The Fascifist Archive
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Richard Spencer on the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West

White Nationalist Richard Spencer admits that the liberal world order is built on treachery; that White Supremacy is a criminal enterprise designed to enslave and suppress the ethnic peoples of the world.

"We, the white race, are the biggest criminals in world history. Why are we complaining about crime? We stole continents. I hate to break the news to you, but we did that...We are the biggest war criminals in world history. Just speaking about whites behaving better on average, even that is deceptive because so many whites right now are losing it."


Why Is The West Hated?

Acts of the CIA

Why Americans Fight Over Identity

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

“Western Values” Explained

A Critique of American Identity Politics and the History and Construction of White Identity

On the Ontological Difference Between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West

Race is Ontological
Spengler's criticisms of liberalism and his idea of Prussian Socialism were the most welcomed concepts adopted to Nazi ideology

Spengler, in 1919 the same year in which Anton Drexler founded what was to become the NSDAP, published his small book on “Prussianism and Socialism,” he was not offering anything new. Nevertheless, it had its importance, for the time was propitious, and the author was not only a scholar with a reputation which was shortly to become worldwide, but he possessed an audacity rare in academic circles. Spengler sponsored, in “Prussianism and Socialism,” a brand of socialism that was anti-Marxian, anti-republican, anti-capitalist, nationalistic, bellicose, and aristocratic. Spengler warned the workers that for them it was Prussian Socialism or nothing; for the conservatives, socialism or annihilation. Oswald Spengler explains this view in his essay Prussianism and Socialism:

“In order to overcome man’s inborn lethargy, the Prussian socialist ethic maintains that the chief aim of life is not happiness. "Do your duty," it says, "by doing your English capitalist ethic says, "Get rich, and then you won’t have to work any more." There is doubtless something provocative about this latter motto. It is tempting, it appeals to very basic human instincts. The working masses of ambitious nations have understood it well. As late as the nineteenth century it produced the Yankee type with his irresistible practical optimism. The other motto is forbidding. It is for the few who wish to inject it into the community and thus force it upon the masses. The first maxim is for a stateless country, for egoists and Viking types with the urge for constant personal combat, such as we find in English sportsmanship. It implies extreme independence of mind, the right to gain happiness at the expense of all others, as long as one’s strength holds out—in other sewords, scientific Darwinism. The other, however, is an expression of the socialist idea in all its profundity: the will to power, the struggle for happiness, but for the happiness of the totality, not of the individual. In this sense Frederick William I, and not Marx, was the first conscious socialist.”

— Oswald Spengler

What Spengler describes to be German Socialism differ very much from what the Left knows socialism to be:

"Socialism means power, power, and more power. Thoughts and schemes are nothing without power. The path to power has already been mapped: the valuable elements of German labor in union with the best representatives of the Old Prussian state idea both groups determined to build a strictly socialist state to democratize our nation in the Prussian manner both forged into a unit by the same sense of duty, by the awareness of a great obligation by the will to obey in order to rule, to die in order to win by the strength to make immense sacrifices in order to accomplish what we were born for what we are what could not be without us."

— Oswald Spengler
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【口語訳字幕】東條英機 演説 "大詔を拝し奉りて"

- Hideki Tojo Speech "Declaration of war against America"






The Axis Cause: In Defense of Imperial Japan

America is Guilty: Why Japan Declared War

The Truth about the Imperial Japanese Military
Forwarded from Awakened Serbia
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🪖 "This is the helmet which I wore, during the tank battle of Cambray. I had just given an order to those behind me, I turned around and received this shot from behind, which grazed my head and exited the helmet in front. Next to it, the helmet of an English officer who had attacked us on the Western Front. He took a head shot and unfortunately fell. I have always lamented this. I still have his canteen and other remembrances in his honour here."

- Ernst Junger
The Burning Souls - Leon Degrelle.pdf
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The Burning Souls
by Leon Degrelle

This edition of Léon Degrelle’s The Burning Souls is intended for the English reader, for whom there has thus far been no reliable translation of this particular work. The Burning Souls is half-prose, half-poetic, and as such, the author has attempted throughout to preserve Degrelle’s meanings and intentions to the best of his ability, and also to preserve the impassioned quality with which he spoke and wrote throughout his lifetime.
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MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
by After Skool

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

After Skool

This video explores the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics: the mass psychosis.

A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of liberalism in the 18th century. This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?
Hobbes & Locke rewriting history, and a new story begun...a world of secular governments

"Liberty, the god that Failed"
chapter the Heavenly City demolished

Forwarded from DD Geopolitics
Russian liberals finding out that the West is not their friend, hates them because they are Russian, and that their beloved paradise is not magical gumdrop world - part infinity.
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🇲🇽"Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the US!" - AMLO
Was the American Revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7? |

excerpt from article:
"It is safe to say that the American patriots who fought against England were fully convinced that they had biblical precedent and scriptural justification for their rebellion. Although their view of Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 is a faulty interpretation (there are no provisos concerning obedience in those passages), it was the popular preaching of the day. At the same time, the self-defense argument (number 3, above) is a convincing and substantial rationale for war.
Even if the American Revolution was a violation of Romans 13, we know that the patriots acted in good faith in the name of Christian freedom, and we know that, in the ensuing years, God has brought about much good from the freedom that was won as a result."

"God blessed America"...
what is the measurement of the "much good" that has come from American freedom?

Material wealth & prosperity or spiritual harvest of souls for Jesus?

Has America been getting more Christian in the past 250 years, or more secular?

Stop complaining about the bad "fruit"(LGBTQ, abortion, etc), and examine the root & foundation.

What is the cause of the bad fruit?

If the foundation contradicts the doctrine of the apostles, then it is of antichrist, not Jesus Christ.
2Cor11:13-15, 2Tim3:5, Rev13:11

One Day They'll Wake Up

Almost 100 years ago, famous US cartoonist Bob Minor had a realization: Western nations rule the world because they were rich in money and guns (Industrialism). China, India, and Africa were poor in money and guns, but rich in people. One day, the balance of power would shift.

Minor drew this cartoon in 1925. Now, 98 years later, the people of the world are waking up and realizing something has changed.

Note how Russia is smiling in the background.
You cannot get "raped" when you're married.
Heisenberg talking about how quantum logic may just be an extension of classical/Aristotelian logic.

"The result of these attempts by Birkhoff and Neumann and more recently by Weitzsäcker can be stated by saying that the mathematical scheme of quantum theory can be interpreted as an extension or modification of classical logic. It is especially one fundamental principle of classical logic which seems to require a modification. In classical logic it is assumed that, if a statement has any meaning at all, either the statement or the negation of the statement must be correct. Of "here is a table" or "here is not a table and", either the first or the second statement must be correct." Tertium non Datur", a third possibility does not exist. It may be that we do not know whether the statement or its negation is correct; but in "reality" one of the two is correct."
Forwarded from Arab Chad's (Badinga   🏴)
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The Napoleonic Effect 🇫🇷

Because Evangelical Christianity including Bapitsts descends from British Israelism, they follow the Noahide laws because it's the only way to enforce any kind of patriarchy in Christianity. When they're born again they become a chosen one themselves, their main goal is to uphold Israel and send all the Jews there so it can fulfil God's prophecy for the end times and Jesus's return. It's why they refuse to accept anti-semitism, because it risks the Jews gathering.

The original British Israelism belief was that Britain was Israel which is why they brought the Jews back to England and started the civil war and Anglos were themselves descended from one of the Tribes and Jews themselves. The reason it seems so weird now in the South is because originally evangelical protestant Brits and Jews had a symbiotic relationship with one another in both the British empire and North America, for religious, trade, diplomatic and social reasons. It was also used to justify British settlement worldwide. When the South was cut off from both Britain and even the American north, it continued to be practiced in isolation with neither the explicit British Israelism or actual Jews present until the state of Israel was founded which became a new focal point for the gathering of the Jews and Jesus's return. Up until a few decades we still had native British Bapitst churches for the same reason, though now they're all modern offshoots of American ones and both the old British bapitst churches and British Israelism itself has died out. The relation to British Israelism is probably also why the evangelicals practiced and spread circumcision, it was also popular in Victorian Britain and the reason the British monarchy still does it, completely unrelated to current day American Protestantism. There are still loads of empty baptist and evangelical churches dotted around Britain from that time, in the States it continued to grow instead.
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President Putin tells a joke that reveals the insanity of German state sanctions against Russia.

Of course we know that the Germans are merely exercising the will of their American masters in Washington DC. This is no secret. The Germans have not been sovereign since they lost the second world war in 1945.
Forwarded from AngloSphere Archives
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In the 1950's, men in Britain were asked whether they thought they were pedophiles. 92% said "yes"