The European New Zealander
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The latest of three articles posted in the last week.
trying to make up for 4 months of silence!
Its pretty clear that the problem of white man's motivation to self preservation, what looks like outright cowardice is a spiritual one. Alain De Benoist- On Being Pagan blows away the myth that pre spiritual Europeans were barbaric. For a look at what was lost with the onset of Christianity, John Lamb Lash offers an interesting, even shocking account of that history. “The moment has come to realise that the lack of spiritual direction of the West is not a mysterious malaise but the consequence of a massive, long-term program of religious and cultural genocide.” - John Lamb Lash; Not In His Image pp352.
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In doing some research on the number of full blood Maori, I found this article from 2017. If there are indeed a large number of genuine full blood Maori that would be excellent news! It would completely change the political calculus; it would dramatically strengthen the Maori case for separatism and exclusive territorial autonomy; Malcolm X style, which would finally get them off our hands forever... They would no longer have to try and fit a system they cannot adapt to and we would no longer have to pretend to play happy families with people that hate us. Good fences make for good neighbours.
I went for a walk in a provincial town in New Zealand this morning, and found this...I wonder how many more of these ancient European symbols of good luck there are still left hidden away in New Zealand?
The National Party rolled out its plan for opposing He Puapua with a billboard campaign- which links back to the National Party Website. Let's not forget that National endorsed the UN Declaration in 2010. And even in its feigned opposition continues to buy into the myth of a treaty partnership between Maori and the Crown.

The National – Labour tag team is not going to sort this. Only by reasserting the true nature of the Treaty and rejecting radical revisionism will NZ stand a chance. Understand the issues, Twisting The Treaty is a good place to start...
David Seymour's complaints against Stuff news for refusing to publish his rebuttal to John Tamihere's article accusing him of a “sophisticated and covert form of race-based politics” just proves once again that you can not appease the left, the liberals and the anti-whites. I don't know if we will ever learn this lesson, but we certainly need to.