Hier geht es in den Kaninchenbau.
Kennt Ihr diese Folgen?
Danach ist klar, warum Trumps Wahl in 2020 manipuliert wurde.
Er kämpft gegen den mächtigsten Gegner auf Erden:
Haha, und #Bayern ist angeblich die Hochburg der #Kabale.
#HenryKissinger #birthcontrol #UNO #CCP #plannedparenthood #babies #China #cabal #NWO #illuminati #Jesuits #Rothschild #USA #babytrafficking #WHO #WEF
#electionfraud #Trumpwon #DonaldJTrump #TrumpFansBavaria #TrumpNewsDeutschland #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
#weissblaueRose #neveragainisnow #savethechildren #CHD #antichrist
Kennt Ihr diese Folgen?
Danach ist klar, warum Trumps Wahl in 2020 manipuliert wurde.
Er kämpft gegen den mächtigsten Gegner auf Erden:
Haha, und #Bayern ist angeblich die Hochburg der #Kabale.
#HenryKissinger #birthcontrol #UNO #CCP #plannedparenthood #babies #China #cabal #NWO #illuminati #Jesuits #Rothschild #USA #babytrafficking #WHO #WEF
#electionfraud #Trumpwon #DonaldJTrump #TrumpFansBavaria #TrumpNewsDeutschland #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
#weissblaueRose #neveragainisnow #savethechildren #CHD #antichrist
Untergang der Kabale 2: Teil 6 - Henry Kissinger, Bevölkerungskontrolle, Zwangs-Abtreibungen und Sterilisationen. Deutsche Fassung
+++ Video fallback because of #bigtech censorship! +++
"Die Fortsetzung der 10-teiligen Doku "Der Untergang der Kabale 1: Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kennen." von Janet Ossebaard.
Wer ist die Kaba...
"Die Fortsetzung der 10-teiligen Doku "Der Untergang der Kabale 1: Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kennen." von Janet Ossebaard.
Wer ist die Kaba...
#TheDrillDown podcast with #PeterSchweizer and #EricEggers, news through #SeanHannity:
"The 2020 election was a mess in so many ways. Voting procedures were changed with no accountability, laws against ballot harvesting were disregarded, and Zuckerbucks – donations from tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg – were used to goose the vote in highly partisan fashion. After the election, Big Tech and the Mainstream Media colluded to solidify the message: anyone who questioned the election was branded a “denier” – a modern heretic, to be shunned or even prosecuted for insurrection. (Never mind that people who did the same after the 2016 election were hailed as heroes.)"
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#riggedelection #voterfraud #crookedHillary #electionfraud #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
"The 2020 election was a mess in so many ways. Voting procedures were changed with no accountability, laws against ballot harvesting were disregarded, and Zuckerbucks – donations from tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg – were used to goose the vote in highly partisan fashion. After the election, Big Tech and the Mainstream Media colluded to solidify the message: anyone who questioned the election was branded a “denier” – a modern heretic, to be shunned or even prosecuted for insurrection. (Never mind that people who did the same after the 2016 election were hailed as heroes.)"
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#riggedelection #voterfraud #crookedHillary #electionfraud #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
'Election 2022: Deja-Vu – or Worse?' w/ The Drill Down's Eric Eggers
As the co-host of the podcast The Drill Down with Peter Schweizer, Eric Eggers brings two decades of research, writing, and filmmaking to The Liberty Forum to discuss what to expect in the 2022 election.
#DonaldJTrump: "With no borders You don't have a nation!"
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#riggedelection #voterfraud #crookedHillary #electionfraud #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#riggedelection #voterfraud #crookedHillary #electionfraud #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Maria Bartiromo DESTROYS Democrat Debbie Dingell on Open Borders -- LEAVES HER STAMMERING
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#corruptFBI #purgeDOJ
#crookedHillary #lockherup #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist #Durham
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#corruptFBI #purgeDOJ
#crookedHillary #lockherup #radicalleft #cabal #antichrist #Durham
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) - Live Coverage of Political Events, News and Commentary
Durham questioning reveals FBI offered Steele $1 million to incriminate Trump
Photo: Alamy The FBI faces sharp criticism after questioning by Special Counsel John Durham led to a bombshell revelation about the depths the bureau went to try to incriminate President Trump. According to Fox News, an FBI official testified that the bureau…
#MelGibson warnt von #PrinceWilliam als dem #AntiChrist und dem zukünftigen Führer einer faschistischen #EineWeltRegierung:
#NWO #Cabal #GreatReset #Satan
#NWO #Cabal #GreatReset #Satan
Mel Gibson: 'Prince William Is the Antichrist'
- For sponsorship opportunities please email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Claim your ownership stake in The People's Voice: https://collective.thepeoplesvoice.tv Hollywood star Mel Gibson has told st