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Unless of course you're Keir Starmer, in which case your goal is to decimate free speech. Do not let that happen. #defendfreespeech #inalienablerights #wethepeople #powerresideswiththepeople
Starmer is referring to the 14 years of Conservative government 'chaos' which is mentioned more than 30 times in the Labour manifesto. Mmm.... Breaking the 'cycle' not going so well for you at the moment is it hey?
Our latest post on X.

Clearly your words @Keir_Starmer
mean nothing. How could they when they are diametrically opposed to the real agenda. What is the "shared mission"? #thehiddenhand #listentothepeople #nodivision #selfdetermination #individualrights #selfgovernance #individualsovereignty
When asked “Davos or Westminster” @keirstarmer chose Davos - he serves his WEF masters not the people. #lies #nodigitalid #nofacialrecognition #selfdetermination #selfgovernance #livefree

Just who would want to drink their morning coffee from this particular mug?
Last time, Tedros ignored the “experts” (to be announced prior to Wednesday’s Emergency Committee meeting) & called a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) anyway. Don’t entertain the circus. #exitthewho #binthewho #moneypoxnotmonkeypox #bodilyautonomy #inalienablerights
Could Mpox Be The Next Public Health Emergency Of International Concern?

If so, and should it result in an emergency declaration in the UK, then “NO” is going to become a very important word!
Important Information regarding the UN Summit of the Future

We have spent a little time reviewing the work we did previously on the UN “Summit of the Future”, which begins next month.

The intention is to sign 3 documents at the Summit:

1. Pact for the Future
2. Declaration on Future Generations
3. Global Digital Compact

The second document, “Declaration on Future Generations”, includes the following text at Clause 32:
“Strengthen cooperation among States to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration between countries of origin, transit and destination, including through expanding pathways for regular migration, while recognizing the positive contribution of migrants to inclusive growth and sustainable development”

This would appear to be in direct conflict with the Labour Manifesto (though there is no legal obligation to carry out “promises” in the manifesto) and the Labour Rule Book 2024. Reference to this will be included in our MP letter we are currently drafting.

There is lots more to share on the Summit of the Future but, for now, the Declaration on Future Generations should be one of our main concerns because yesterday (13th August 2024) the Permanent Representatives to the UN of the Netherlands and Jamaica issued a letter sharing the 3rd version of the Declaration on Future Generations and placed it under “silence procedure until 4:00pm EDT on Friday, 16th August 2024”.

Through our initial research “silent procedure” was brought in during COVID. The step by step process provided for COVID states at point 3:

“If there are no objections within the specified time period, the President of the General Assembly will circulate a letter confirming adoption.”

Whilst this is obviously not good news, we must remember that international “law” binds countries not people so anything adopted at the Summit of the Future would have to be incorporated into domestic law. That said, we all need to push back on this now.

Write to your MP today on the specific clause mentioned above. You could also write to the two permanent representatives (Jamaica and Netherlands) who sent the letter:
(Ms Yanique DaCosta)

(Mr Rogelio Voges)

If you wants t read more about The Summit of the Future here is the link:

And here is a document we drafted last year on the subject:
Letter 27 - Keir Starmer and the Labour Party.docx
21.3 KB
Letter 27 - Keir Starmer and the Labour Party

Possibly the most important letter you will write to your MP. But don't stop there, copy in your local councillor, local press (legacy and alternative) and share with your family and friends. What is happening to our country is not right - we need to make our voices heard.
Forwarded from Lawyers of Light
This will sign a death warrant for the most vulnerable of our elderly

Here's the legislation

Please ask your MP to strongly oppose it. As far as I can see, recess ends 1st September but then starts again on 13th for conference purposes. Not much time for a debate then, and you will note from the attached that this has been brought in yet again by statutory instrument
“No” to censorship. “No” to CBDC. “No” to facial recognition. “No” to surveillance. “No” to net zero. “No” to the WHO. “No” to tyranny. #selfdetermination #sovereignty