;
– Яким чином проєкт «Children's resilience» допомагає ГО у розвитку спроможностей;
— Як війна вплинула на стан дітей з розладами спектру аутизму;
– Як повертати депортованих та насильно переміщених дітей додому, які механізми для цього вже зроблені і які ще треба активувати?
– Запуск нової інформаційної кампанії Stop Sexting, мета якої – допомогти батькам навчити дітей правилам безпеки в мережі;

Чому це цікаво?
Ukraine Children's Resilience Fund працює задля допомоги та захисту дітей від війни, також надає підтримку громадським організаціям, які працюють у різних напрямках щодо покращення життя дітей.

Так, у ході брифінгу представники громадських організацій «Stop sexting», «Save Ukraine», «Future for Ukraine» поділяться успіхами та викликами, з якими вони зіштовхувались в ході реалізації проєктів, а також рішеннями, які вони знаходили.

Форма для реєстрації:

🔔🔔🔔 Briefing Alert

Live in 30 minutes: Briefing entitled “The need for consistent aid and support for children in Ukraine. Achievements and challenges encountered by NGOs”


– Emily Nell, Project Manager for “Children's Resilience”;
– Kathryn Leach, Project manager of the "Children's resilience" project;
– Tetiana Korotchenko, Country Director at Crown Agents Ukraine (online);
– Anastasiia Dovbnia, Project Manager of CF “Save Ukraine”;
– Vladislava Punik, Head of the communications department of the NGO #stop_sexting;
– Olha Glyuza, head of the`help for children' department of CF Future for Ukraine;

Topics of focus:
– Achievements and problems encountered by NGOs in Ukraine. Challenges in attracting state support;
– How the "Children's resilience" project helps NGOs with capacity building;
— How the war affected the condition of children with autism spectrum disorders;
– How to return deported and forcibly displaced children home, which mechanisms have already been developed for this and which still need to be activated?
– Launch of a new awareness raising campaign “Stop Sexting” to help parents teach their children the rules of online safety;

Why this is interesting:
Ukraine Children's Resilience Fund works to help and protect children from war as well as to provide support to NGOs working in various directions to improve children's lives.
During the briefing, representatives of Stop Sexting, Save Ukraine, Future for Ukraine NGOs will speak of the successes and challenges they encountered when implementing the projects, as well as share the solutions they found.

Registration form:

In English:

1️⃣ 11:00 AM – a round table discussion entitled "Safety against violence in the digital space is the way to the EU"


– Milena Goryachkovska, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Project Coordinator;
– Viktoriia Ahapova, analyst, Deputy Project Manager for Reform Index;
– Yevhenii Panchenko, Head of the Cyber Police Department;
– Anastasiya Dyakova, Founder of the educational project #stop_sexting (online);
– Myroslava Markova, VoxCheck Senior Analyst;
– Marta Martsinko, Program Coordinator at JurFem (online);
– Iryna Popika, lawyer;
– Yulia Dmytruk, lawyer, La Strada-Ukraine;

Topics of focus:
– How widespread is cyberviolence in Ukraine?
– How is the issue of online violence related to gender policy?
– How to record such offenses and collect data about them?
– What steps should Ukraine take to enhance internet security, considering its path towards European integration?

Why this is interesting:
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, people's online presence has grown exponentially. Thus, it is at this time that the problem of digital violence has become more widespread. Children and women are the primary victims of such violence.
Ukraine wasn’t left unaffected by these processes either. According to the National Children and Youth Hot Line of the La Strada-Ukraine NGO, one third of the appeals they received were related to cyberbullying. Additionally, electronic means of communication were involved in over 18% of bullying-related court cases.
While the EU countries have begun developing institutional mechanisms for the protection of vulnerable groups of the population from online violence as well as ways to punish perpetrators, Ukraine’s legal framework, preventive measures and mechanisms for collection of information are not sufficiently developed.
Registration form:

2️⃣ 2:00 PM – Official presentation of the memo for law enforcement officers and judges on effective investigation and trial of cases involving conflict-related sexual violence


– Svitlana Yakovleva, Judge of the Criminal Cassation Court within the Supreme Court;
– Sergiy Nizhynskyi, PhD in Law, Senior Legal Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Social Policy for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Advisor to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights;
– Angela Stryzhevska, PhD in Law, Head of the Criminal Policy and Criminal Law Department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
– Nataliia Akhtyrska, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminology at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
– Ievgeniia Lukianchenko, UN Women Consultant on Gender Equality to the Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration;
– Oleksandr Osipov, Acting Director of the Department for Monitoring of Observance of Equal Rights and Freedoms, Rights of National Minorities, Political and Religious Beliefs of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights;
– Tamara Zakrevska, Deputy Head of the Department of Trainers (Teachers) of the National School of Judges of Ukraine

All in person

Topics of focus:
– Who is the Memo for?
– How will the Memo help in the work of law enforcement officers and judges during investigation and trial of cases involving conflict-related sexual violence?
– Who else can use this Memo?

For reference:
The Memo was developed by the scientific and expert community with the support of the Office of the Vice-Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olha Stefanishyna, and the UNFPA.

Registration form:

📌 Important Notice! Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform functions as a co-working space! We’re waiting for you!

📞 +38 091 481 00 04

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🔔🔔🔔 Інформація про брифінг

За 30 хвилин: Круглий стіл: «Безпека від насильства у цифровому просторі – це шлях до ЄС»


– Мілена Горячковська, координаторка проєктів, Український Жіночий Фонд;
– Вікторія Агапова, аналітикиня, заступниця керівниці проєкту «Індекс реформ»;
– Євгеній Панченко, Начальник управління Департаменту кіберполіції;
– Анастасія Дьякова, засновниця проєкту #stop_sexтинг (онлайн);
– Мирослава Маркова, старша аналітикиня VoxCheck;
– Марта Марцінко, координаторка програм ЮрФем (онлайн);
– Ірина Попіка, адвокат;
– Юлія Дмитрук, юристка «Ла-Страда»;

Теми для обговорення:
– Яка розповсюдженість кібернасильства в Україні?
– Як співвідноситься проблематика онлайн-насильства з гендерною політикою?
– Як фіксувати подібні правопорушення та збирати дані про них?
– Які кроки має зробити Україна на шляху до безпеки в інтернеті із урахуванням євроінтеграції?

🔔🔔🔔 Briefing Alert

Live in 30 minutes: a round table discussion entitled "Safety against violence in the digital space is the way to the EU"


– Milena Goryachkovska, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Project Coordinator;
– Viktoriia Ahapova, analyst, Deputy Project Manager for Reform Index;
– Yevhenii Panchenko, Head of the Cyber Police Department;
– Anastasiya Dyakova, Founder of the educational project #stop_sexting (online);
– Myroslava Markova, VoxCheck Senior Analyst;
– Marta Martsinko, Program Coordinator at JurFem (online);
– Iryna Popika, lawyer;
– Yulia Dmytruk, lawyer, La Strada-Ukraine;

Topics of focus:
– How widespread is cyberviolence in Ukraine?
– How is the issue of online violence related to gender policy?
– How to record such offenses and collect data about them?
– What steps should Ukraine take to enhance internet security, considering its path towards European integration?

In English: