TruthHammer πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (any DM's you get are fake)
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Just a AF & Mil Intel brat (dad was Q clearance Air Force) here to expose false narratives, and help drive the Great Awakening. "Most level headed anon."
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Whistleblower supposedly claims TX Gov Abbott awarded a contract paying $5,000 per head for bussing illegal migrants from TX to other states in the US interior.

Do I think Abbott is compromised enough to award such a contract to a friend? Sure, that's how all of the government grift works, but this claim includes zero evidence AND the specific charges are so inflammatory that this would end Abbott's career if true... so I'm taking this with a big grain of salt until some evidence comes up.
Maine Sec of State piles on... issues decision that Trump isn't eligible to appear on 2024 election ballot.

Appeal coming in 3.. 2.. 1..
I do not fault people for falling into thinking that everything the government tells them is probably a lie. I can see how the government lying 90% of the time is gonna end up making people question everything.

But I do fault people for not putting in the effort to understand the difference between 100's of years of verifiable science, and nonsense strung together by people who don't understand the scientific method... or how to do math & break a scientific claim down to whether it is, or is not, supported by the gifts of REASON & LOGIC that God gave us as part of our inheritance.

Getting sick of the CIA flat earth psyop finding so much willing, fertile & ignorant soil among people who consider themselves "truthers".
(oh, and differences in AIR PRESSURE at different altitudes are also very easy to measure... and then when you take the fucking data from different altitudes you can use it to reverse-engineer and verify the gravitational constant AND gas pressure equations, because God's laws of physics are real and useful for extrapolation/discovery)
If anybody is interested in an AMAZING step-by-step reading of Genesis by an incredible Christian physicist and Scriptorian, I highly recommend this series of lectures by Chuck Missler. He offers incredible ancient cultural context for the Bible, but also backs it all up with modern science explained from a perspective of faith and true discovery.

It's BRAIN CANDY, and powerful faith affirming pure light & knowledge. Does NASA lie like crazy? Yes
But the truth is out there and has been discovered by 100's of years of independent experiment, including covered up evidence that the speed of light itself used to be faster in ancient times and has slowed down. Did you know this completely changes the model for carbon dating? Establishment science is hiding a lot they don't want people to know.

Give Chuck a try and you'll love seeing how it all comes together. There is no difference between true science and true spirituality... they both merely seek to understand and describe the works of God's hands.
There are dozens of patents related to various methods for trying to create synthetic adrenochrome. It's interesting if you look at the years this quiet "boom" in chemistry took place.

It's almost like there was a secret market propelling the simultaneous effort of dozens of labs!
Amen! Every true patriot FEELS these words, and is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

2024 MAGA or BUST
OPINION: We need a warrior VP.

We have one chance left to right the ship of this Republic.

Shall we take another chance on a VP that is a political animal/opportunist, who will pursue their own agenda behind Trump’s back?

I think we have rogue Pentagon & intel officials who know they are guilty of actual treason, and who are therefore loyal to the NWO, and we’re going to need a warrior to intimidate them into standing down, or at worst… dealing with internal conflict that may go hot.

IMO people keep underestimating the nature of the cleanup required, but obviously Trump already knows this. He’ll pick the right person for the job.

MAGA needs to be tough, and hold any VP accountable, no matter who it is. No games. No personal agenda from a VP whose true goal is winning in 2028.
So... what do you think of this situation where 231 military folks signed this open letter... basically saying senior officers are traitors destroying the military? I'm impressed with their bravery, and at the same time kinda nervous for how this is going to go for them.

So true, but wow... I hope their guardian Angels aren't sleeping on the job right now!
Global media has prostituted itself to propping up Biden's numbers... and this is the best they can do, even with fake polls. How bad would the numbers be if they told the truth?

Why do so few people believe their BS these days?
YOU + Trump broke them.

Thank you and Happy New Year!
We gonna bring this mission home in November. πŸ‘ˆπŸ”₯
Nice example why the left can never be trusted again... for anything.
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Every time @RealGenFlynn gets close to a position where he can help clean up the IC... the IC freaks out, and bends over backwards to stop him, yet Trump has kept him close and plans to include him in Admin 2.0

You've seen endless propaganda aimed at making him untouchable, now watch this to understand WHY they fear him so much.πŸ‘‡

#Retribution is coming, and a real warrior is going to help Trump dish it out.
It's kinda fun to watch these clowns all launch new talking points just hours after an Epstein associates list comes out.