Сюкуро Манабе и Клаус Хассельманн получили половину премии за свои работы по физическому моделированию климата Земли и прогноз глобального потепления. А Джорджо Паризи — вторую половину за открытие связи между беспорядком и флуктуациями в физических системах.…
#Nobel #12021 #physics
І українською:
І українською:
Нобелівка‒2021: фізика. Приховані патерни в кліматі та інших складних явищах
Учора Нобелівський комітет ухвалив рішення присудити Нобелівську премію з фізики в 2021 році. Вона була присуджена за два пов’язані між собою дослідження.
#quantum #physics
«Якщо ви цікавитеся квантами, дуже рекомендую цей блоґ. Зокрема, ось класна серія постів»:
https://blog.jessriedel.com/2016/11/12/how-to-think-about-quantum-mechanics-part-0-measurements-are-about-bases/ (via @mkorobko)
«Якщо ви цікавитеся квантами, дуже рекомендую цей блоґ. Зокрема, ось класна серія постів»:
https://blog.jessriedel.com/2016/11/12/how-to-think-about-quantum-mechanics-part-0-measurements-are-about-bases/ (via @mkorobko)
How to think about Quantum Mechanics—Part 1: Measurements are about bases
[This post was originally "Part 0", but it's been moved. Other parts in this series: .]
In an ideal world, the formalism that you use to describe a physical system is in a one-to-one correspondence with the physically distinct configurations of the system.…
In an ideal world, the formalism that you use to describe a physical system is in a one-to-one correspondence with the physically distinct configurations of the system.…
#science How #plane #fly in #air 🧐 (and not a word about Technocrats, mind you!) * On a strictly mathematical level, engineers know how to design planes that will stay aloft. But equations don't explain why aerodynamic lift occurs. * There are two competing…
#science #physics #Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram write:
It's been the single longest-unfinished project of my life. But after 50 years I think I've now figured out the Second Law of thermodynamics ... and this is the story of how I got there:
Stephen Wolfram write:
It's been the single longest-unfinished project of my life. But after 50 years I think I've now figured out the Second Law of thermodynamics ... and this is the story of how I got there:
A 50-Year Quest: My Personal Journey with the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Follow Stephen Wolfram's evolution of research on the 2nd Law from early interest as a 12-year-old to his current findings in the Wolfram Physics Project. View a large collection of images of early and published works.
#physics #quantum #magic
Boing Boing
Physicists identify new quantum state called "magic"
It was Arthur C. Clarke who famously said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” (although I’d argue that Jack Kirby and Jim St…
#physics #astronomy in #Ukraine
Physics World
Ukrainian scientists attempt to move forward following the ravages of war
Scientists in Ukraine are still in survival mode following Russia’s invasion of the country, but they are finding ways to continue their science
#physics #tech
The long trek toward practical fusion energy passed a milestone last week when the world’s newest and largest fusion reactor fired up. Japan’s JT-60SA uses magnetic fields from superconducting coils to contain a blazingly hot cloud of ionized gas, or plasma, within a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel, in hope of coaxing hydrogen nuclei to fuse and release energy. The four-story-high machine is designed to hold a plasma heated to 200 million degrees Celsius for about 100 seconds, far longer than previous large tokamaks.
Last week’s achievement “proves to the world that the machine fulfills its basic function,” says Sam Davis, a project manager at Fusion for Energy, an EU organization working with Japan’s National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) on JT-60SA and related programs. It will take another 2 years before JT-60SA produces the long-lasting plasmas needed for meaningful physics experiments, says Hiroshi Shirai, leader of the project for QST.
JT-60SA will also help ITER, the mammoth international fusion reactor under construction in France that’s intended to demonstrate how fusion can generate more energy than goes into producing it. ITER will rely on technologies and operating know-how that JT-60SA will test:
The long trek toward practical fusion energy passed a milestone last week when the world’s newest and largest fusion reactor fired up. Japan’s JT-60SA uses magnetic fields from superconducting coils to contain a blazingly hot cloud of ionized gas, or plasma, within a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel, in hope of coaxing hydrogen nuclei to fuse and release energy. The four-story-high machine is designed to hold a plasma heated to 200 million degrees Celsius for about 100 seconds, far longer than previous large tokamaks.
Last week’s achievement “proves to the world that the machine fulfills its basic function,” says Sam Davis, a project manager at Fusion for Energy, an EU organization working with Japan’s National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) on JT-60SA and related programs. It will take another 2 years before JT-60SA produces the long-lasting plasmas needed for meaningful physics experiments, says Hiroshi Shirai, leader of the project for QST.
JT-60SA will also help ITER, the mammoth international fusion reactor under construction in France that’s intended to demonstrate how fusion can generate more energy than goes into producing it. ITER will rely on technologies and operating know-how that JT-60SA will test:
First plasma fired up at world’s largest fusion reactor
Japan’s JT-60SA tokamak will test technologies put to use in ITER