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We are already at the finish line for the NWO: WHO called for the World to come to one rules (one governing body)

Von der Leyen: "Europe must prepare for the era of pandemics"

Pedophile Gates: "Let's prepare for pandemics like wars"

The freaks will squeeze out the opportunity to use the world's population captivated by the pocket WHO to realize their ugly globalist ambitions of a totalitarian dictatorship based on technology. They still, not without reason, believe that most people are stupid and ignorant, since most of them, including those who once seemed sane, require their governments to be forced to vaccinate against the new SARS with a survival rate of more than 99%, and some even block countries in order to protect themselves from neighbors infected with #COVID19.

In this way, the pandemic treaty will facilitate the full application of vaccine passports worldwide. among other totalitarian measures. This means that our generation and the next generation are doomed if we do not act decisively against the entire operation NOW.

And this despite the fact that it is obvious to any sane person that covid is not a pandemic, but rather an operation, an agenda based on PCR tests that are not designed to catch viruses, that is, a scam, a scam.

"More than 20 heads of government and global agencies have called for a commentary released on Tuesday on an international pandemic preparedness treaty that they say will protect future generations after COVID-19." (c) AP.

WHO Director-General Ethiopian Ghebreyesus and leaders including British Prime Minister Johnson, Italian Prime Minister Draghi and Rwandan President Kagame have proposed a "renewed collective commitment" to strengthen preparedness and response systems based on the UN health agency's charter. https://news.yahoo.com/world-leaders-call-international-pandemic-085138918.html

When NWO is promoted, they always deploy their "talking heads" and activate the prepared channels to attract the attention of the public. In this case, the controllers of the New World Order took 3 of the loudest and most influential leaders (the British Prime Minister, the German Chancellor and the President of France) as "talking heads", plus 20 other world leaders and plus the WHO boss Ethiopian Ghebreyesus, a total of 24 signatories to promote the idea of an international treaty on the pandemic.

This step of the NWO is very predictable, since this practice has been established for a long time and time-tested - a crisis is created, and then this crisis is used to consolidate power. In much the same way, they work with false flag operations. It was about the same after the Second World War.

Here is the letter in full:

"The covid pandemic is the biggest challenge for the global community since the 1940s. At that time, after the devastating two world wars, political leaders came together to create a multilateral system. The goals were clear: to unite countries, to dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism, and to solve problems that can only be solved together in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation, namely: peace, prosperity, health and security.

Note the solid forecast that "there will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies... The question is not if, but when, which exactly corresponds to Bill Gates' warning of the next pandemic.

We must all understand and be aware of their attempts to supposedly bring order to chaos and use the fear and ignorance of people to centralize power, for the One Governing Body of the World, the One World Government. Everything is so obvious that it is still difficult to understand how seemingly once sane people do not understand this and all the talk about it is called a conspiracy theory, despite the fact that they look very stupid, denying the obvious and obvious.

Media is too big
Dr Tess Lowry: WHO and UN 'run by corporate clique'


"We started out as an organization focused on health care and #COVID19. And soon, at the beginning of 2022, we realized that there was actually a much bigger threat. And the threat was to our freedom and sovereignty. Covid was only part of a larger program to centralize the control of our health through the WHO and UN entities.

In fact, these organizations have been infiltrated and, in fact, run by a corporate cabal that seeks to rule the world. As crazy as it sounds.

They seem to really think they know what's best for our health and our sovereignty. And in fact, they see us as a product of the 4th industry. a revolution from which they would like to profit. Consequently, the scope of our work has increased dramatically to counter this globalist program that seeks a monopoly on our health, which would tell us what we can eat, where we can go..."
Dr Tess Lowry: WHO and UN 'run by corporate clique'
"We started out as an organization focused on health care and
#COVID19. And soon, at the beginning of 2022, we realized that there was actually a much bigger threat. And the threat was to our freedom and sovereignty. Covid was only part of a larger program to centralize the control of our health through the WHO and UN entities. 

In fact, these organizations have been infiltrated and, in fact, run by a corporate cabal that seeks to rule the world. As crazy as it sounds. 
They seem to really think they know what's best for our health and our sovereignty. And in fact, they see us as a product of the 4th industry. a revolution from which they would like to profit. Consequently, the scope of our work has increased dramatically to counter this globalist program that seeks a monopoly on our health, which would tell us what we can eat, where we can go..."
The criminal governments of nation-states, BigPharma and their indoor media macaques are complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code during their vaccination campaign against #COVID19 

1. Has "voluntary informed consent" been given to the public? 
- No – We were lied to and told that everything is 100% safe. 

2. Was the result good for society?
- No – This did not stop transmission and proved harmful to many who had little to no risk of contracting Covid.

3. Have there been any previous animal experiments that "justify the experiment"?
-No animal experiments have been conducted, but the results and validity of the data are questionable due to lack of data and lack of safety/efficacy in humans. 

4. Did they manage to "avoid all unnecessary physical or mental trauma"?
- No - We have been subjected to round-the-clock propaganda, brainwashing and coercion by employers, the media and government agencies. Not to mention the negative side effects of the vaccine, such as pericarditis and myocarditis. 

5. Have they stopped possible "fatal or incapacitating procedures"?
- No – Public health agencies continued to push for experimental vaccinations, despite debilitating side effects and potential lethality. They went to great lengths to hide VAERS and all the talk about vaccine side effects on social media.

6. Did the "degree of risk" outweigh the benefits?
-No -99% of people were not at risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and experimental mRNA injections did not prevent transmission.

7. Have adequate means been put in place to prevent "remote possibilities of injury, disability or death"?
-No – The subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware that they were being experimented on and were unaware that they were at risk of injury, disability, and possibly death.

8. Were the experiments conducted only by "scientifically qualified"?
- No – Scientists who spoke out about mRNA injections were silenced, censored, and intimidated by prison. Pharmaceutical propagandists coerced lower-level health workers to give injections of which they did not know the true data. Doctors didn't know the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. 

9. Are participants "free to complete the experiment"?
- No – Most of them don't know they're being experimented on, and even if they do, irreversible changes have been made to their bodies with mRNA technology that we know can't be undone.

10. Did they stop the experiment when it "turned out to be dangerous"?
- No – Not only did they not stop, they continued to act, redoubled their efforts, and abused the government's emergency powers to silence and censor citizens who spoke about the real dangers of mRNA vaccines on social media.

The actions of governments violate all medical ethics and infringe on the basic human rights recognized by every sovereign nation on the planet. 

The new pact on the false pandemic is here 

1) The Nuremberg Code

2) UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6).

3) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7).

4) UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 3).

The names of the perpetrators, depending on the country, you all know!
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🇺🇸Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, anticipating another covid scam:

"Let me be clear: As long as I'm governor, Arkansas will never close. We will never close our schools, our churches, or our businesses. We will never force you or your children to wear masks. And we will never issue a mandate to vaccinate against #COVID19.

Government should never occupy a greater place in our lives than individual freedom. This is the principle on which our nation was founded."

One of the most sober voices of today's World, who right now needs more such politicians,
January 8, 2019, the Governor of Florida is the chief executive of Florida and commander of the state's armed forces. Responsible for enforcing state laws, has the right to assemble the Florida Legislature, to approve or veto laws passed by the assembly, and to grant clemency other than cases of impeaching.

Ron DeSantis

🇺🇸Ron as a stranger among his banned passports vaccines #COVID19, secretly penetrates the point allowing forced vaccination for future pandemics. Too bad it's not fiction, Friends, but you can read it all in the Senate bill of 2006.

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The man claims to own the doc. Pfizer:

He says:

"I'm holding in my hands an internal document from Pfizer laboratories given to us by a very special person with whom we are in contact."

"It's called reverse engineering the source code of the Pfizer BionTech vaccine!"

"reverse engineering of the source code of the Pfizer BionTech vaccine"

"This is very CRITICAL because it describes the biological and chemical processes of a Covid injection that has been manipulated very carefully to produce an mRNA that delivers a VERY TOXIC SUBSTANCE to the human body! Do you know what this substance is? Graphene oxide!"

"Each of these vaccines contains 15 million graphene oxide nanoparticles."

"The patented databases that we had access to to prove that #COVID19 and the 'Vaccine' are in fact biological weapons! Want to know how we back up our claims? Because we have a copy of Wuhan's databases that has been secretly deleted!"
But even three networked unwashed brain cells would be enough to debunk the prevailing nonsense about covid from the very beginning and the unnecessary, ineffective - even negatively effective, as we now know - unsafe experimental injections of mRNA and DNA before their criminal emergency resolution.

The man claims to own the doc. Pfizer:

He says:

"I'm holding in my hands an internal document from Pfizer laboratories given to us by a very special person with whom we are in contact."

"It's called reverse engineering the source code of the Pfizer BionTech vaccine!"

"reverse engineering of the source code of the Pfizer BionTech vaccine"

"This is very CRITICAL because it describes the biological and chemical processes of a Covid injection that has been manipulated very carefully to produce an mRNA that delivers a VERY TOXIC SUBSTANCE to the human body! Do you know what this substance is? Graphene oxide!"

"Each of these vaccines contains 15 million graphene oxide nanoparticles."

"The patented databases that we had access to to prove that
#COVID19 and the 'Vaccine' are in fact biological weapons! Want to know how we back up our claims? Because we have a copy of Wuhan's databases that has been secretly deleted!"


The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic published the most interesting information in its account on X 
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Bush's former speechwriter at the WEF

"The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation like hysteria #COVID19 as a hoax about global warming to really make people feel like some kind of savior, but in reality they only help them achieve their goal. The goal is actually a global public-private fascist movement and the unification of Big Government, Big Tech and Big Money to create the technocratic ruling elite that they practically are...

They want to create a feudalism 2.0 in which we are serfs and they are the gentlemen who rule us... That's their goal."
A peasant woman with the face of a horse and a Japanese surname who works for the WEF and its satanic and anti-human agenda, the founding director of the Institute for Innovation and Public Purposes at the University of California, Los Angeles, Mazzucato, has other ideas on how to accelerate the redistribution of wealth, power, and so on.

The idea of criminalizing inaction in a green scam called its "climate protection" is not enough, so it reveals the next step of their Satan-globalist agenda in the course of the discussion:

"Have we been successful? Have we managed to vaccinate the whole world? No. [...] Climate change as a global problem is too complex for humans. Some understand it well, many understand it a little, and most do not understand it at all. But the water... Every child understands how important it is to have water. Thus, the goal is to draw the attention of citizens to this problem and experiment with how it can be used as a campaign for the benefit of the whole society. Perhaps we will have more success with this than with other items [COVID19 and climate change] that have failed miserably..."

And in a recent https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/09/climate-progress-human-rights-violation/ article written by the Financial Capital Organization, the WEF insists on criminalizing "climate inaction." The headline of the article reads "Is inaction on climate change a violation of human rights?" and in it, the WEF-sheep predicts that climate-related lawsuits will increase in the coming years. "Climate-related litigation is generally poised to expand," the article says.

According to the https://climatecasechart.com/about/ database, there have already been more than 130 cases worldwide involving lawsuits against governments based on climate-related human rights violations. In addition, Clementine Baldon, a lawyer for climate litigation, told the WEF that there are high hopes that the number of lawsuits related to the "green scam" (climate human rights) "will continue to grow".

Recently, the European Court of Human Rights received a lawsuit by six young people against 32 European countries. These people argue that countries have failed to cope with the "climate crisis" caused by human activities.

"This is described as 'unprecedented' in terms of potential impact," the WEF said. A victory could prompt some of the world's richest countries to step up action on climate change; may affect numerous other legal efforts currently underway to combat inaction." ☠️

👁As we can see, Friends, they tried global warming, then they tried climate change, they tried #COVID19, then "bugger disease", then they proposed climate quarantines.

And now they are trying to get us to swallow their globalist nonsense by imposing a new water crisis. Get ready, sooner or later, after the info-processing of the population of the Planet through the media around the World, problems with water will begin!
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"Your emission rights are stored in a carbon wallet. So if I wanted to fly, I'd buy the emissions rights from someone who can't afford to fly. In this way, this poor person can make some money."

Welcome to a neo-feudal future arranged by the Swabian clique and the WEF at the behest of unnamed actors.

Barbara Baarsma, a member of the WEF agenda clique, touts the slavish nature of the new system of personal carbon credits:

"If I want to fly, I buy carbon rights from someone who can't afford to fly, for example... Or, if someone lives in a small house, they can sell their carbon rights to someone who lives in a large house. In this way, the poor will be able to benefit from the green economy..."

A carbon-free future in which the poor can sell their ability to live for "extra money."

Swedish fintech company Doconomy https://threadsirish.substack.com/p/have-you-any-idea-how-your-carbon has launched a new credit card that tracks its customers' CO2 footprint – and turns the money tap to them when they reach their maximum.

The company uses the Aland index as the basis for calculating the CO2 footprint of each product purchased.

The so-called Åland index can be changed by social engineering technocrats at any time.

Should humans eat worms and bugs? Yes, if they want to live and "buy and sell". Meat has an impossible carbon value. Plus travel restrictions and so on.

The Rockefeller Foundation calls this "true costing," and it allows for complete control of this artificially perverted valuation.

I hope you understand why the Rockefeller Foundation's so-called "document" for 2010, LockStep, which talks about a global health crisis that will last for two and a half years—that's how long the #COVID19 scam has been going on, and where everything is anticipated, whether it's lockdown, vaccination (on page 16) or the introduction of digital access restrictions—all of these measures were described in it more than a decade before they were introduced...
David Rockefeller at the UN conference on September 14, 1994: "We are on the cusp of a global transformation, all we need is a well-orchestrated mega-crisis, and then countries WILL ADOPT a new world order"

Professor of Oncology Angus Dalglish, from George's Medical School in London, calls for the immediate cessation of all vaccinations against #COVID19:

"As an oncologist, I see people with rapidly developing cancer and rapidly recurring cancer after being vaccinated against [COVID-19] (leukemia, lymphoma, melanoma, etc...)."
Media is too big
❗️❗️It is impossible for the state not to be informed of the attack, says a former IDF soldier:

"I was the commander of the Golani Brigade for some time and I know what a border patrol is.

I was the squad leader, and let me tell you what's going on—everything was done with full cooperation.

It is impossible for the IDF, or especially the Shin Bet (Israel's security agency), to be unaware of this.

It is impossible for the IDF not to react immediately with either aircraft or tanks.

In my time, we had
only the suspicion that there would be an invasion of the Gaza Strip when I was in Nahal Oz and in seconds hundreds and hundreds of cars were coming from all directions.

In no case could this have happened without the knowledge of the IDF.

I want to tell you something, listen carefully: This country betrayed us during the pandemic #COVID19 these dangerous injections.

Now you can see it even more clearly – the army no longer serves us.

I know it sounds hard and scary, but it's true."
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The CCP sends Trump "666" in its congratulatory message on his covid status.

A video posted by the official account of the CCP #Weibo Youth League, in which the audience sends pop-up messages congratulating Donald Trump on being infected when he was sick #COVID19, has a narrative as its main idea:

"The virus has finally found someone who understands it best. You'll be buried in front of the White House. Know, know, know! I got it. Yes, yes, yes! You got it, you got it, you got it. Now get out of bed and laugh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Husband and wife."

Interestingly, in the message, the CCP uses a figure that is present in Gates' patent for the chip and in the address of the laboratory in Wuhan, where Gates/Soros and the French have invested. government, and where did Chinese covid come from:
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On November 29 in Ottawa, in a 10-minute speech, Canadian physicist Denis Rancourt summed up the entire [pandemic] where he used data, namely the overall mortality rate. No truly honest scientist can dismiss this.

Back in June 2020, Rancourt and his research team concluded that the pandemic never existed in nature at all. Although the death rate was high in some areas, Rancourt said it was due to the misconduct of the authorities with their lockdowns, intimidation, coercion, plus the unbelievable mortality rate in nursing homes, where the elderly were actually disposed of.

He concludes that [the pandemic] could not have happened because the virus spread only regionally and even took into account national borders, which can be observed, including in Europe. Proof of this is that more than half of the world's countries had no excess mortality at all before the start of #COVID19 vaccination. However, when mass vaccination began, in all countries there was a very (!) significant excess mortality.

Runcourt also points out that injection mortality doubles with increasing age (every 4 to 5 years). For people over 80 years of age, the mortality rate is 5-20% for each dose of the vaccine. In Russian roulette, the mortality rate is lower at 1 in 6 or 17%.

The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from these frightening figures is that the vaccine represents a form of forced euthanasia of the most vulnerable segments of society.

One day, the perpetrators of this extraordinary mass murder will have to be brought to justice. There should be a lot of people in power who really stand up for truth and truth. If this does not happen in any country of the World, then the conclusions for all of us are disappointing—the World is doomed.
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Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: We Know Who Dies More Often and More!

"For more than two years, we, together with many researchers, in particular Laurent Toubiana [a French researcher from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, working at the Laboratory of Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering in eHealth (LIMICS)], have been asking for the dissemination of mortality data in France according to vaccination status.

The reason is simple: if vaccination against #COVID19 is safe and effective against a deadly disease, then we should easily show that vaccinated people die less than unvaccinated people.

If we find that the vaccinated and unvaccinated die in the same way as the rest, it will prove that vaccination does not have a significant effect on health.

If we find that vaccinated people die more often than unvaccinated people, we conclude that we have a serious public health problem.

England, for its part, is disseminating this data. An analysis comparing the proportion of the unvaccinated in the population of England with the proportion of the unvaccinated in mortality in England ultimately destroys the whole narrative."

Stunning government data shows that those injected three times have the highest mortality rate.
A special committee to combat [COVID19] has subpoenaed former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to testify

Governor Cuomo's actions in 2020 resulted in the deaths of many, many nursing home patients and other quarantine-related illnesses.

But in Europe, deaths rose by 1580% after the EMA approved a #COVID19 vaccine for children.

A study in England shows that tens and tens of thousands of elderly people in nursing homes were simply killed by a lethal injection of midazolam.


At least 1,822 people have died in nursing homes in Lombardy, but it is not known how many of them were actually killed by the coronavirus, as many of them have never been tested.

The time has come to bring the perpetrators to justice, at the behest of their masters, who make scapegoats of them and feed them to the mob in order to appease the wrath of the plebs. This is just another PsiOp, not retribution and justice.

Personally for the amorous former mayor of New York and the vicinity of NYC and similar locations, for more accurate calculations of the terms of imprisonment of the defendants in the performers.


