The European New Zealander
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Forwarded from British Democrats
Typical opinion from the top of the #Conservative party.

Nadhim Zahawi is the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

#BorisJohnson is also in favour of an amnesty and has confirmed so on more than one occasion.

Conservatives – The Party of Open Borders!

#BorisOut #BorisJohnsonOut
Forwarded from Action Zealandia
If you want to see an example of how effective the use of the bread and circuses are just take a look at how much time, emotion and mental energy the Irish and NZ people have wasted on the outcome of a recent Rugby test series. The New Zealand people are practically apoplectic because of a lost game, whilst the Irish are euphoric because their team won. Neither appears to be anywhere near as animated or concerned by impending food shortages, hyperinflation, major cost of living, the damage that Covid vaccines have done, or the introduction of the tyrannical control system of Digital IDs and Digital currencies. They fail to recognise the common enemies and threats they face.

Our governments forcibly shutdown businesses, infringed upon people’s god given rights and coerced them into experimental gene therapy. The energy that should be used for political dissent and outright rebellion against the ruling class is instead redirected into frivolous forms of entertainment designed to keep the populace docile.
Forwarded from Morgoth's Review
Over the past two years our leaders have poisoned our people with experimental vaccines and this winter it looks like they're intent on starving us and freezing us. This isn't even to mention the years spent demographically replacing us and denigrating our identity and history in every institution and power centre at their disposal.

It reaches a point where, deploying Occam's Razor, you have to conclude their attitude towards us is as a famer sees vermin.
Just finished watching the news. It really is quite remarkable, could it be that they are now actively selecting news stories for the racial identity of the subject's? Mixed couples, and individuals. could be a coincidence of course but with the unhinged desperation of the left, who knows...
Forwarded from Bubba Kate v The State (🌬Paris)
Cowardice in the face of evil and great injustice is the death of the Soul. Find your courage, you will love what you become.
Forwarded from People Power
And so it begins!
Keep using and accepting cash.
Your life will be made hell if a digital system is to succeed. They can instantly switch off your bank accounts if you post something that goes against the narrative, if your child isn’t up to date with vaxines, and so on.

TENZ response to the news of the passing of Queen Elisabeth II.
On the bright side, at least the Queens' untimely demise avoided for her the ignominy of installing the first non-white PM. Indian Rishi Sunak. From Empire to subjugation in one lifetime. Only the white English continue the delusion that politics is colour blind, meanwhile the Indian subcontinent is celebrating that they finally rule Britannia!
Most New Zealanders would have no idea that English is not an official language of our country.
Media is too big
Jonathan Bowden - The Tragedy of Multiculturalism
Attacking the insanity of the left and then apologizing is worse than just keeping your mouth shut. Leah Panapa and Miles Davis have delivered a great victory to the Left. Those of us who have been on the Nationalist Right for many years already know what we are up against. The newly red pilled in the freedom movements and general normies have no idea and consequently are overwhelmed by the violence and venom when they come for them.
Those of us who have been here a while need to educate these naïve kids about the battle ahead
I went to the ANZAC memorial this morning. As I get older and I watch as the culture changes, the change is reflected in the theme and tone of the memorial as well as the words spoken. The rapid and deliberately engineered change in the publics understanding of what it means to be a new Zealander. Very often now the speakers don't even bother with 'Aotearoa – New Zealand', simply dropping “New Zealand” altogether. I don't understand what's being said, seems like some kind of blessing or cultural ritual is being performed in Maori, followed by speeches in Maori. Odd because this small community is almost 100 % White European. Plenty of blond fair skinned kids running around yet the culture that represents them is nowhere evident.

I have been less than enthusiastic about attending these gatherings even though their popularity has noticeably increased in recent years. My desire to pay respects to the millions of fallen moderated by the knowledge that most if not all of the wars of the last 100 years have been wars of choice. The 'winning' of these conflagrations has not contributed to our security, prosperity or happiness. Our European people stampeded into Europe on two occasions to slaughter each other so that financial interests can continue to build their seamless global empire. Yet still we have to listen to these idiots babble on about the sacred glory of 'freedom and democracy'. Freedom it seems is not free at all.
In all my years of reading and research, this is the one book I have found to be better listened to than read. Young white Men, do yourself a favour and listen to a few minutes of Ragnar Redbeard's 'Might Is Right' on a daily basis. Let these words of masculine direct truth and common sense minister to your soul ...
Where to now for the Freedom Vote? If Leighton adopts as party policy her conviction that the chiefs did not cede sovereignty in 1840, Co-Governance will be the only logical consequence, or perhaps a complete secession of power to Maori tribal rule! Can Matt King pick up the pieces, can Brian Tamaki be trusted? At this point there is literally no one to vote for.
Re Gaza. Some people are starting to understand the "Jewish State", but only those on what has been called the "Far Right" are not surprised by what they are doing. They won't stop, the genocide will continue along with the humanitarian platitudes. But Israel and the Zionist Occupied Governments of the west will be laid bare and bankrupt for all the world to see.