Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
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🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

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Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8

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Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
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Abnavleniya bergan edim. Shunaqa funksiya qo’shilibti. Lekin suniy ongchalik aqillimas ekan. Baribir yaxshi :)

Zerikkanimda gaplashib turibman yo’lda. Ayniqsa probkalada😅

Ustozla uchun life hack

O'zini aldaydigan studentlarning eng zo'r belgisi - bu siz oldindan ishlab qo'ygan readingdan javoblani bildirmasdan ko'chirvoladida keyin to'g'ri javoblani qanaq qib topdiz dsez, isbotlab berolmedi :(

Afsus, qancha takrorlasangiz ham ular vaqtini bekorga sarflayotganlarini bilishmaydi, ming afsus...
Topic #6: When I was ill


Health is the most precious blessing of God. I need to take care of it and try to be healthy. Unfortunately, I cannot be a healthy person all the time. I mean, sometimes I suffer from severe illnesses.

Usually, it happens when it is cold outside. For example, it had been snowing for a week last month. So I was sick during that time. I think, being sick is really terrible because of the pain in your body. I was having a headache and a sore throat. Besides, I had a runny nose.

Luckily, There is a cure for almost every illness. It took me about 5 days to get over. After the recovery, I felt much better and healthier.

Now I am trying to lead a healthy life and I am really happy about that.

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Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
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📝 Topic words

1. All the time - har doim
2. Suffer from - azoblanmoq
3. Severe - qaqshatqich
4. Terrible - juda yomon
5. Pain - og’riq
6. Have a headache - boshog’riq
7. A runny nose - burni oqishi
8. Luckily - yaxshiyamki
9. Cure - davo
10. Get over - tuzalmoq
11. Recovery - tuzalish
12. Lead a healthy life - sog’lom turmush tarzi yuritmoq/sog’lom yashamoq
13. Precious - o'ta qadrli
14. Blessing - ne'mat
15. Take care - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq

Aqli bor kishi bugun aylanishga chiqmaydi. Ayniqsa parkka.
Topic #7: Study better


“If you study hard, you will be rich” my dad used to say. So, I studied hard to be rich. Sometimes I’d spend my entire day reading books. I think, my hard work and dedication paid off.

I got into one of the best universities in our country - Diplomacy. I became a lawyer. I got IELTS. Now I’m making a lot of money. I've got a car and a good house in the heart of Tashkent. Thank you dad for everything!

It’s true that in our country there’re many opportunities for youngsters. For example, if you’ve high score from IELTS, you can study abroad for free. If you want to start up your company, you can do that. So, in general, we’ve everything to be better off. We need to take advantage of them.

Join: @TeacherTolib
Tolib’s lessons | English grammar
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📝 Topic words

1. Entire - to'liq
2. Dedication - baxshida
3. Pay off - samarasini bermoq
4. Get into - kirmoq
5. Lawyer - yurist
6. In the heart - markazida
7. Abroad - chet el
8. Start up - biznes boshlamoq
9. Be better off - yaxshiroq bo'lmoq
10. Take advantage - foydalanib qolmoq
Topic #8: A difficult job


Well, Nowadays I have much free time. So, I often go travelling and I love doing it. But, I used to be bombarded with tons of tasks when I started teaching.

Teaching was not difficult. Because, I explained what knew. But, checking homework was hard and it took so long.

I would spend like 3-4 hours checking only home tasks. After finishing all, I would feel very tired. Even if my job was tiring and exhausting, I went on teaching just for my students. You know, my dedication paid off. I mean my students took IELTS test and got high scores.

So, although it was difficult, I never regret

📝 Topic words

1. Be bombarded with - juda ham band bo'lmoq/boshidan oshib ketmoq
2. Tons of - juda ko'p
3. So long - juda ko'p vaqt
4. Even if - garchi
5. exhausting - charchoqli
6. Go on - davom etmoq
7. Regret - afsuslanmoq

Assalomu alaykum o’quvchilar.

Kanalda ayrim sabablarga ko’ra bazi mavzular o’chib ketgan ekan. Shuni qaytadan joylab qo’ymoqchiman.
Media is too big

Lesson 13 (Verbs)

main verb
auxiliary verb
modal verbs
phrasal verbs

Bugungi darsda ingiliz tilidagi har hil fe’llar(verbs) va ularning gapda ishlatilishi haqida o’rganasiz.

Darsimiz yoqqan bo'lsa, do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing :)

Media is too big

Lesson 14 (present tense as a future)

present continuous for the future
present simple for the future

Present continuous(hozirgi davomiy zamon) kelajak zamondagi ish-harakat uchun ham ishlatilishi haqida bilarmidingiz?

Darsimiz yoqqan bo'lsa, do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing :)

Media is too big

Lesson 15 (to be going to - qilmoqchi)

bo'lsa kerak

"to be going to" ni 'bo'lsa kerak' degan ma'nosi borligini bilarmidingiz?

Endi bilib oldiz :)

Darsimiz yoqqan bo'lsa, do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing :)
