10xStartuper ⚡️
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Startuplar va dasturlash haqida gaplashamiz, yana bazan AQSh'da hayotimda bo'layotgan insightlarni ham ulashaman.

Built to build
Author: @usufdev
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1 person company until 1 million users. Niceee
I am coming back soon. Like real soon.
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Mother - one of the most influential people on child’s development.

We, me and my brother, did not watch TV like at all growing up.

Our mother is an elementary school teacher and dad was in military(special ops, SMB you name it he did all that)

This video is almost exactly reflection of our childhood.

Whoever we are in life first of we are by gods will but after that we are end product of our parents efforts.

Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad!

Forwarded from Nodizayn
Dizaynerga murojaat

Hurmatli dizayner, iltimos, vaqtingizni faqat kontent o‘qishga sarflamang. Meni diqqat bilan tinglang.

Internetda qancha kontent o‘qisangiz yoki ko‘rsangiz ham, eng katta tajriba haqiqiy loyihalarni yaratish va ularni amalda sinab ko‘rishdan olinadi.

Noto‘g‘ri tushunmang, bugungi kunda ajoyib ijodkorlar va yuqori sifatli kontentlar juda ko‘p. Ammo hech narsa mahsulot yaratish, foydalanuvchilar bilan muloqot qilish, ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilish, muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchrash va qayta ishlash bilan tenglasha olmaydi.

Vaqtingizning atigi 5% ini sifatli kontent o‘qishga sarflang.

Qolgan 95% vaqtingizni quyidagilarga sarflash ancha samaraliroq bo‘ladi:

- Foydalanuvchilar bilan muloqot qilish
- Dasturchilar bilan hamkorlik qilish
- Mahsulotingiz ma’lumotlarini (data) tahlil qilish
- Odamlarga foydali bo'lgan mahsulotlar dizaynini yaratish
- Yoqmagan eski loyihalarni qayta ko‘rib chiqish

O'rningizdan turing va haqiqiy mahsulotlar yaratishda ishtirok eting, dunyoni o’zgartiruvchi g’oyalarga qo‘shiling!


Good thing about realistic deadlines is that you can out perform them.

Pretending to do the thing is not doing the thing
Nvidia just dropped powerful open source LLM model that out performs gpt4.

Cool thing about it is that they are just using OpenAI’s client wrapper :)
Listen to your intuition
Simply doing what this book tells you to do also will not make you succesful. While I am putting my ideas on to paper, they're already by definition outdated. It's up to you to get your own ideas, create your own style of creating which to be relevant in the future should probably be completely different from mine. So don't clone what I'm doing, or what others are doing, you're already too late, it won't work. Take inspiration from others but make it your own thing.

The hardest thing to do in this super interconnected world where everyone is starting to be more alike, is to become a unique person and find your own personality. Listen deeply to your own desires and your own problems. That inner voice, your intuition; it probably isn't wrong, even if it says something completely different than everyone around you. But it is undeveloped and to develop it, it needs to be expressed by you through creativity: by building a product, creating an artwork, writing a book or any other way of expression. Only then does your idea stand a chance to compete with other, well executed, ideas.

The typical story of entrepreneurs being laughed at for their ideas, just before they execute them and change an entire industry happens for a reason. They have a unique problem or perspective, from their unique personality, and by definition that won't match with people around them and society at large (hence it being unique and them ridiculed for it). If your ideas aren't ridiculed they're probably too basic. Most of these ideas won't go anywhere, but some get you very far. This doesn't mean you need to start SpaceX, by all means start with something small, but make sure it comes from your own personality, not trying to be like other people or companies.

Now that you've read this book until the end, put it away, get out there and...

Make. Your. Product

this is tha last words from my favorite book...
🤔 Siz startupingizda shunday metrikalarni ishlatasizmi?

Sessiyalar bu yozib olingan xatti-harakat video sessialari, men ko'pincha foydalanuvchilarni saytdagi hatti-harakatlaridan tortib, qayerni qanday bosayotganiga qiziqaman, foydalanuvchi nima qilayotganini anglab olishga va u nimada qiynalayotganini bilishga harakat qilaman. Aynan shu uslub bilan, dasturlarimiz yaxshilanib boradi.

Albatta bunday texnologiyadan 42.uz (because of privacy) loyihasida foydalanmaganmiz, qolgan har qanday loyihada bunday metrikalarsiz dasturga ishonchim komil bo'lmaydi.

Albatta loyihalarning Privacy Policy sahifasida bunday ma'lumotlarni yig'ishimizni yozib qo'yaman.

Integratsiyalar: Google Tag Manager + HotJar

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Like about a year or two ago, someone asked me why I learn things 3-4x faster than him.

At a time I did not have the answer but now I do.

Answer is in 10x action that yields 100x results.

The best way to learn swimming is to swim in actual pool not reading 2-5 books about it.

So my philosophy in learning new things are how can I make it practical and how can I understand it in way it makes sense.

This the reason why my channels name is 10xStartuper
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Check out the techniques for habit formation on mobile apps.

To be published soon on usuf.dev

Its kind of getting nice to use pen.42.uz for this stuff.

I need React-Native/Expo Expert.
Let’s talk.

Talking to Experts already in less than 5 minutes. Thank you everyone!
Predictability of human nature

Relative Age Effect.
Forwarded from Nuruddin Blogs
Python Github bo’yicha birinchi raqamli tilga aylandi.

10xStartuper ⚡️
Python Github bo’yicha birinchi raqamli tilga aylandi. @nuruddinblogs
Meni ko'zim bilan qaranglar:

TS/JS birxil narsa deyarli shunday olsak biz yurdik 😂️️️️
Deyarli 2X
Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.

- Archimedes

P.S. is in comments

10xStartuper Playlist
- If this playlist locks you in and makes you work 4-8 hours straight. it will not be my fault!


We started this group with 2 members now we are 200.


We started @xinuxuz with 2 members. We started @mdcuzbekistan with 2 members.

Quick reminder communities usually start with just 2 members.