Dave Martel
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1/2 of KVLTVRE DADS podcast. Odinist. Alderman. Writer. Metalologist. Family man. Grilldad. TTRPG dev. Musician. Editor-in-Chief of @TheBizarchives. Producer of @Grimurth
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These invertebrate urbanite soyim and wino dog-moms don't actually give two squirts of rat piss about public safety.

If they were actually concerned about contracting this grim reaper gigaplague they wouldn't be so eager to accost randos in public.

The recent century with the advent of the middle class has created too much equilibrium of wealth and status. They hate this. They hate that Joe jerkoff factory worker eats at the same restaurants, shops at the same stores and takes his kids to the same playgrounds. They desperately want status over the bumpkins and riffraff.

So they relish in being deputized by the machine to bully and harass the plebs. Finally they've been awarded the status and power they deserve. Who fuckin cares about truth.

Because behind the masturbatory mantras of compassion and inclusion are black hearts filled with spite, narcissism and cruelty.

They dgaf about grandma getting sick. That's just talky talk to justify their sadism.
"Mixed vaxxed" family members is one of the most grotesquely modern phrases to date.

They've effectively created an illusionary class designed to further rip families apart.

The machinations of the machine never transcend the will of the father. If there's someone among your clan who even considers this nonsense, they're a Fredo.

There's this boomer trope that "well they're family we must accept whatever retarded subversive poison they bring in". This is complete horseshit.

Roman pater familias would hurl their own sons from cliffs for betraying them.

Germanics would send their traitorous kin into exile. A fate worse than death.

Become your family's patriarch and apply social pressure on anyone with traitorous or subversive behaviors.

Strong fathers are the pillars of a strong nation.
First you get the orb, then you get the money, and then you get the women.
Forwarded from The Bizarchives
Exalted Bizarkings,

We are running a little behind on all of our current projects for various reasons. Our growth happened much quicker than we were prepared for and we're working very hard trying to smooth out the kinks. So, we're very grateful for your patience.

In The Bizarchives issue 2 we're going to be rolling out a few new elements of the publication. One of them being a section for readers to submit their own commentary.

Think of it as an old school printed comment section where you can write about your favorite story, opinions on genres or anything to do with The Bizarchives or whatever meaningful thoughts you'd like to share with your fellow readers.

So if you would like to contribute, please leave a comment here or send an email titled "ponderings" thebizarchives@gmail.com in doc file. Please keep it under 350 words and make sure you include your desired name or else will be attributed to anonymous.

We at BZA want to create more than just a book. We want to create a symbiotic community between readers, authors and publisher.

Thank you for reading
Those people in your family and social circles who are kooky vaxxers now will eventually become spies for the machine. They will snitch on you for not obeying and then lie to your face about it.

How do I know? It happens every time an evil government takes control. Entire families were drug from their homes and sent to gulags because aunt Natasha was secretly snitching.

There are those who can be convinced and those who must be removed.
My wife: "What are looking at on your phone?"

Me: "A story submission about an alien species of carnivorous sentient fishoids that people haphazardly started breeding for pets."
Dave Martel
Fredos get dealt with

This atheistic lens has left man at the mercy of the Mechanurge to be reduced from living spiritual beings into milky eyed uniformed husks to be compartmentalized for maximum efficiency.

You will soon see humanism cults. Vaguely Abrahamic scientism backed by unification philosophies that look more like psychology self help camps than proper spiritual tradition. This is the final culmination of the scientific mode of thought. Humanism's manufactured synthetic replacement for authentic spirituality.
Forwarded from Dave Martel (Dave Martel)
This is a graphic depicting "Omnism" which is a concept rapidly rising in popularity. A while back I posted an excerpt from my book that was inspired by a nightmare I had.

In my dream, a cult came to my house to cater my son's birthday party. They were a bizarre mixture of ethnicities and religions all wearing the same brightly colored t-shirts. They sang in unison songs about world peace and diversity. But what was strange about these people is they were all sickly and ugly. Many of them were misshapen and in very poor health.

They then catered my son's party with trays of what appeared to be worms, pond scum, various types of bugs and slop. These cultists were also bumbling fools that when criticized became extremely unreasonable and vicious. Then when "festivities" were concluded they all received "vitamin" injections to "cure their anger" before they all climbed into individual tent cots.

I believe this dream was a premonition depicting the future global religion and omnism is the precursor.
"Omg how dare he gatekeep. Just let people enjoy things."

Chris Barnes has been terrible for years. But he's an old blood metalhead and woven into his DNA is the instinct to bully fugazi faggots that LARP.

Metal has always been about staying trve and being authentic and waging war against the cucked mainstream.

Imagine calling yourself a "metal journalist" and siding with popstar posers. Kys fgt

Bring back Bill Zebub
Imagine not collecting more books than you can possibly read. Especially from indie publishers.

Books, vinyls, art prints, knickknacks or whatever made by your community is a form of modern material culture. They're organic expressions of identity. It's our version of urns and rune amulets.

It's folk art and it supports folk economy. Years down the road your great grandkids might pick it up and be blown away by it.

These physical tangible items give permanence to sentiments, feelings and ideas of their creators in the time that they lived.

By collecting all those books you are a steward of bottled messages that will sail through ages and lifetimes delivering truths to those who've yet been born.

So give what you hold dear the immortality it deserves and collect it.
My channels have grown exponentially over the last couple months. And that's because awesome folks like Imperium Press, Golden One, STJ, Antelope Hill, WAC and so many others have reached out in friendship one way or another.

I think very highly of all you guys and wanted to say publicly that it's an honor to rub elbows with so many excellent folks in this struggle.

Hails and blessings
Spend more time praising friends and less time stewing about enemies.

Friendship is priceless. Enemies are disposable.
Dave Martel
My channels have grown exponentially over the last couple months. And that's because awesome folks like Imperium Press, Golden One, STJ, Antelope Hill, WAC and so many others have reached out in friendship one way or another. I think very highly of all you…
And of course I didn't forget the exalted ones. The Boglords.

My guys grind, build and hustle. They're not an audience, they're a fuckin legion of virtuous trúfolk that have declared unending bloodfeud against the thurses and their vile wolf age.

Death to chaos
Glory to the holy Goðín

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Scientists at the University of Vermont, Tufts University, and Harvard's Wyss Institute have developed an entirely new form of biological reproduction. AI-designed organisms push loose stem cells (white) into piles as they move through their environment and assemble “baby” Xenobots inside their Pac-Man-shaped “mouth”—that, a few days later, become new Xenobots that look and move just like themselves.

The results of this new research were published today in the National Academy of Sciences.

“These are frog cells replicating in a way that is very different from how frogs do it. No animal or plant known to science replicates in this way,” says Sam Kriegman, the lead author. “We asked the supercomputer at UVM to figure out how to adjust the shape of the initial parents, and the AI came up one that resembled Pac-Man.” [ Source ]

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Forwarded from Hiraeth Music
🔥Tune in for #Indie #Music on WAC Monday Madness tonight at 7pm ET/12am GMT! We have an amazing set featuring Lilou & John, Steakfry, Gjallarhornit, Franz & Alone, Alma Lahar, & MORE!🔥

~Dlive: https://dlive.tv/WhiteArtCollective
~Entropy: https://entropystream.live/app/WhiteArtCollective
~Odysee: https://odysee.com/@WhiteArtCollective
~Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoqzrAm0A7Zt1t3AHCEs3Yg