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Suicide is a human right guys. It doesn't affect other people and they're not hurting anyone. They're using their own freedom to do what they want. Making it illegal or a sin is totally pointless anyways. What are they gonna do when you kill yourself? Fine you? Anyone who prevents suicide is infringing on the human rights of the person in question.
Genocide isn't a bad thing. It just means you're killing large numbers of people. If large groups of people are considered evil, they should all be executed.
Terrorism is not a bad thing either and is necessary. It should be enacted upon those that seek to destroy my collective people and nation. It should be used to deter others from harming my collective and to defend my kind.
People starve as bad under capitalism if not worse than under communism.
I don't see a damn thing wrong with any of these tbh.
A corporation does not indicate capitalism. A corporation is a tool of the state and is meant to serve the people and the nations interest. Unfortunately modern corporations are inherently self serving and hold the working class down and prioritize profit and capital over the people and the environment they damage by exploiting the resources and people and at the same time subvert and damage the nation and cultural values. That in of itself is what makes a corporation capitalistic.
One thing Marxists do not understand is that the workers themselves are the means of production and are supposed to be slaves to the state and ruler to serve the nation. They are also tools. This form of slavery is completely necessary for a functioning society. You do not need to force these people to be slaves either. You just need to indoctrinate them to work for you.
When they ask "why?". They are conflating science with philosophy bc why is a philisophical word and how/what are scientific questions. Science cannot explain "why the moon is round?" bc that is a philosophical question and science cannot explain philosophy but philosophy does and can use science to justify it.

You cannot get "raped" when you're married.
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Against Rousseau: On the State of Nature and On the Sovereignty of the People
by Joseph de Maistre

Maistre's most comprehensive treatment of Rousseau's ideas and his most sustained critique of the ideological foundations of the French Revolution.

#Philosophy #Traditionalism #Politics
"Are they in the room with us rn."🤓🤓🤓
My one major critique of White Nationalism (which is a form of Americanism) is that it seeks to disregard all unique ethnicities and cultures based on phenotypes and destroys their ethnicity and culture by forcing this "White" Identity on them. It is not different to what the so called Jews do to foreigners where they bring them to the West and strip their identities from them and liberalise them. My problem is not that White nationalism is "exclusive" but that it is so inclusive bc they force their identity on Germans, Irish, Croatians, Serbians. And eventually they do the same with Mexicans and even the Japanese. Just like how the west forces their liberal western values and "freedom and democracy" through out the world.
There's nothing wrong with this tbh. People are too retarded to think for themselves and need people to be told what to do. They need guidance and help from their leaders and bosses. People who disagree with this are just materialists and libertarian shills.
A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard (1936) - Jewish Problem
The irony of individualist libertarians are they make their hyper-individualism into a community.
I think black people who rob walmarts and targets are based.
Yelling into someones ears until they go deaf is free speech. I didn't physically touch them and I only used words bro.👍