Tradition Publishing Co.
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Publisher of traditionalist, reactionary, and classical literature. Visit our website at or follow @TraditionBooks on Gab and Twitter for updates.
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Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar
Miguel Serrano

A book that describes the ongoing, titanic and eternal battle between Gods and Devils, between dark forces and the coming Hyperborean age. A voice beckoning the Hyperborean archetype, urging those who understand to fight against the eternal Enemy. A catalyst for the Memory of the Blood setting one on the Hyperborean path of enlightenment.

This new edition finally brings together all 950 pages of the original text in two paperback volumes.
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
René Guénon

In The Reign of Quantity, Guénon seeks to understand "some of the darkest enigmas of the modern world, enigmas which the world itself denies because it is incapable of perceiving them although it carries them within itself, and because this denial is an indispensable condition for the maintenance of the special mentality whereby it exists."
Central Sun
Peryt Shou

A selection of rare works by the influential Armanist known as Peryt Shou (Albert Schultz), including The Mystery of the Central Sun, The Edda as Key to the Coming Age, and The Secret Doctrine of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
The Swastika: Earliest Known Symbol
Thomas Wilson

In The Swastika, Thomas Wilson analyzes copious evidence from both ancient and modern civilizations in order to interpret the meaning of this archetypal symbol as it appears throughout the history of mankind. This is a facsimile edition.
A History of Roman Religion
Franz Altheim

"A History of Roman Religion" is a comprehensive overview of the degeneracy of Aryan Rome into semitized catholicism. Written in 1938 it traces this decline and fall from the origin of Rome to its demise.

Franz Altheim (6 October 1898 – 17 October 1976) was a German classical philologist and historian who specialized in the history of classical antiquity. During the 1930s and 1940s, Altheim served as a member of Ahnenerbe, a think tank controlled by the Schutzstaffel (SS), the paramilitary wing of the NSDAP, and as a spy for the SS.
NOS: Book of the Resurrection
Miguel Serrano

NOS, Book of the Resurrection, is considered by many to be Serrano's magnum opus. A work of profound literary and philosophical depth, NOS describes the fall of Man and his redemption through Eternal Love.
The Grail as Nordic Mystery
Julius Evola

Never before published in English, this rare book includes a collection of essays written by Evola during the period from 1932 to 1952, and a series of lectures delivered at the German-Italian Society in 1938. The material is largely concerned with the role of European myth and tradition in the modern world.
Outline of the Fascist Racial Doctrine
Julius Evola

Available in English for the first time, Evola's definitive work on the subject of race outlines the scientific and metaphysical principles of racialism in the context of Fascist political theory.
The Peasantry as Lifespring of the Nordic Race
Richard Walther Darré

In this first English edition of his seminal work, Darré examines the subject of class from a racialist perspective, emphasizing the importance of rural workers in European society. This is a machine-translated facsimile edition.
Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom
Nimrod de Rosario

The "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom", being a treatise whose proposals lead to logical, philosophical and axiological theses that are irreducible and demonstrable, must be studied ordinally and integrally, and it requires an exhaustive study of "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" (the author's initiatic novel), a sine qua non condition, in order to understand them. In this context, the author repeatedly recommends that the aspirants to the study of the fundamentals must possess an essential quality, the gnostic predisposition, which will allow them to overcome cultural and rational limitations that prevent the correct understanding of the substantive metaphysical and axiological part of the fundamentals.
The Absolute Individual
Julius Evola

This volume contains a new English translation of Evola's "Theory of the Absolute Individual" and his explanatory "Essays on Magical Idealism," in which he summarizes that work and its as yet untranslated companion volume.
Odal: The Life-Law of an Eternal Germany
Johann von Leers

In his work, Johann von Leers argues that Germanic history has long possessed its foundation primarily in peasant man and his attitude toward law, duty, and freedom, nature, culture, and the people, and that the abandonment of this foundation has had extremely disastrous effects. From this point of view, he presents an account that focuses on the history of the German peasantry, its way of life, struggles and enemies.
The Hermetic Fragments

This volume presents a selection of fragmentary religious and philosophical texts compiled by the 5th century Greek scholar Joannes Stobaeus. The fragments comprise a treasury of esoteric knowledge from the ancient and secretive Hermetic tradition regarding subjects like alchemy, astrology, and philosophy.
Various authors

Ariosophy is the esoteric "myth of the blood." In this collection of rare works by Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels and others, that myth finds expression with profound clarity. Here, the principles of Ariosophy are demonstrated by their application to subjects as diverse as politics, history, science, religion, and magic, providing a complete synopsis of the Ariosophic worldview.
Holy Rune Might
Siegfried Adolf Kummer

In this rare and influential work of the Armanist school, Siegfried Kummer reveals the hidden meaning of the Armanen runes, their relation to other aspects of Western esotericism, and their application to ritual practice. All of the illustrations from the original German publication of Heilige Runenmacht are reproduced in high detail.
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Foundations of Blood and Soil
Richard Walther Darré & Johann von Leers

This collection of newly translated material by Johann von Leers and Richard Walther Darré includes the major works of nationalist philosophy "Blood and Race in Legislation" and "A New Ordering of Our Thought," as well as shorter books and articles concerning racial history, class relations, and modern society.
Blood and Honor
Alfred Rosenberg

This version of Blood and Honor by Alfred Rosenberg is machine translated from the original text.

The first chapter comprises sixteen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1919 to 1933 dealing with the National Socialist struggle against the Weimar Republic. Also included are his article on the occasion of Adolf Hitler’s birthday in 1923 and the work’s original foreword by Thilo von Trotha dated November 9, 1933.

The second chapter contains twenty writings from 1922 to 1933, including the introduction to his work “Essence, Principles and Goals of the NSDAP”.

The third chapter features seventeen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1920 to 1933.

The fourth chapter consists of eleven writings from 1925 to 1933 about foreign policy in both the Weimar Republic and the very early Third Reich.
The Sacred Proto-Writing of Mankind
Herman Wirth

Decades before mainstream science rediscovered his ideas, co-founder of the Ahnenerbe society Herman Wirth proposed that all Indo-European religions share a common basis in the astronomical calendar. This groundbreaking work of comparative mythology postulates that the ancient Nordic calendar represented the same principles of cosmic order on which all other pagan religions were based, and which may thus be understood as a "pre-scientific technical language" of metaphysical spirituality. Work in progress.
The Armanenship of the Ario-Germans
Guido von List

This rare work outlines von List's exhaustive reconstruction of Germanic paganism in the context of perennialist philosophy and comparative religion. Here, von List provides a compelling analysis of prehistoric European religion as an example of "Ur-monotheism" - the primordial tradition shared by all pre-Abrahamic faiths. Among several essays included in the appendix is a unique interpretation of the relationship between Christianity, Buddhism, and the Armanist school of Germanic polytheism. This book is a work in progress.