مناقصات في سوريا ودول الجوار
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ننشر المناقصات للمزودون والموردون والمتعهدين والمقاولين وأصحاب الشركات والفانات وأصحاب المحلات التجارية والإلكترونية وأصحاب الكازيات والافران رابط القناة :
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أعلنت بلدية شاهين بيه في ولاية غازي عنتاب عن تقديم دعم مادي بقيمة 1500 ليرة تركية مخصص لأماكن العمل المغلقة بموجب تعميم وزارة الداخلية.
حيث وجّه السيد محمد تهماز أوغلو، رئيس بلدية شاهين بيه، بأنه سيتم دعم التجار الذين أغلقت أعمالهم بالتعميم الصادر عن وزارة الشؤون الداخلية.
حيث يستوجب على التاجر الذي يريد الاستفادة من الدعم المالي ملء النموذج من خلال موقع بلدية شاهين بيه والتقدم بمعلومات الحساب البنكي.
للاستفادة من الدعم الرجاء اتباع الرابط:

مصدر الخبر، موقع صفحة بلدية شاهين بيه:

SENED, bilgi teknolojileri, sağlık, operasyonel destek, lojistik, danışmanlık hizmetleri, beyaz eşya, bilgi işlem / elektronik imza hizmetleri, turizm ve ofis alanlarında tedarikçi listesine ekleyerek hizmet sağlayıcılarla ilişkilerini genişletmek istiyor. Şirketini veya iş yerini listelemek isteyenlerin aşağıdaki linkler aracılığıyla bize gerekli bilgileri vermeleri beklenmektedir.

Sanad Organization wishes to develop its relationships with service providers through adding additional suppliers to the list of its existing suppliers in the fields of ICT/ETC, HEALTH, OPERATIONAL SUPPORT, Logistic, consulting services, White goods, İT Service/E-sig, tourism, and office sectors.

Those who wish to add the names of their companies or businesses are kindly requested to send us their information through to the link listed below.

ترغب منظمة سند في تطوير علاقاتها مع مقدمي الخدمات من خلال إضافة موردين إضافيين إلى قائمة مورديها الحاليين في مجالات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات والصحة ، والدعم التشغيلي ، والخدمات اللوجستية ، والخدمات الاستشارية ، والسلع البيضاء ، وخدمة الإنترنت وقطاعات المكاتب والسياحة

يُطلب من أولئك الذين يرغبون في إضافة أسماء شركاتهم أو أعمالهم التفضل بإرسال معلوماتهم إلينا من خلال الرابط المدرج أدناه


#sened #سند #منظمة_سند #قائمة_موردين
#SENED organization is seeking a training company to provide trainings for persons with disabilities (the majority is women).
Duration of Service: The service will cover 18 non-sequential full day trainings (9:00am to 5:00pm) During May 2021. The trainings will take place for one time only and the total covered days will be 18. The total number of participants will be 25.

• Arabic speaking trainer(s).
• Service provider must provide online trainings
• The trainings will be implemented within a duration of 18 days.
• Experienced in training and have the capacity to conduct training sessions in various communities’ environments.
• Trainings should be prepared in Arabic and English (if needed). The training language should be in Arabic. In case there is a need for another language, SENED will notify the service provider before some time according to the participants’ spoken languages.
• The service provider must provide a CV for the trainers.
• The service provider must have given a total of 100 training hours minimum.
• Will conduct a training needs assessment when requested and modify necessary parts of the training according to the needs.
• Training materials must be shared with SENED’s team and get approved a week before the training day.
• Evaluate the training sessions and submit evaluation report upon completion of each training.
• Trainers must provide pre and posttests for each participant on each training. Test questions must be shared with SENED’s team and get approved a week before the training.
• Has working experience with NGOs and/or INGOs is an advantage.
• The service provider/s must share their training certificates.
• Include the following information in their bids:
1- Titles of available trainings
2- Trainings’ duration by hours
3- Cost per day: The cost should include all the administrative fees: trainers fees, materials... etc.
4- Trainings’ language: (Arabic, English or both)
5- Trainings’ agendas
6- A Sample of a scientific training material

For people interested in these trainers, please fill out the following form:

Application deadline date: 10/04/2021
Sened Derneği, çalışanlarına denetim ve ruh sağlığı destek hizmetleri
sunmak üzere bir şirket, enstitü veya kişi aramaktadır.

Fiyat teklifleri e-posta yoluyla alınacaktır : procurement@sened.ngo

Sened Organization is seeking a company, institute or person to
provide supervision and mental health support services to its employees.

Price offers will be received via email: procurement@sened.ngo
#سند #منظمة_سند
#sened_NGO #sened_dernegi #sened