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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

VIncit Omnia Veritas Semper Fidelis 
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With the clear level of open, unabashed fraud occurring in US elections, most recently w/ multiple governors races on 11/7/2023 … is it logical, or intellectually mature, to think that Hamas, Likud, various Green Parties, Labour, and many more, were not cheated into office in their respective localities as well? It's happening again right here, right now. Think USSF.

Large_scale, coordinated electronic cheating/ballot manipulation has been occurring since year 2000 for the USA (Bush v Gore).
If they’ve been doing it for 23 years in the great USA, how many decades have [THEY] been cheating [THEIR] preferred leaders (and not #WETHEPEOPLE chosen ones) into office worldwide?
How long has it been since We The People have had a true choice?

“This is not just another 4-year election”

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #DarktoLight #Treason #electionfraud #DraintheSwamp #deepstate #FallofTheCabal

“Drain the swamp does not just refer to DC”