Tsegaye R Ararssa
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Executed by #AbiyAhmed’s soldiers
This is Galaasaa Jifar, publicly executed by #AbiyAhmed in a market place around Ambo. Arbitrary execution of young people in order to terrorise the public (suspected of supporting OLA) continues.
There is no such thing as transitional justice without (or before) transition. The talk (by #AbiyAhmed’s regime) about transitional justice while in the midst of protracted genocidal wars is an attempt to preempt transition and to obscure justice.
#Abiy vs #Fanno???
As far as the Oromo and the other peoples (including Tigray) are concerned, there is no difference between #AbiyAhmed’s regime and the armed bandits in the ANRS such as the self-styled #Fanno. They are both terrorists implementing the same genocidal project while, in the meantime, vying for supremacy at the helm of power. Seen from the receiving end, their fight is merely a temporary confrontation between two terrorisms: one State and the other, non-state. #Abiy’s terrorism is as centralising and repressive as #Fanno’s terrorism is expansionistic and chauvinistic. The genocidal streak in both is palpable. It was no accident that the two campaigned together in all of their genocidal campaigns of the last three or four years (in Tigray, Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz, Wallo, etc).

When #TDF frustrated, and eventually forced #Abiy into the (Pretoria) cease fire, the ANRS hardliners (fell behind the #Fanno) to demonstrate that, because they are more committed to continue the war, they were the more competent ones to complete Ethiopia’s multiple extermination campaigns especially the ones in Tigray and Oromia.

The struggle between the two is a competition about who is the more brutal and the more ruthlessly efficient genocidaire. It’s a competition between those terrorists who have achieved (and want to keep) state power and those who aspire to it. That’s why #Fanno’s mantra has been to capture አራት ኪሎ ( in xx hours or Ty days).

The question for us is not which one to favour; it is rather how, in the event that their conflict continues to escalate, we can push them both to their inevitable demise.

No, there is nothing to choose—for they are the same, cut as they are from the same tree!

#Wallagga is subjected to starvation and epidemic disease because of #AbiyAhmed’s regime’s acts of commission (war, displacement, siege, etc) and omission (deliberate abdication of responsibility to provide for necessary social [health] and economic [fertilizers, loans, and infrastructure] services). It’s part of PP’s tactic of starving the people so they stop sympathising with WBO/ABO. It is part of the scheme to ”dry the pond in order to kill the fish.”

Totally unforgivable!

In the meantime, if you want to show some gestures of solidarity with our suffering compatriots, you can support them at:

www.jirraa.org .
Eeyyen, #Abiy fi sirni bulchiinsa isaa faashistii dha. Deeggartoonni isaatis kan deeggaraa jiran warra hojii fi yakka "motummaa" faashistii irraa bu'aa argatanii dha. Walumaan itti gaafatamu. #Abiyyin_badii_irraa_hin_oolchinu!

አዎ፣ #አብይም ሆነ ብልጥግና ያደራጀው የአስተዳደር ሥርዓት፣ ፋሽስት ነው። ደጋፊዎቹም እየደገፉ ያሉት፣ የአብይንና የእርሱን ፋሽስታዊ "መንግሥት" ሥራና የወንጀል ተግባር ጭምር ነው--በዚህ አትራፊዎች ናቸውና።
#አብያችሁን_በሰላም_ድርድር_ሥም_አናስጥለውም_አንከላከልለትም! #ብልጥግና_ኦሕዴድ_ብሎ_ወንድም_የለንም!

Yes, #AbiyAhmed is a fascist. So is his Prosperity Party. So is the "Government" he presides over. Anyone supporting him is supporting his fascism and implicating themselves in his crimes (genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, sexual violence, torture, and countless others). Everyone supporting him do so because they are profiting from his genocidal wars and other crimes.
#Yes_Abiy_is_a_fascist! #His_supporters_too! #No_we_will_not_save_fascists!
#AbiyAhmed’s Ethiopian army is a genocidal force, so far exclusively fighting against its own population. Even the UN ejected it from its peacekeeping missions everywhere on this account. Its commanders are all war criminals.
የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል በትግራይና በተጋሩ ላይ--የ NLI ዘገባና አንድምታው (Random Notes)
በትግራይ ጦርነት ወቅት: በዘር ማጥፋት ዘመቻ ተሰማርተው የነበሩ: ያስተባበሩ: ያሴሩ: የረዱ: የቀሰቀሱ: በተጨባጭም በአካል ተገኝተው የፈፀሙና ያስፈፀሙ በሙሉ ከተጠያቂነት እንደማያመልጡ (ስንናገር የነበረው ሃቅ) በሰሞኑ የNEW LINES INSTITUTE ዘገባ በሚገባ ተተንትኗል::

ይሄ ሙያዊ ትንተናን የያዘ ዘገባ: ተጠያቂነትን ለመተግበርና ለተጠቂዎች ፍትህን ለማስገኘት ለሚደረገው ትግል ትልቅ ግብኣት ሆኖ እንደሚያገለግል ይታመናል::

ያም ሆኖ: በተጨባጭ የደረሰው ግፍ እጅግ መጠነ-ሰፊና ከተዘገበውም ብዙ እጥፍ በላይ መሆኑን: ሁነቱን በወቅቱ የተከታተሉት: በተጠቂነት በውስጡ ያለፉት: በተራፊነት የታገሉት: በመቶ ሺህዎች የሚቆጠሩ (በከበባ ምክንያት የተራቡትን: የታመሙትንና ያለቁትን ከጨመርን ደሞ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ) ወገኖቻችን "ሕይወት" ይመሰክራል::

የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል: የክፋት ጥግ (“the epitome of human evil”) ነው ይላል: የተመድ መግለጫ ቁ. 96/1(1946):: የሰው ልጆችን የሚያጎድል (ማለትም: ተጠቂዎችን ገድሎ/አጥፍቶ: የሰው ዘርን የሚያደኸይ) ክፋት ተደርጎ የሚታየውም ከዚህ አንፃር ነው:: በሚፈፀምበት ጊዜም: ተጠቂውን ከሚጎዳው በላይ: አድራጊውንና (የተረፍነውን) የሚያሰየጥነው: በዚሁ ምክንያት ነው:: በዚህ ወንጀል በተጠቂዎች ላይየሚፈጸመው ጭካኔ (brutality): ከአድራጊዎቹም ያለፈና የዘለቀ ማሕበረሰባዊ ጭካኔ መሆኑን አመላካች ነው የሚባለውም በዚህ ምክንያት ነው:: ...

ድርጊቱ በግለሰቦች ቢፈፀምም: ባለቤቱ መንግሥትም ነው:: ተጠያቂነቱም የግለሰቦቹ ብቻ ሳይሆን: የመንግሥታዊ ሥርዓቱም ነው:: የምግባር ተጠያቂነቱ (the moral responsibility) ደግሞ የተጠቃሚዎች (beneficiaries): የግድየለሽ የሩቅ-ተመልካቾች (bystanders)ም ነው:: የማሕበረሰቡም ነው::

ለዚህ ነው: ይሄ ወንጀል: ሁለ-ገብ (pervasive) ማህበረሰባዊ ሥረ-መሠረት አለው የሚባለው:: ለዚህም ነው: ይሄ ወንጀል የሚፈጸምባቸው ማሕበረሰቦች: አንድም ቀድሞውኑም የሚያስተዛዝን ማህበራዊ ትስስር (social fabric) አልነበራቸውም: ወይም የነበረው ትስስር (fabric) ፈርሷል የሚባለው::

የሆነ ሆኖ: አሁን ወንጀሉ በተጨባጭ እንዴትና በማን እንደ ተፈጸመ--በመጠኑም ቢሆን--የሚያሳይ ዘገባ ቀርቧል:: በዚህም እውነቱ ተቀብሮና ታፍኖ እንዳይቀር ለማድረግ የሚያስችል የመጀመሪያ ሊባል የሚችል እርምጃ ተወስዷል:: (ይሄም የተጎጂዎችን እውነት በማስታወስ--re-call በማድረግ ወይም እንዲመለስና እንዲታወስ/እንዲጠራ በማድረግ--ሃቃቸው ህያው ሆኖ እንዲኖር ይረዳል ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን::)

በዘር ማጥፋትና በሌሎች መጠነሰፊ ወንጀሎች (mass atrocity crimes) ለተጎዱ ግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች ፍጹም ፍትሕን ማስገኘት ባይቻልም (because of the fundamental incommensurability between harm and punishment) : ቢያንስ ወንጀለኞች ለፍርድ ሲቀርቡ: ይሄን ያስፈጸመ መንግሥትና ያስቻለው አገርና ማሕበረሰብም ለህሊና ፍርድ ስለሚቀርብ: ምናልባት እንደ ሕዝብ እራስን ለማረቅም ይጠቅም ይሆናል:: ማሕበረሰቡ ህሊና ካለው:: (መቼም በተደጋጋሚ እንደገለፅኩት: በበኩሌ: ኢትዮጵያም እንደ አገር: ማሕበረሰቡም እንደ ሕዝብ--ቢያንስ ፖለቲካና ፍትሕን በሚመለከት--ህሊና የላቸውም:: ከነበራቸውም ታውሯል ብዬ ከደመደምኩ ዓመታት አልፈዋልና እውነትን በመጋፈጥ እራሱን ያርቃል የሚል ተስፋ (ወይም illusion ይሉት ቅዠት) የለኝም::)

ለማንኛውም: ይህቺ ዘገባም ባወጣችው የእውነት ጨረር ተጠቅመን የእነ አብይን የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ቢያንስ ለፍትህ ትዕይንት (for some spectacle of justice) ለማብቃት ዕድሉ መኖሩ አንድ ነገር ነው:: ለእርሱም ቢሆን ገና ብዙ ሥራ ይጠብቃልና ወገብን ጠበቅ ማድረግ ያስፈልጋል::

(በሌሎች ሕዝቦች ላይ ለተፈጸሙትና እየተፈጸሙ ላሉትም ቀን ይወጣል ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን:: ለዚህም ተግተን መሥራት ይጠበቅብናል::)


#AbiyAhmed_is_a_genocidaire! #Abiy_to_ICC!
Just finished working on a draft of the submission we want to lodge with the Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights. This submission is specific to the issue of accountability measures to be taken in regards to those involved in the crime of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Ethiopia (especially those committed in Tigray).
#Abiy_to_ICC #AbiyAhmed_Is_a_Genocidaire
Genuine Negotiation towards a Ceasefire Agreement, or a Tactic of Absorption of OLA into the Regime’s Power Structure?
#AbiyAhmed’s reduction of the goal of negotiating with OLA to a tactic of absorbing a handful of OLA leaders into his government makes it clear that Abiy is not interested in ceasefire, let alone a lasting peace process leading to meaningful political settlement.

Ignoring the causes that OLA stands for and the popular demands for a more just political order (including through a democratic process of exercising self-determination) and focusing on throwing out some crumbs of power in stead is simply a non-starter. It is an insult to the people.

OLA must demand nothing less than a ceasefire to be followed by accountability of PP for all the mass atrocity crimes perpetrated in the last six years.

Yes, OLA must demand that PP agrees to bring its genocidal campaigns to an end and cooperate to surrender its criminal members to a genuine transitional justice process. That’s the only way to take us into negotiating a transition.

Plus, any negotiation/dialog after the ceasefire must be comprehensive (i.e it must address all the concerns of all stakeholders) and all-inclusive (i.e, multilateral). Anything less is a serious joke.

The so called mediators should also know that Abiy no more serves their interests. Making partisan peace (to give #AbiyAhmed a lease on life) is committing oneself to a perpetual war and instability in Ethiopia and the wider Horn of Africa region.
#AbiyAhmed’s rant in Parliament yesterday confirmed once again that madness and mad men (in the literal sense of the word) are running the country. This is not someone to do negotiations with. Nor one to entrust one’s geo-political interests to.
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This is how #AbiyAhmed’s soldiers set farmers’ houses on fire and brag about burning “Shane’s” [OLA’s] houses. In some localities, it was a whole village that they burnt down with people inside.
Our struggle has not been to “liberalise” and sanitize #AbiyAhmed’s regime by making it “inclusive”. That’s why the call for collaborating with his regime (even in the name of “peace”) is a non-starter. You cannot liberalize a genocidal fascist regime. Being “included” in such a regime is inhabiting the underbelly of totalitarianism leaving the marginal space for resistance outside of it. In the end, “inclusion” becomes obliteration of the peripheral space of resistance.
#AbihAhmed_is_a_genocidaire! #No_Transition__WITH_PP!
#PP_to_ICC #Ethiopia_to_DenHaag
This is how #AbiyAhmed’s soldiers raze villages to the ground under the pretext of fighting #OLA. This is how they execute their project of “draining the ocean in order to exterminate the fish.” An episode of burning down residential villages in Gujii Zone., Oromia.

Discussion with #KMN on:

1) Abiy’s destruction of villages in Gujii Zone;

2) Hostage-taking as #AbiyAhmed’s new political currency; and

3)Transition constitutionally or extra-constitutionally? Through (constitutional) care taker government, or victors’ provisional government leading to a Transitional Government, or a Transition through the National Dialogue Commission??? Clarifying the concepts…
Demeaning and Humiliating People will have dire Intergenerational Consequences.
We have heard too many lies from #AbiyAhmed for us to be surprised by any he utters as a matter of routine. And we have heard him utter enough hate speech against--and vilification of--groups that he wants to exterminate. After all, he has now established his place as the Genocidaire-in-Chief of the 21st century.

But I never expected him--or anyone for that matter--to be so splendidly stupid as to say that the "Gurage people don't deserve their own State because they are dispersed and have no definite area they live in."

Nor have I expected him to tell the representatives of the Wolenee people that "the fact that they sit in the presence of the Prime Minister and asserting their identity (saying that they are Wolene) is in itself an achievement."

I think someone should tell him that enough is enough. Insulting and demeaning people only exacerbates problems, not solve them.
ሕዝብን በመሳደብና በማዋረድ ችግር አይፈታም!
ሰሞኑን #አብይ_አህመድ፣ የጉራጌ ሕዝብ የክልልነት ጥያቄን ለመመለስ እንዳንችል ያደረገን፣ "ጉራጌ ተበታትኖ የሚኖር መሆኑ ነው። አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ነው ክልል የምንሰጠው? ወይስ ኦሮሚያ ውስጥ ነው? ወይስ የት ነው?" ማለቱን በመገናኛ ብዙሃን ለይ ተከታተልን።

ይሄን ባለበት በዚሁ መድረክ ላይ ስለ ወለኔ ሕዝብም፣ ከፓርቲው ተወካዮች ጥያቄ ቀርቦለት፣ እንዲህ ሲል አደመጥን፦
"እርስዎ ጠቅላይ ሚኒሥትር ጽ/ቤት ተገኝተው፣ 'እኔ ወለኔ ነኝ' ብለው መናገር መቻሎ እራሱ ትልቅ ድል መሆኑን መቀበል ይኖርብዎታል።" (ጥቅሱ ቃል በቃል አይደለም።)

አብይ፣ ክልልነት፣ መብት መሆኑን የማይረዳና ሊረዳና ሊቀበልም የማይፈልግ መሆኑ ግልፅ ነው። ክልልነት፣ እሱ በበጎ ፈቃዱ፣ እንደ ችሮታ፣ ለፈለገው የሚሰጠው፣ ላልፈለገው የሚነሳው ስጦታ እንደሆነ የሚያስብ መሆኑንም፣ ከዚህ በፊት ከሚናገራቸው ነገሮች ተነስተን መገመት አይከብድም። (በአብይ ዓለም፣ ችሮታና ጉቦ እንጂ መብትና ግዴታ አይታወቁምና።)

እንደ አንድ ብሔር የማንነት እውቅና ተሰጥቶት፣ በግልፅ በሕግና በተጨባጭ በሚታወቅ አካባቢ፣ የዞን አስተዳደር መሥርቶ (ከሞላ ጎደል) እራሱን ሲያስተዳድር የነበረን ሕዝብ፣ በዚህ ደረጃ፣ "ተበታትኖ የሚኖር ከመሆኑ የተነሳ" አድራሻው የማይታወቅ ነው ብሎ ማሳነስና ማበሻቀጥ ግን ሕዝቡን መስደብና ማዋረድ ነው።

ይሄ ችግርን አይፈታም። ይልቁንም፣ ችግሩን አወሳስቦ ለትውልዶች የሚተላለፍ ውጥረት ያነግሳል እንጂ።

ይሄ ንቀት ብቻ ሳይሆን የጥላቻ ንግግር ነው። ይሄ፣ ውሎ አድሮ ሕዝብን ለከፋ ጥቃት የሚያጋልጥ ጠንቀኛ ንግግር ነው።

ንግግሩ መታረም አለበት፤ መንግሥት ሕዝቡን ይቅርታ መጠየቅ አለበት።

በተመሳሳይ መልኩ፣ ለወለኔው ተወካይ፣ "እኔን በወለኔነት ማናገርዎ ትልቅ ድልና ዓይነተኛ ስኬት ነው" ብሎ የሕዝቡን የማንነትና የአካባቢ የራስ አስተዳደር ጥያቄ በዚህ ልክ ማሳነስ፣ ታላቅ ስድብ ነው። ንቀት ነው። ማንአለብኝነት ነው። መመፃደቅ ነው። በእኔ-አውቅልሃለሁ ስሜት ሌላውን አኮስሶ መመልከት (patronizing) ነው።

እንዲህ ያለ ንግግርና ተግባር ትውልዱን ምሬት ውስጥ በመጨመር፣ ወደ ማይፈለግ የኃይል እርምጃ እንዲገባ ያስገድዳል። ይሄም ፖለቲካውን (ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ፣ ፖለቲካ ኖሮም አያውቅ እንጂ) ወደ ብረት እንዲገባ በማድረግ ማሕበረሰባዊ ጦረኝነትን (social militarizationን) ያስፋፋል።

ከዚህም አልፎ፣ አሁን በጥላቻ ቃል የተጀመረውን ንግግራዊ የኅይል ጥቃት (discursive violence) ወደ ለየለት ብሔር-ተኮር ጥቃት (እና ወደ ዘር ማጽዳትና ዘር ማጥፋት ዘመቻዎች) ያሸጋግረዋል።

ለነገሩ፣ ይብላኝለት ለሕዝቡ እንጂ፣ እንደ #አብይ_አህመድ ካለ የክፍለ-ዘመኑ አውራ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ፈጻሚ መራሔ-መንግሥት፣ ከዚህ ሌላ ምን ይጠበቃል?

I can’t believe that one can say what Berhanu Juulaa says as a justification for the acts of blatant genocide they committed in Tigray and beyond.

First of all, who waged the genocidal war? The army he leads and the #AbiyAhmed regime he serves. Who invited the Eritrean army to invade Tigray? He and the #AbiyAhmed regime he serves (who, by the way, is on record saying that had it not for the Eritrean support,they wouldn’t have survived the war).

Secondly, what were the Eritrean soldiers doing when they marched the streets of Axum, Adwa, Shire, Adigrat, etc? And what was he and #AbiyAhmed doing when a hostile foreign army went on a rampage of killing raping, looting and vandalising innocent civilians? Guiding the Eritreans, showing the way, and doing the same thing in a more egregious way in the wider Tigray and beyond. (Note the high treason he is admitting to have committed in bringing in a foreign army and condoning the atrocities they committed.)

Thirdly, even for his own army (let alone a foreign force), the duty to make a distinction (of military targets from non-military ones) is a cardinal principle/rule that they should adhere to strictly whenever they are conducting operations in civilian contexts. (The fact that he says “distinction was hard” as a justification for perpetrating genocide and cognate atrocities speaks volumes about his (in)competence as a soldier. And his admission to the ‘failure to make a distinction’ is already an indication that he is guilty for all the crimes that occurred in those contexts.)

Fourthly, his attempt to suggest that the atrocities committed were merely a rare occurrence that happened in the Eritrean side of the genocidal operation, that their acts are more of an aberration—sort of a brief deviation from their standard practice of the ENDF and the Amhara forces—is as laughable as a blatant lie. In a way, he is trying to absolve himself (and #Abiy’s regime) from any accountability. The truth is that the Ethiopian military took the lead, gave directions, financed, armed and equipped all parties involved to execute a preplanned project of genocide.

It has been roundly established by numerous bodies of evidence that the ENDF, the ANRS security forces (including special forces), the militia, and Fannoo have committed some of the worst acts of brutality on their own in order to advance their genocidal project to which Eritrea was also a party to. There is no way this body of evidence can be ignored.

And there is no way Berhanu Jula (and AbiyAhmed’s regime) can come clean out of this quagmire of criminality and guilt.

#WeShallNotForget! #Justice!