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Curated app ideas for SaaS business, side projects or just for fun. Useful materials to read.
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Vitamins helper
An app where you input your diet and it tells you what vitamins etc you are lacking.
Food-picking dating
A dating app where a user picks food he wants to eat, the app matches a user with other user with the same food preferences. Also, it helps to choose a restaurant.
Travel tour guide
Remove a layer between travelers and tours - agencies that helps you to pick tours. The app should help travelers to pick the best tour by their preferences: location, temperature, money, interests/hobbies, etc.
Hotel booking
You will be able to choose hotel rooms and preferred amenities like you choose seats on a plane.
Advanced e-books
Electronic books that can analyze the text to produce natural sounds while you're reading. E.g. if it's a thriller, the book produces creepy sound effects.
Paragraph splitter
The app allows you to add readability to a user's text by splitting it into paragraphs.
Blood analyzer
The app scans your blood test results, analyzes and summarizes them in a human-readable format.
A new category: Trends.

Pi-hole bills itself as a β€œblack hole for internet advertisements”. The application blocks ads and internet trackers at the network level. It also runs on a Raspberry Pi, hence the name Pi-hole. Normal ad blockers operate in the device browser. But Pi-hole works for all devices connected to the network. This is part of the broader data privacy megatrend where people are increasingly wary of big tech companies snooping on their internet activity and personal data.
Plant growth anticipation app
AR app that shows you what a plant looks like when you scroll over the seed label.
⁠Trend: Cannabidiol industry
The global cannabidiol market was valued at USD 4.6 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to witness a lucrative CAGR of 22.2% over the forecast period. The demand for cannabidiol (CBD) for medical and wellness purposes is high due to its healing properties, which is the key factor driving the growth of the market. Moreover, growing product adoption and utilization owing to government approvals is a major factor anticipated to drive the demand for cannabidiol infused products.

Useful links: CDB market size
Phobia blocker
A browser extension that blurs pictures of anything you have a phobia off - Arachnophobia, Apiphobia, Musophobia etc.
Duolingo alarm
Duolingo alarm clock feature that wakes you up with a new word in a language you're trying to learn.
Genome Storage
Problem: The cost to sequence the human genome continues to decline; because of this and given the fact that more genomes will be sequenced in the future, it is extremely important that when these genomes are sequenced they are stored securely and safely since it is very sensitive data.

Solution: Secure health records database to store things like human genomes. Costs of sequencing the genome have decreased from over $10,000 to less than $1,000.
Now I'm a gardener
A monthly subscription box for plants & seeds.
Smart conferencing
Video Conferencing software that automatically mutes the person munching/ chewing on an open microphone.
Books into messenger
The app splits book's text into twitter-sized parts, so they can be sent to any messenger to ease reading process for people who want to read, but find it difficult to read large texts.
Code explainer
The tool explains what your code does by parsing it. In human readable format.
Biometric Charge Card
A system similar to credit cards that rather than charging via plastic or credit card, utilizes biometric charges.
Why: The credit card is outdated: it’s easy to forget at home and extremely easy to hack or forge.
Self-hosted photo storage
A cross-platform app that stores photos, encrypted. Available from all devices. For people who don't want to change their photo cloud provider every year or two.
Company in a e-book
The tool that creates a playbook with the company processes, flows, any other info. So employees should read it at their first working day and it will be more efficient than "here is our documentation, and there too. And there, and in the Google Docs. Also, contact John to explain you how our processes work".