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Wer hat letzte Nacht noch Präsident #Trump in #Robstown/ #Texas gesehen?

Die letzte Hoffnung im globalen Kampf gegen die #Kabale sind die #midterms2022.

Hoffen wir, dass die linksradikalen „Demokraten“ mit ihrem #Wahlbetrug keine ihrer ideologisch verkommenen Kandidaten durchdrücken.

Einen schönen und heiligen Sonntag Euch allen,
Euer Bernd

#ultramagabayern #trumpnewsdeutschland #trumpfansbavaria #youngglobalmaga
@elonmusk drains the swamp and maybe he will bring @realdonaldtrump back to @twitter!
Nevertheless #Trump signed an exclusive deal with @truthsocialclub.
So let‘s wait and see what will happen.
And what about @gettrofficial?

Video by @damonimani.

#freespeech #freed #Twitter #Musk #draintheswamp #fightbigtech #ultramagaBayern #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #Trumpwon #youngglobalmaga
The global fight against the #Cabal is in a new phase after #elonmusk buyed #twitter!

Now let’s pray and hope for the #redwave in the #USA #midterms2022!

#Volkswagen belongs to the Cabal, too, so they started to defund #Musk now.

But this won‘t stop Us, because we are fighting on behalf of #God! 😍😍😍👍

Article by #disclosetv:

#WEF #NWO #GreatReset #VW
#Trumpwasright #Trumpwon #maga #ultramagaBayern #trumpfansbavaria #trumpnewsdeutschland #youngglobalmaga #wwg1wga #qanon #savethechildren #TruthSocial #Parler

Our government, media, and education systems are overtly controlled by a small number of people who want to make America a communist nation.“

Join #patriotgames community:

#greggphillips #truethevote #midterms2022 #redwave #redtsunami #Trumpwon #electionfraud #voterfraud #riggedelection #ultramagaBayern #trumpfansbavaria #youngglobalmaga #trumpnewsdeutschland #truthsocial #saveEurope
Good morning on #electionday, #USA!

Flood the polls!
Go out and vote like Elon #Musk said the beautiful and magnificent #redwave of the one and only fighter for #God, freedom and Your country, #DonaldJTrump!
Fingers crossed for a big win of the #maga movement in the #midterms2022 today, to make America save and great again.
God bless You and full support and endorsement from #Bavaria!

#Trumptie #Trumptrain #Trumpwasright #redtsunami #letsgobrandon #trumpfansbavaria #trumpnewsdeutschland #ultramagabayern #youngglobalmaga #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #GOP #trumpforceone #redhat #wwg1wga