Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
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🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

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Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8

Kurslar uchun: @Teacher_Tolib
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My friend __ a lawyer
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My brother and I ___ students
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“It is not my wallet”
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It is’not my wallet
It’s not my wallet
It is n’t my wallet
To’g’ri va xatosiz savol bering
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You student?
Are you a student?
Why you are late?
So’roq olmoshlarini gapda to’g’ri ishlating
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Where you from
How are you?
Nechta topdingiz?

5ta - 🔥
4ta - 🤓
3ta - 😢
2ta - 😥
1ta - 🤔
Hali darsizni ko’rmadim🥺

1. Do you work or are you a student?

Actually, I’m a senior at university which is one of the top unis in the country.  hmm, the admission is incredibly competitive I can say. Hmm, so, I’m proud of being a student in there.


Senior – 4-kurs universitet yoki kollej talabasi.
one of the top unis -  eng nufuzlilardan biri
uni – universitet
admission – o’qishga kirish.
Competitive – raqobatli
Incredibly – aqlga sig’mas darajada.


2. What do you like most about your university?

Well, the aspect that I really appreciate about my university is probably the environment. I mean, teachers are really friendly and you can approach them at any time you want and ask different questions regarding the subjects, right?
So, what’s more? And I can say that facilities are top-notch, and rooms are well-equipped and air-conditioned. Ahh besides, students get to study in an English speaking environment. I mean, I think this is the big plus. Because, you can at the same time, like, improve your language abilities as well. So, yeah!


The aspect – tarafi/qirrasi
What’s more – yana nima desam ekan? Qo’shimcha qilib aytadigan bo’lsam.
Facility – shart sharoit
Well-equipped – yaxshi jihozlangan
Air-conditioned – kanditsioner o’rnatilgan.
Besides – qolaversa, bundan tashqari.
Get to – boshlamoq
I mean – demoqchimanki
The big plus – eng kata foydasi

3. What do you dislike about your university?

Well, the thing that I cannot stand about my university is definitely the workload. I mean, students are all the time under the pressure because of deadlines and a lot of tasks and so forth. Hmmm, personally, I’m up to the ears with work and paperwork and kinda independent work and a lot of work to mention a few, you know? Hmmm so, that leaves me with very little quality time for other priorities like my friends, family members fiancée and stuff. So, yeah!


Cannot stand = hate – yomon ko’rmoq
The workload -  ish hajmi/ishdagi yoki o’qishdagi masuliyat
The pressure – bosim
Deadline – ohirgi muddat
So forth – va boshqalar
Up to the ears with – juda ham band
To mention a few – masalan
Leave someone with – kimnidir nimadr bn qoldrmoq
Quality time – yetarli vaqt
Priority – muhim narsalar/shahslar.


1. Do you work or are you a student?
Well, I teach students. I’m an IELTS instructor at private school which is one of the top schools in the country, I can say. Hmmm, and I love my job and I can say that it’s really rewarding line of work.


Rewarding – rag’batlanarli
Line of work – kasb/soha.


2. What do you like most about your job?

Well, the aspect that I’m really keen on about my job is the lucrative amount of income that I receive on a monthly basis. I mean, not only do I have enough to cover my bills, but I also have some extra to splurge on something very nice. For example, I actually on the pay day, Hmm, spent my money on nice pair of choose and T-shirt as well. So, yeah!

Keen on – yaxshi ko’rmoq/ kata qiziqish bildirmoq
Lucrative – soqqali soha/ qanoatli miqdordagi pul miqdori
Income – daromad
On a monthly basis – oyma oy. (on a daily/weekly basis – kunbay/haftabay)
Splurge on – ko’p  miqdorda pul sarflamoq
On the pay day – oylik oladigan kun


3. What do you dislike about your job?

Well, as far as my job is concerned, location has been the problem for me all the time I think. ‘Cause, it’s really far away from where I live. That’s why I’ve to spend like 2 hours a day to commute to work and to reach the destination you know which is really really exhausting. So that’s why I might look into something that is a little bit less stressful in the future.

Like = about -  tahminan.
Commute to – qatnamoq
reach the destination – manzilga yetmoq
exhausting – charchoqli
look into – qidirmoq.


Boy insonni nechta moshinasi va magazinlari borligi yoki uyining qanchalik hashamatli ekanligi bilan aniqlashga harakat qilamiz. Muomalani ham shunga yarasha qilamiz…Vaholangki, hisob raqamida millionlab dollari bor, ammo, o’zi taksida yuradigan va kvartirada turadigan boylar qancha?!

Telegramdan kanal reklamasini ko’rsak, obunachilar soniga qarab qo’shilish qo’shilmaslikka qaror qilamiz. Fikrimizcha, ko’p obunachi bo’lsa, sifatli content bo’ladi. Vaholangki, obunachisi juda kam, ammo, har bir chiqargan posti foydali bo’lgan kanallar juda ko’p.

IELTSdan darajangiz pasro bo’lishi mumkin. Lekin, bu sizni ingiliz tilini bilish darajangiz pas deganimasku. Hayajoningiz kuchlilik qilib, testni yaxshi ishlolmagan bo’lishingiz mumkin.

O’zimizcha, atrofimizdagilarga turli o’lchovlar qo’yib olganmiz. Ammo, qachon o’zimizni “tarozi”ga qo’yib ko’rdik? Qachon o’zimizni taftish qildik?!

O’ziz hech qaysi bir chet tilini bilmasangizda, IELTS dan 5.5 olgan o’quvchini bilimi pas deb qanday aytolishiz mumkin?

Bir o’ylab ko’raylik, umrimizni o’zimiz qolib boshqalarning muhokamasiga, ularni turli tarozilarga qo’yishga sarflab qo’ymayapmizmi?


Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
Tarozi Boy insonni nechta moshinasi va magazinlari borligi yoki uyining qanchalik hashamatli ekanligi bilan aniqlashga harakat qilamiz. Muomalani ham shunga yarasha qilamiz…Vaholangki, hisob raqamida millionlab dollari bor, ammo, o’zi taksida yuradigan va…
IELTS dan 5.5 olgan va natijada bilimi pas deb baholangan, ammo jon jahti bilan harakat qilgan o’quvchilarga bag’ishlanadi.

O’ksinmang, bu safar o’xshamagan bo’lsa, inshaalloh, boshqa safar albatta o’xshaydi :) muhimi ezgu niyat!
Bugun bitta beginner va bitta advanced grammar lesson qilsak nima dislar?
