Tsegaye R Ararssa
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The attempt to isolate and break Wallaggaa is part of Abiy's project of breaking up Oromia thereby cascading the process of eradicating Oromummaa (or pan-Oromo nationalism).

The targeted political assassinations;

-the arbitrary executions and brutal massacres to terrorize the people;

-the mass arrest of the political leaders;

-the demonization of the Qeerroo;

-the systematic enfeeblement of Oromo political parties;

-the continued dehumanization of the Oromo person;

-the closure of Oromo media outlets;

-the persecution of business, cultural, and religious leaders of Oromia; and

-the reframing of Oromo history (and geography) to re-align it with the imperial narrative of what can be called Ethiopia's "manifest destiny"--all of this, was only the dress rehearsal for realizing their project of breaking Oromo self-concept, breaking up Oromia, and destroying pan-Oromo nationalism (i.e., Oromummaa).

And so, the resistance continues. It shall continue until we defeat, disarm, and destroy Ethiopia's version of ultra right nationalism, its fascism, and its genocidal madness.

We will not relent, we will not relax, until complete freedom is achieved and justice is done.

We will not seek any settlement with an evil regime that has made it its calling to destroy Oromos (and the other others of the Ethiopian state).

To do so will be to betray our cause. It will be to deny the humanity of all the peoples who have been on the receiving end of Ethiopia's acts of State terrorism for over a century.

#Oromia #TheOtherPeoples!
#Ethiopia: This Dembi Dollo University lecturer successfully assembled “his own drone”

Amanuel Balcha, a lecturer at the University of #DembiDollo in Western #Oromia, has successfully assembled “his own drone” and conducted 250 meter long test-flight.

According to Dr. Leta Tesfaye, President of Dembi Dollo University Emmanuel Balcha, a graduate of mechanical engineering from Arba Minch University, who is currently teaching at Dembi Dollo university, is also working on assembling two other drones and one aircraft using locally available parts.

The university celebrated the "Innovation Day" with panel discussions and exhibitions of innovative materials assembled by university students.

Dr. Leta said the program was supporting university students in their creative endeavors and rewarding students who are exemplary in their creativity.

The University, it is helping young innovators to develop and enrich other items such as Coffee makers, wood scrubbers, textile machinery, parts for various equipment,
#Ethiopia: This Dembi Dollo University lecturer successfully assembled “his own drone”

Amanuel Balcha, a lecturer at the University of #DembiDollo in Western #Oromia, has successfully assembled “his own drone” and conducted 250 meter long test-flight.

According to Dr. Leta Tesfaye, President of Dembi Dollo University Emmanuel Balcha, a graduate of mechanical engineering from Arba Minch University, who is currently teaching at Dembi Dollo university, is also working on assembling two other drones and one aircraft using locally available parts.

The university celebrated the "Innovation Day" with panel discussions and exhibitions of innovative materials assembled by university students.

Dr. Leta said the program was supporting university students in their creative endeavors and rewarding students who are exemplary in their creativity.

The University, it is helping young innovators to develop and enrich other items such as Coffee makers, wood scrubbers, textile machinery, parts for various equipment, chicken incubator, water pumping motors, among others.

Source: #AddisStandard
#Ethiopia: In-depth analysis: Attacks by armed group from #Amhara state continue to displace thousands in Western #Oromia

Violence in East #Wollega & #HoroGudru zones in Oromia regional state continue driving thousands of people out of their homes.

This is their story by Etenesh Abera & Dereje Gonfa

In #HoroGudru zone
The offensive was carried out by Amhara militia in Botoro Bora kebele of Abe Dengoro woreda on 12 Feb residents said. The attack that claimed the lives of 29 people was accompanied by looting & destruction of property where more than 64 houses were set ablaze.

In East Wollega zone:
Khalifa, a father of seven fled his home in Dalo Kojimma kebele of Sibu Sire Woreda about three months ago. Khalifa said that his attackers were armed Amhara militia. “We were beaten, our houses were burnt,” he said, adding, “We had to leave & seek refuge"

“Innocent civilians were victims of the attacks. Farmers’ houses were torched, their properties were looted, they didn’t spare chicken when they robbed us,” an eyewitness recounted. “ Everyone ran for their lives with the clothes on their backs.”

Musetfa Kedir, Oromia Disaster Risk Mangmt commissioner told AS that their office was trying to reach the IDPs from Limmu & Sibu Sire woredas.“So far we sent more than 20,000 quintals of food supplies for E. Wollega. We also registered 12,000 IDPs from Limmu and 15,000 from Sibu Sire Woredas."

Such is life in South #Oromia today...
Life in Southern #Oromia today...
Life has come to this in today's #Oromia. #Prosperity_Party_Economy!
#Ethiopia: Oromo Liberation Front(OLF) condemns intensified military operations in #Oromia region

The statement noted the Oromo people and Oromia citizens are under unbearable constant attack in many ways since the government of Prosperity Party (PP) led by Abiy Ahmed(PhD) came to power. Adding " The current campaign against the Oromo people is multi- dimensional and widespread than ever aiming to damage the lives and livelihoods of every individual Oromo as well as weaken Oromo institutions and destruct the nation as a whole" .

In a statement released yesterday, OLF detailed the atrocities that are being committed in the ongoing war in Oromia. The party lambasted the ruling Prosperity Party for "intentionally making Oromia a warzone."

The statement recalled what it called a state sponsored violence on civilians in the Oromo special zone of the Amhara region in April 21, 2022 and said, "It is with sadness that we inform the public other shocking atrocities perpetrated by the PP regime on Oromo civilians in various parts of Oromia including Central Oromia, West Arsi, East Wollega and Gujii zones."

Find the full statement here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=307387181568806&id=100068925800578
The conversation I had with UMD's Getachew Assefa. Some of the issues we explored include:

1.What is the State of Play in Oromia? How is the war on Oromia unfolding?

2. How do we understand Jawar's first post-prison interview?

3. What is the difference between OFC, OLF, and OLA-OLF? Is it a divergence of visions or a mere difference of strategies and tactics?

4. Where is Ethiopia heading? Is there a reason to be optimistic? Is the prospect of redemption still alive. Is redemption possible? Is it even desirable? Is it probable?


5. Personal views about the prospect of constitutional redemption in Ethiopia...

Forwarded from KMN
#Drone attack in central Oromia!
#October 23/10/2022
The Oromo liberation army, who has been defeated in every way it faces, has continued the drone attack by a fascist group led by the messengers of demos called by Abiy Ahmed. According to this today, in central Oromia west shoa zone #cobi weroda, the beating has killed a lot of innocent people and injured many innocent people. #killing innocent people for revenge is what motivated the people to fight but not what can stop the struggle.

#Stop unstoppable killing oromo people
When nationalism is forced upon you by ultranationalist cum imperial-colonial oppressors, you talk back as a nationalist. You resist as a nationalist. You shall prevail, when you eventually do, as a nationalist. And, if/when necessary, you shall die as a nationalist.Yes, #Oromia_is_an_indestructible_nation. So shall it remain. #ቻለው!
ፊንፊኔም፣ ሃገረ-ኦሮሚያም ሁሌ ይኖራሉ፤ ቻሉት!!!
አንድ ሕዝብ ለምን ዓላማ እንደሚታገል እራሱ ያውቃል። ማንም መንገደኛ (ለያውም ከጠላቱ ጎራ የሆነ መንገደኛ) ከየትም መጥቶ መታገያ ርዕስ አይሰጠውም። (ልስጥ የሚል ካለም አውቅልሃለሁ ባይ ሃፍረተ-ቢስ ነው።)

ኦሮሞ ለምን እንደሚታገል ያውቃል። ችግሩ ምን እንደሆነ፣ መፍትሔውንም እንዴትና በምን አግባብ እንደሚያገኘው ጠንቅቆ ያውቃል። (የማያውቅ እንኳን ቢሆን፣ ሳያውቅ ቢጨቆን ይሻለዋል እንጂ በጠላት በተቀረጸ የትግል አጀንዳ ላይ ተመርኩዞ አይታገልም። ይሄን ማድረግ የባርነት ባርነት ነው።)

አንዳንዶች፣ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ለነጻነቱ፣ በከተማው ስላለው መብት፣ ስለ ከተሞቹ ስሞች፣ ስለክልሉ ወጥነት፣ ስለ አገሩ ባለቤትነት፣ ወዘተ ጥያቄዎች ማንሳት ስህተት ነው፣ አለማወቅ ነው፣ አለመብሰል ነው፣ ይላሉ። ይባስ ብለው እነሱ እንደ ለማዳ የቤት እንስሳቸው አድርገው የሚያዩዋቸውን አንዳንድ የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞች እንደ በሳልና ስኩን አድርገው ይስላሉ፣ እነሱንም እንደ ሞዴል እንድንከተላቸው ይመክራሉ። (የራሳቸው "የቤት ውስጥ ኦሮሞ" መምረጣቸው ነው።) እንዲህ እንዲህ እያሉ፣ አጀንዳም፣ መሪም፣ መፍትሔም፣ ስልትም ሊመርጡልን ይዳዳቸዋል።

ከተማይቱን ፊንፊኔ አትበሏት፤ እኛ ባወጣንላት በክርስትና ስሟ ጥሯት ይሉናል። የኦሮሞ ናት አትበሉ፣ የሌሎቻችን እንጂ የኦሮሞ አይደለችምና ይላሉ። እንድትስፋፋ፣ ከኦሮሚያ ወረዳዎችን ቀንሰን መሬት እንጨምርላት በሉ ይሉናል። ኦሮሚያ ክልልም ሰፍቶ ስላስቸገረን ከፋፍሉን/ሸንሽኑልን በሉ ይላሉ። የመገንጠል ጥያቄን አታንሱ--እኛ አንፈቅድምና፣ ይላሉ።

እኛም እንላለን፣ ከተማይቱም ስሟ ፊንፊኔ ሆኖ ለዘላለም ይኖራል። እንደ ሁል ጊዜው፣ በሕግም፣ በታሪክም በመልክዓምድርም (ከአሁን በኋላ ደግሞ በባህልም) የኦሮሚያ ማዕከልና እምብርት ሆና ትቀጥላለች። (በሌላው የኦሮሚያ ከተሞች እንደ ሆነው ሁሉ፣ ማንም ዜጋ ያለ መከልከል በነፃነትና በእኩልነት፣ መብቱ ተጠብቆ፣ የሚኖርባት ከተማ ሆና ትቀጥላለች። በሕግ አግባብና በሕዝበውሳኔ የምንስማማበት ሌላ ዋና ከተማ እስክንመርጥ ድረስ--ወይም ያለውን እንዳለ እስክናጸና ድረስ-- የፌደራል መንግሥቱ መቀመጫ፣ የአፍሪካ ሕብረት መዲና ሆና ትቀጥላለች።)

ኦሮሚያም ክልል ሆና ትቀጥላለች። "በክላስተር ከፋፍለን 5 ክልል እናድርጋታለን" ብሎ፣ ገና ለገና ኦሮሞን በብረት እየገዛ ያለው የመጨረሻው የአማራ ንጉሥ፣ አብይ አህመድ፣ ኦሮሚያን እንደሚያፈርስ ቃል ስለ ገባላቸው ብቻ፣ ኦሮሞም ተነስቶ "ክልላችንን አፍርሱልን" ብሎ ይጠይቃል ብሎ የሚያስብ ምስኪን ካለ እርሙን ያውጣ።

ኦሮሚያ ትኖራለች። በዴሞክራሲ አግባብ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ የራሱን ዕድል በራሱ የመወሰን ሕጋዊ መብቱን ተጠቅሞ ለመለየትና የራሱን አገር ለመመስረት ከመረጠም፣ ሃገረ- ኦሮሚያም የመሆን ዕድሉ ክፍት ነው። አሁን ጠላቶቹ በሚሄዱበት የንፉግና የዘር አጥፊ አካሄድ ደሞ፣ ኦሮሞ ባይፈልግም እንኳን ተገፍቶ አገር መሆኑ አይቀሬ ነው።

በንጉሳቸው በአብይና በታዛይ ተንጠልጣዮቻቸው አማካኝነት በክህደት ከተጎዳኙት ከኢሳያስ ጋር በመሆን የከፈቱበት የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነትና ድንበር ዘለል ወረራ ሳያንሳቸው፣ ጭራሽ ከከተማው እንዲወጣላቸው መጠየቅ በአፓርታይድ ሥርዓት እንደ መቅናት ነው።

አዎን፣ አብይ ንጉሳቸው ነው።

አብይ አህመድ የመጨረሻው ኦሮሞን (እና ሌላውን የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል) በብረት የገዛ የአማራ ንጉስ ነው። (ንጉሳችን፣ መሪያችን፣ ኑብያችን--ሺህ ዓመት ንገስልን ብለው የዘፈኑትን መቼም አይረሱትም።)

እሱን ንጉሳቸውን በኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ላይ ለመጣል ከመሯሯጥ ይልቅ፣ ሳይረፍድባቸው ያቺን የነገሥታት ገድል (ገደልን፣ ጨፈጨፍን፣ አስገበርን የምትለዋን ዓይነት) በቶሎ ይጻፉለት፣ ሃውልት፣ ምናምንም ይትከሉለት።

ኦሮሞን፣ ኦሮሚያን (ከነከተማው)፣ ኦሮሙማን ለቀቅ! አብይ ንጉሳችሁንና ለማዳ እንሰሳዎቻችሁን (ብልጥግና የሆኑትንም ሌሎቹን) ጠበቅ!!

ለአሁን አበቃሁ። እመለሳለሁ።
