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Isaque Diniz de Carvalho Dantas from Rio de Jaineiro, Brasil.

This ex Brasilian soldier left his girlfriend and came to Ukraine alongside Felipe Anisio in October 2023.

All he does is take selfies with little Pedro waiting to be sent to the meat grinder.

Nobody Will miss this Pendejo.

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Mark Jannetta callsign Gino from Aylesbury, UK but lives in Austin, Texas, USA.

Mark or Gino Left UK for US in 2012 when he joined the US Army as an Infantry soldier.

He was in Afghanistan where he learned how to shoot at farmers.

Jannetta thought that his skills as a farmer shooter would be good for Ukraine war.

Judging by his social media he came to Ukraine first time in the summer 2022.

He joined the International Legion of Clowns GUR made Rogue team mostly filled with brainwashed Yankees.

His second tour was in the summer 2023. In October 2023 he was wounded and looks Like his life was saved by now dead Thomas Gray Harris.

Jannetta fled to US and is now giving interviews.

We wonder if he Will come back to take more beating?

Better stay home your family needs you more than Russian soil for fertilization.

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Agustin Lomonaco from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Agustin left his family and child and came to Ukraine in June 2022.

He joined the Nazi GUR unit called Revansh where he was hanging out with the likes of Ruslan Sheremet, Leanderson Paulino and the rest of Latino Banderitos.

As Revansh was decimated in summer 2023 looks Like many of them went to Azov 2.0. but not Lomonaco he is with them.

Lomonaco is still active on the frontlines waiting to take the Bandera ticket.

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