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مجموعه توییت‌ها و کامنت‌های گردآوری‌شده برای رساندن صدای انقلاب ایران به گوش جهانیان

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تقاضای ساسپندشدن اکانت‌هایی که هشتگ "اعدام_کنید" را ترند می‌کنند از توییتر

ارزشی‌ها طی یک اقدام هوشمندانه(!) دارن هشتگ "اعدام_کنید" رو ترند می‌کنن که دقیقا برخلاف قوانین توییتره و بهترین فرصت برای گزارش به توییتر و ساسپند شدن اکانت‌هاشون هست.

متن‌های زیر برای توییت جلوگیری از ترندینگ هشتگ "اعدام_کنید" ارزشی‌ها پیشنهاد می‌شه. مطمئن شید اکانت زیر تگ شده و هشتگ رو دستی تایپ کنید.

Hi @TwitterSupport
A hashtag is trending by the IRGC accounts that calls on the IR govt to execute the iranian protesters. This is a direct violation of Twitter policies and needs to stop immediately. The hashtag text is in Farsi ( اعدام_کنید ) And means "Execute".


Hello @TwitterSupport
Mercenaries of the terrorist Islamic Republic are trending the hashtag "Execute" with the following Farsi text:
Please permanently suspend accounts that use this hashtag for violating Twitter rules.
Thank you.

توییت برای مریوان

Following the killing of Neszin Qadri by the Islamic Republic of Iran, people rose up in #Marivan and the oppressors shot them.

Security forces convoy sent from Saqqez to #Marivan to suppress demonstrations.

Stronger protests in Nasrin Qadri's hometown of #Marivan city followed her murder by security forces in Tehran.

A war has raged between revolutionary youth & Khamenei’s repressive forces in the streets of #Marivan after regime killed one of us Nasrin Ghaderi yesterday.

* هشتگ‌ها به صورت دستی وارد شود.

🔘 متن توییت و کامنت پیشنهادی برای زینب نصیری:

Zeynab Nasiri, a student of sociology at University of Isfahan was arrested on Oct. 2nd & was transferred to Dowlatabad prison, even after 32 days of detention, there is no information about this student's condition or her case.

This lady, #Zeynab_Nasiri was arrested by the Islamic Republic security forces more than 32 days ago; she is in the Dowlatabad prison in Isfahan right now, but there is no update about her condition. @UN

* هشتگ‌ها به صورت دستی وارد شود.

تلگراف این متون
Forwarded from Raindrops.
متن توییت برای الهام افکاری، خواهر نوید افکاری

The Islamic Republic's security forces have arrested Elham Afkari, sister of Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari who was executed in 2020, as well as her husband and three y/o daughter. IRGC affiliated media r falsely claiming that she was "an agent of @IranIntl in Iran".

Iranian Islamic regime arrests Elham Afkari, the sister of Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari who was executed by the twinge. They also arrested her husband and her three y/o daughter Liana. The regime claims Elham was arrested for her journalism work with @IranIntl

IR regime’s security forces arrested Elham Afkari, sister of Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari who was executed in 2020, as well as her husband and their three y/o child. Their lives r at serious danger & we demand urgent media coverage.

Elham Afkari, Navid Afkari’s sister, was arrested. Her husband was arrested too. There’s no news of their three y/o daughter Liana. Elham & Navid’s brother stated the place of her arrest in Shiraz. IRGC media claim she was arrested by agents while fleeing the border.

Elham Afkari, NavidAfkari sister, is now arrested, and there is no signs of her three y/o daughter, Liana, who was with her at the time of arrest. There are legitimate fears that three yo Liana has been detained too by the Islamic Republic forces in Iran.

Iran's Intelligence Ministry today arrested Elham Afkari accusing her of being an "agent" of @IranIntl TV. Regime has also detained Elham’s husband and three year old daughter.

هشتگ #مهسا_امینی رو خودتون دستی تایپ کنید

برای افرادی که نمیدونن: الهام افکاری، خواهر نوید افکاری و همسرش در شیراز دستگیر شدن و از دختر سه سالشون لیانا که همراهشون بوده خبری نیست.
متن‌های پیشنهادی برای توییت و کامنت:
(توجه کنید بعضی از هشتگ‌های به کار برده شده مختص توییتر است).

@ChrisEvans couldn’t you find an actual Iranian people’s voice to talk to instead of this NIACi apologists who their job is to lobby tor IRI and falsifying the truth? Shame on you.

What you're about to do is literally stealing Iranians voice by giving a tribune to a NIAC supporter. They've been a huge part of Islamic regime's propaganda for years and don't have a good reputation between us. We had enough of them

Here is a #NoNIAC to look up. Still hard to believe you didn't know before arranging this. What did we ever do to you Chris to deserve this?!

Another NIAC agent given legitimacy by a celebrity to silence the Iranians’ voices. not worth correcting anymore, cuz it seems the west doesn’t want to understand NIAC lobbies for Islamic Republic.
@ChrisEvans hopefully you’ll reconsider.

@ChrisEvans this woman is NOT the voice of Iranian women and people of Iran. If you want to check for yourself, please go ahead and talk to one of your colleagues, @NazaninBoniadi or @AlinejadMasih

@ChrisEvans Caroline doesn’t represent iranian people. She is part of NIAC cult working against the truth!please consider talking to @NazaninBoniadi or @NazaninNour or @AlinejadMasih

As an Iranian woman I don't think that @CaroMT is the best choice for this. she has some very questionable relationships with Islamic Republic's apologists. There's a real chance she'll stole Iranian's voice.

Please if you wanna hear the true voice of Iranian women invite @AlinejadMasih or @NazaninBoniadi

This journalist is no representer of Iranian nation but a NAIC member, a pro-regime organization who take interest in Iranian regime's international economic network. Iran regime support this group so they can modify the international media and visibility as they wish to show

‼️As an Iranian, I must say that @CaroMT  does not represent the voice of Iranians!!! Please invite people who are accepted by our society #NONIAC

We are so happy to hear about you having a chat about the protests in Iran. We appreciate that, but unfortunately your guest “Carolina Modarressy” is related to NIAC with a proved history of supporting the regime and standing with them against Iranian’s true will. Pls reconsider.

تگ‌های اینستا:

تگ‌های توییتر:
Forwarded from برای ایران
🔘شرکت «ابر آروان» پس از اخراج‌ و تحریم شدن توسط اتحادیه اروپا به دلیل نقض قوانین حقوق بشر و کمک به فیلترینگ در جهت سرکوب معترضین به دنبال جایگزین کردن سرور های خارجی خود در امارات است.

☑️ حالا ما باید برای مقابله با این کار چیکار کنیم؟

• یکی از دو متن زیر رو همراه با حساب‌های کابری که باید تگ کنید توییت بزنید‌:
'' انگلیسی''

"Arvan Cloud" company is looking to replace its foreign servers in the United Arab Emirates after being expelled and sanctioned by the European Union for violating human rights laws and helping filtering to suppress protesters.
We, the people of Iran, request the United Arab Emirates to take a step towards freedom of information and respect for human rights by expelling this company.


‌‌‌‌‎تريد abr arvan تسجيل شركة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
قبل ذلك ، تم معاقبة هذه الشركة في ألمانيا وهولندا بسبب انتهاك قوانين حقوق الإنسان ، وبعد ذلك خططت لتسجيل شركة في جورجيا ، وهو ما لم يتم قبوله
نطلب من الإمارات العربية المتحدة عدم المساعدة في تصفية وانتهاك حقوق الإنسان في إيران.

• حساب‌های کاربری که باید با متن‌های بالا تگ کنید:


✧ متن‌های بالا رو هم می‌تونید زیر این توییت منشن کنید:
👁‍🗨توییت مورد نظر.
• متن‌های بیشتری با این موضوع رو زیر همین توییت میتونید پیدا کنید.
از این تصویر هم می‌تونید استفاده کنید.
🔴 هشدار
وضعیت مهاباد بسیار خطرناکه پس توییت زدن درباره‌ی مهاباد رو کاملاً جدی بگیرید.

• سعی کنید از عکس استفاده کنید یا زیر توییت‌های با ویدئو متن بنویسید.
(نمونه ویدیو در انتهای همین پیام)

• هشتگ فارسی #مهاباد ترند است، همراه متن انگلیسی استفاده کنید.

• سازمان‌های حقوق بشری، خبرنگاران و خبرگزاری‌ها رو تگ کنید.

متن توییت پیشنهادی وضعیت مهاباد:

People of ‌#Mahabad⁩, Iran are under IRGC’s attack with heavy artillery. They are shooting at residential houses of innocent weaponless people. They have cut off water, electricity and internet connection. This could result in an unforgivable genocide of Kurds! Be their voice!

We ask all the cities around Mahabad to come to the streets so that the pressure can be removed from the people of Mahabad.

According to the reports the forces of the Islamic Republic attacked the people a few minutes after the electricity was cut off in the south of the city of Mahabad, which was in the hands of the protesters. At present, the sound of shooting can be heard all over the city and the reports indicate that a number of citizens have been injured.

The sound of volleys in Mahabad, at the same time as lightning strikes in parts of the city. It's reported that a large armed force has marched to Mahabad. The situation has become extremely worrying in Mahabad.

The situation in Mahabad is reported to be completely warlike. Half of the city's electricity has been cut off continuous shooting is going on in all the streets.

The Revolutionary Guards have committed mass murder in Mahabad. The electricity is cut off in parts of the city and the sound of the barrage does not stop for a moment. It's reported that they marched to Tushtep area with bullets and war weapons.

A significant number of troops have been sent to Mahabad from Hamza Urmia camp with combat weapons and semi-heavy weapons. In the second part, the image of their heavy shooting can be heard in the residential areas of Mahabad.

Repressive forces of the Islamic Republic attacked Mahabad with heavy military equipment. There is a sound of gunfire throughout the city.

We ask all the cities around Mahabad to come to the streets so that the pressure can be removed from the people of Mahabad.

The situation in Mahabad is war, they are cutting off the city's electricity, they are shooting, let us be the voice of Mahabad.

People of ‌#Mahabad⁩, Iran are under IRGC’s attack with heavy artillery. They are shooting at residential houses of innocent weaponless people. They have cut off electricity and water. Tonight a mass murder could happen. Be their voice!

A significant number of troops have been sent to ‌ #Mahabad⁩ from Hamza Urmia camp with combat weapons and semi-heavy weapons.the image of their heavy shooting can be heard in the
‎residential areas of Mahabad.
‎‌#مهسا_امینی⁩ ‎‌#MahsaAmini⁩

Las fuerzas represivas de la República Islámica atacaron #Mahabad con equipo militar pesado. Hay un sonido de disparos en toda la ciudad. Noticias no confirmadas indican que un manifestante murió y decenas de personas resultaron heridas

Die Stadt ‌ #Mahabad⁩ wird mit schwerer Artillerie angegriffen und das IRGC schießt auf die Häuser unschuldiger Menschen! Die Islamische Republik schlachtet unschuldige Menschen ab! Seien Sie die Stimme der Menschen in Mahabad! ‌ #MahsaAmini⁩ ‌ #IranRevolution⁩

Menschen aus ‌#Mahabad, Iran, werden vom IRGC mit schwerer Artillerie angegriffen. Sie schießen auf Wohnhäuser unschuldiger waffenloser Menschen. Sie haben Wasser, Strom und Internetverbindung abgestellt. Dies könnte zu einem unverzeihlichen Völkermord an Kurden führen! Sei ihre Stimme!


لینک توییت‌های ویدئو:
Forwarded from False alarm.
📌[متن توییت برای جوانرود.]

– IRGCterrorists opened fire on unarmed people in the city of Javanrud and killed a number of women and children. Why has the world closed its eyes on the crime of the Mullah regime?

– The Islamic Republic team does not represent the people of Iran
Now the regime is killing the people of iran with Kalashnikovs and Doshkas in the cities of Mahabad and Javanrud
England football‌.

– Crisis in Javanrud in Iran’s Kermanshah province. An ambulance carrying injured people to a hospital. People rushing to the hospital to donate blood. Help Javanrud.

– Islamic Republic is commiting a big crime in Javanrud
Hear us!!!
This is a genocide!!!

– The terrorist regime of Iran is slaughtering unarmed Kurdish civilians.

– Unarmed and innocent people are killed in Piranshahr and Javanrud cities by the direct shooting of IRGC forces! This is a real "WorldCup2022" where the Iranian people are playing with their life to take back their country from the Islamic republic devils!

– Words can’t describe the brutality of the terrorist regime of Iran against unarmed innocent people of Javanrud. A lot of people have been killed and injured by IRGC.

– Mass shooting in Javanrood in Kordistan region right now. Many peaple killed.

– FIFAWorldCup is currently happening in my country where the IRGC forces are killing innocent people by direct shooting only because of chanting " Woman Life Freedom"!

– Please watch this and follow the #جوانرود hashtag. The unarmed people are under heavy fire.
There's no exact number of casualties but based on the multiple videos there are too many.
The person in this video said: "They opened fire with The DShK ."
Be our voices to the world.

– Nov twenty one , twenty twenty two: Javanrud,(Kermanshah province) is under attack! It's the sixty sixth day of IranRevoIution & The IRGC Terrorists are slaughtering innocent unarmed people by direct shooting of live ammo!

– The Islamic Republic  opened fire on unarmed people in the city of Javanrud and killed a number of women and children.

– The Islamic Republic of Iran is using war bullets against protesters in Javanrud, be the voice of Javanrud!

– Protesters who came to the street in ‌ Javanroud⁩ today are being killed one after another by the repressive agents of the Islamic Republic, let us be their voice.

– Dozen people are shot dead in Javanrud. war crimes against humanity are happening right now. They butchered people, who don't have any weapons.
Help to stop the bloodshed!

– "The islamic republic are firing DShK at people. Syria war wasn't this bad." Iran regime is killing unarmed protesters in Kurdish city of Javanrud, Nov twenty one. IRGC used same weapon in the bloody Nov twenty nineteen crackdown when hundreds were killed.

– Here is not Yemen or Syria
This Javanrud, Nov twenty one, twenty twenty two. The people who are standing with stones against  DSHK Heavy Machine Gun firing.Khamenei's criminals IRGC have committed the massacre of people.

– A terrible massacre is going on in Iran right now
This is Javanroud, a small town in Iran's Kurdistan, where the Revolutionary Guards Corps has attacked the protesters with automatic and heavy weapons.

– The Islamic Republic has bombarded Joanrud.. The Islamic Republic is a collapsed state in international law and the international community must take immediate practical action to stop the killing in Kurdistan.

– The Islamic Republic is massacring the people of the city of Javanrud.
A Kurdish city in Iran.

– Nov twenty; Day sixty five:
Javanrud is a war zone! The city is under heavy gun fire by the regime's oppressive forces.Reportedly at least two unarmed civilians have been killed & forty severely wounded!"Mahabad is not alone, it has Javanrud's support"

– A massacre is happening & we can’t be silence about it!The IRGC is killing unarmed innocent civilians!
ادامه توییت.
هشتگ: #جوانرود | #مهسا_امینی
Forwarded from 176.
همزمان با جام جهانی قطر، خیلی بهتره که متن‌های انگلیسی در مورد دستگیری #وریا_غفوری بنویسیم .

#VoriaGhafouri, Iranian footballer and former national team member was kidnapped by the Islamic Republic. Voria was the voice of Iranian protestors and was never supported by the Iranian team players.

#VoriaGhafouri, a Kurdish Iranian soccer player, was arrested today because of criticizing the Islamic republic football team.
(This is an obvious example of the regime's capacity for hearing the people’s voice)

islamic repoblic arrested Voria Ghafouri, a prominent soccer player and former national team member. In the past few months, Voria publicly supported the protesters and visited families of victims in Mahabad. #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #وریا_غفوری #IranRevolution2022

#VoriaGhafouri, popular soccer player has been arrested by Iranian security forces. #MahsaAmini

#VoriaGhafouri an Iranian soccer player and activist, was kidnapped by the Islamic regime security force.
Be his voice.

#وریا_غفوری #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini

Islamic Repoblic arrested one the most popular football player in Iran, #VoriaGhafouri. He is supporter of protesters. He was the captain of my team @fcesteghlaliran club. As a fan of Esteghlal Club, he is still the captain of my team.
Un capitano c'e SOLO un capitano .

Iranian Security Forces have arrested popular Kurdish football player #VoriaGhafouri on charges of "insulting&undermining the Iranian national football team&propaganda against the IRI."Ghafouri has been vocal in his support of demonstrators,particularly those from Kurdish regions.

At the same time as #Qatar2022    is taking place, security forces in Iran are kidnapping football players.
Today, #VoriaGhafouri, an Iranian football player and activist, was kidnapped by IR security forces.

#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #وریا_غفوری

Islamic Regime arrested #VoriaGhafouri because he supported the Iranian protesters. They are accusing him of “insulting the national team” and “propaganda against the regime”! And yet some of the UN reps at #SS35 are suggesting to have “constructive dialogue with the regime”!

هشتگ‌ها - #VoriaGhaouri #Qatar2022 #MahsaAmini - #مهسا_امینی #وریا_غفوری
روش درست هشتگ‌نویسی به انگلیسی:

دوستان توجه کنید توییت به زبان انگلیسی بسیار مهم‌تر از توییت به زبان فارسی هست. چون:
۱_ زبان انگلیسی زبان نشر اطلاعات در جهان هست.
۲_ جامعه‌ی هدف ما برای اطلاع‌رسانی، غیر فارسی‌زبان‌ها هستن؛ چون فارسی‌زبانان این رژیم دژخیم رو می‌شناسن و با جنایاتش آشنا هستند. هدف ما پرده‌برداری از چهره‌ی واقعی این رژیم و دادخواهی در جامعه‌ی جهانی است.

اما برای هشتگ به انگلیسی برخلاف فارسی که بین نام و نام خانوادگی آندرلاین(_) می‌آید (مثل #مهسا_امینیبرای نوشتن هشتگ انگلیسی هیچ آندرلاینی به کار نمی‌بریم و برای تمایز بین کلمات هشتگ از حروف بزرگ استفاده می‌کنیم.

در واقع حروف اول اسم و فامیلی و هر کلمه‌ دیگری در هشتگ انگلیسی باید بزرگ باشد.
بدین صورت:



توجه کنید شاید هشتگ‌ها به شکل اشتباه موجود باشند (به خاطر ناآگاهی کاربران یا اهداف سو سایبری‌ها) اما طریقه‌ی درست هشتگ‌نویسی به انگلیسی این گونه است.

هشتگ‌ها وقتی به رنگ آبی دربیایند، یعنی محسوب شده‌اند‌. پس بهتر است بعد از کپی‌کردن متن‌ها، هشتگ‌ها به صورت دستی وارد شود.
🔴 توییت بزنید:

کارزار دعوت به اتحاد

🔻 متن زیر را توییت کرده و توییت‌های با این متن را ریتویت کنید:

‏از شما تقاضا داریم، در این بزنگاه تاریخی که ایرانیان به خروش آمده‌اند، دست به دست هم داده و با ‌#اتحاد⁩ فراگیر جانی تازه به #زن_زندگی_آزادی⁩ دهید.

🔻 ری‌توییت کنید.
Forwarded from طنین
علاوه بر توییت توی اینستا هم کامنت بذاریم؟

متن کامنت:
از شما تقاضا داریم در این بزنگاه تاریخی با خروش ایرانیان، دست به دست هم داده و با ‌#اتحاد⁩ فراگیر جانی تازه به ‌#زن_زندگی_آزادی⁩ دهید.

آیدی پیج این افراد در اینستاگرام:
🟢 توییت بزنید و کامنت بگذارید:

این‌بار به نشانه همبستگی با آینده جنبش ایران و ائتلاف صورت گرفته توییت می‌زنیم.

به نام زن زندگی آزادی
این پیام همبستگی ما ایرانیان است. امروز ما از هر قوم و مذهب و با هر عقیده و گرایش، متحد در کنار یکدیگر و در مقابل جمهوری اسلامی ایستاده‌ایم و تا سرنگونی این رژیم از پای نخواهیم نشست.

In the name of Woman Life Freedom.
This is a solidarity message of Iranians. Today we stand together against the Islamic Republic, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, and ideology. As long as this regime exists, we will not give up the fight.

• تگ‌های توییتر:

‏ @PahlaviReza
‏ @NazaninBoniadi
‏ @AlinejadMasih
‏ @esmaeilion
‏ @ShirinEbadi6
‏ @AbdullahMohtadi
‏ @Golshifteh
‏ @alikarimi_ak8
Forwarded from طنین
مثل دفعه‌ی قبل، علاوه بر توییت، توی اینستا هم کامنت بذاریم؟

متن کامنت:
به نام زن زندگی آزادی
این پیام همبستگی ما ایرانیان است. امروز ما از هر قوم و مذهب و با هر عقیده و گرایش، متحد در کنار یکدیگر و در مقابل جمهوری اسلامی ایستاده ایم و تا سرنگونی این رژیم از پای نخواهیم نشست.

In the name of Woman Life Freedom.
This is a solidarity message of Iranians. Today we stand together against the Islamic Republic, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, and ideology. As long as this regime exists, we will not give up the fight.

آیدی پیج این افراد در اینستاگرام:
‏روز جمعه با حضور وحید بهشتی⁩ و در کنار آرش همپای عزیز، اسپیس و طوفان توئیتری خواهیم داشت در حمایت از اعتصاب غذای وحید و درخواست از سیاستمداران بریتانیا برای قراردادن سپاه در لیست تروریستی.

‏⁦ #IRGCterrorists
‏⁧ #مهسا_امینی

🔗 Retweet 1
🔗 Retweet 2
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To support Vahid Beheshti on his Hunger Strike to label IRGC as a terrorists organization in the UK, please join the Twitter space and tweet storm. The information is available in the flyer.

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لطفا توییت بزنید

‏جمهوری اسلامی میخواهد دو هموطنمان ⁧ #یوسف_مهراد⁩ و ⁧ #صدرالله_فاضلی‌زارع⁩ صبح فردا رو نبینند.
‏خواهرشان از ما درخواست کرده قبل اذان مرگ روبروی زندان اراک باشیم.
‏⁧ #مهسا_امینی⁩
«اگر قرار است ما توسط یک رژیم تروریستی ربوده شویم، شکنجه شویم و به قتل برسیم و دولت های دموکراتیک ما هنوز هیچ کاری در مورد آن انجام نمی دهند، ما باید خودمان از هموطنانمان دفاع کنیم»

‏سازمان عفو بین الملل آلمان ⁦ @amnesty_de⁩ برای نجات جان ⁧ #جمشید_شارمهد⁩ که در خطر اعدام است، درخواست یک طوفان تویئتری کرده برای امروز جمعه ساعت ۱۴:۳۰ بوقت ایران.

‏هدفشون فشار آوردن به دولت آلمان بخصوص وزیر امورخارجه ⁦ @ABaerbock⁩ برای اقدام فوریست.

‏لطفا مشارکت کنید و انتشار بدید 🙏🏼


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اکشن مرحله سوم:

‏در واکنش به خبرهایی مبنی بر احتمال آزادسازی پولهای بلوکه شده ایران به جمهوری اسلامی و تداوم مذاکرات به این توفان توییتری بپیوندید.

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‏Please join us in a Twitter storm as we raise our voices together, expressing our strong opposition to the potential release of funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the ongoing negotiations.

‏We start this twitter storm on Friday June 2nd at 12 pm EST.
‏⁧ #مهسا_امینی
‏⁦ #NoDealwithIR
Media is too big
📣 فراخوان اعتصابات سراسری ۲۰، ۲۱ و ۲۲ شهریور

‏این فراخوانیست از مردم داخل ایران، برای ایران. مردمی که ذلت نمی‌پذیرند و خوب می‌دانند این حقشان نیست.

‏یاری‌رسانشان در پخش و نشر آن باشیم.
‏⁧ #سالگرد_مهسا
‏⁧ #اعتصابات_سراسری
‏⁧ #مهسا_امینی

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Calling for nationwide strikes on September, 11, 12 and 13
This is a call from the people inside Iran, for Iran.

Action For Iran
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