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Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Stay focused, stay consistent.

If they haven't texted u or called by now, it's time to let it go. Actions speak louder than words, & their silence tells u everything u need to know. Don't wait around for someone who doesn't care enough to make an effort. Invest ur energy in the ppl who show up for u when you need them the most & make u feel appreciated and assured. Be with ppl who value you.

out of respect, pls stop telling me about the people that i no longer communicate & had already cut ties with. i hardly care about their life anymore. it's none of my concern and i'm out of it

you'll have to start over & over again until you win. cause no battle has ever been won by people who ran away.

& you'll always be too much for some ppl. too kind. too sensitive. too friendly. too giving. too hopeful. too positive. too passionate. too insecure. too afraid. too caring. too shy. too much of this and too much of that. too much of every single thing that makes you the person that you are. don't change urself cause you are 'too much' for the ppl who are 'too little'. just remember that your feelings will make no sense to the ppl who are shallow. to the ppl who put boundaries where there should be none.

you can’t hurt people and then expect them to be kind or be forgiving towards you. you can’t inflict them pain and then tell them to just forget it and move on. u are in no position to tell them what to do with their emotions, especially if u are the reason why they’re suffering

just a reminder that you didn’t waste your time or year, any moment of happiness or comfort, any small accomplishments, they all matter. some phases of life are really not easy, and simply surviving them is something to be proud of

i had so much love for her & i couldn't give it to her. and I can't have it because it's not mine. i can't give it to anyone or anything else because it's not their's. it's hers. all hers. and there's no where else to put it. sometimes its so heavy & I have nowhere to put it.

I'm the kind of person who pays close attention to details. so even if you believe I overlooked your bullsh!t, I actually didn't. I was aware of it, but I chose not to say anything or give it any attention.

yes you can never control how you feel about them, but you surely can choose what you do with those emotions

When you're ready they will find u. The universe has a way of lining you up w/ the right ppl at the right time. Trust that when the moment is right, those who are meant to be in your life will appear. At this moment, focus on your own growth & have faith that everything will fall into place as it should

Just because you love them, doesn't always mean that they feel loved by you. Let that sink in.

texts like these >>>
I know you don't like being alone. But you have to stop stressing it. You have to stop forcing things to happen. A new relationship will bloom when you least expect it. You just have to stop trying to control everything. And accept the way things are. And let things happen as they should, at their place, pace and time. And when the universe decides you are ready. you will be ready.

i have mastered the art
of looking like a desert
even when all the clouds
of my heart are raining.

you can decorate their absence however you want -- but you're still going to feel what's missing & it's okay.

rainy mornings >>
where's my insomniac gang at?
the longer i go without something, the more i’m okay with never having it again. and once i detach from someone or something completely, reconnection with me becomes almost impossible cause' i know what it took for me to finally let go. I tend to put all the efforts-- but once i’m done, i’m done
