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🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

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Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8

Kurslar uchun: @Teacher_Tolib
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Endi shunaqa darsladan tashkillashitirib turamiz inshaalloh.


Topic #3: New skill


Well, I love developing different skills. Over the years I’ve learnt how to play chess, how to drive a car and how to manage a company.

But, I believe that there are still some things that I can learn. One of them is riding a horse. I watched a youTobe documentary about it. I think, It’s not hard to learn. There are a few things I need to develop.

Firstly, it’s courage. I mean you need to be brave to ride a horse. Because horses are generally big and scary. If you’re afraid of them, you cannot ride.

Secondly, it’s strength. You need to be really strong to ride a horse. Otherwise you cannot control it. As a result you may fall down and hurt yourself.

I’m doing my best to be stronger and braver. I think next month I’ll give it a go.

Tolib’s lessons
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📝 Topic words

1. over the years - yillar davomida
2. manage a company - kampaniyani boshqarmoq
3. documentary - ilmiy ish
4. courage - jasurlik
5. brave - jasur
6. scary - qo'rqinchli
7. strength - kuch
8. fall down - yiqilib tushmoq
9. hurt yourself - o'zingni jarohatlab olmoq
10. do my best - qo'limdan kelganini qilmoq
11. give it a go - sinab ko'rmoq
Bugungi darsimiz mavzusi!
Bunday jadval orqali sifat darajalarini osonroq o’rganasiz.

Adjective haqida nimalar bilasiz?
Assalomu alaykum.

O’quvchila, xullas shu hafta yakshanbi kuni 2-Iyun kuni soat 20:00 da 1 soat kanalda live lesson uyushtramiz.

Nima haqida?

Elementary kursimizni 1 - darsidan 6 - darsigacha takrorlang. Savol javob qilamiz.

Ingiliz tilidagi kamchilillarizni royxatini tuzib qo’ying. Maslahatlashamiz.

Yaxshilab tayyorlaning. Good luck🔥
Media is too big

Lesson 21 (Adjective 1)

degrees of adjective
than vs then
a bit/much + adjective

Darsimiz yoqqan bo'lsa, do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing :)

📝 Homework

📌 Barcha mashqlar (unit 85,87,88) (birinchi kitob)
📌 Barcha mashqlar (unit 85,87,88) (ikkinchi kitob)
📌 Comments da yuqorida o'tilgan darsdan foydalanib 3tadan gap yozing👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

P.S unit 86 adverb haqida.
Savolmi? Javobmi?

Texnalogiya va internet juda ham rivojlanib ketti. Bu bizga istalgan savolga javoblarni osongina topolish imkonini berdi. Google va youTube men uchun eng zo’r platformalardan birlari. Ko’p savollarimga javoblarni topolaman. Xullas, nimanidir bilib olish muammomas. Ya’ni, savolizga javob topish qiyinmas.

Ammo, Google bilgan ma’lumotni siz ham bilsangiz, unda u ma’lumot bilishga arziydimi?! Uni siz ham bilasiz, Eshmat ham biladi. Chunki, unda ham google bor. Xo’sh, unda nima muhim?

Savol va to’gri savol berish muhim.

YouTube, Google va Yandex ga kerakli jumlani kiritib qidiring, javobi bor. Chat GPT(AI)ni aytmasa ham bo’ladi.

O’quvchilar har hil savol berib qolishadi. “Readingda ko’proq topishchun nima qilish kerak?”, “Gramatikada muammolarim bor. Nima qisam bo’ladi?”, “Speakingni yaxshilashchun nima qilish kerak?”. Bunday savollar “Yaxshi yashashchun nima qilish kerak?” deganga o’xshaydi.

Avvalo, yaxshi yashash nisbiy tushuncha. Ya’ni, kimdur oyiga 10 million topsa yaxshi yashashi mumkin. Kimdur esa 100 million bilan ham yaxshi yashamasligi mumkin.

Shuningdek, javobi ko’rinib turgan savollarni berishdan ehtiyot bo’ling. Masalan, “Gramatikani o’rganmasdan IELTS olsa bo’ladimi?” — Albatta yo’q. Aks holda shuncha minglab o’quvchilar gramatika o’rganmasdi!

Tog’ri savol berish

1. Muammoni ayting.
2. Mummoni yechish uchun o’ziz sinab ko’rgan tehnika va usullarni ayting.
3. Hozir darajangiz qanaqaligini ayting va savolni bering.

Misol, speakingda qiynalaman. Ko’pchilikni oldida uyalib gapirolmayman. Ustozim “speaking partner bilan gaplashsez hayajonni va uyalishni yengsa bo’ladi”dedilar. 1-2 oydan beri shunday qilyapman, lekin baribir notanish odamni oldida makkilab qolaman. Hozir darajam 5.5. Ustoz, qanday qilib speakingda hayajonni yengsam bo’ladi?

Xullas, tog’ri savol bering va xato savol berganlarga shu postni jo’natib qoyuring :)


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Talented studentlarimdan biri manga sovg’a qildi :)))

O’ylab qoldim, ijodiz maxsulini kimgadur shunday berib yuborish qiyin bo’lsa kerak. Unga sarflagan vaqtingiz va etiboriz pul yoki hech qanday qiymat bilan o’lchab bo’lmaydi. Agar uni kimgadur sovg’a sifatida beroldizmi, demak u inson sizga qadrli ekan.

Thank you my dear student! I won’t forget!
Topic #4: My favourite video game


Video games are becoming popular. There are many types of video games, like war games, sport games and movie games.

I like to play video games. After work I spend an hour playing different video games. My favourite one is Call of Duty. It’s a war game.

As you can understand, in this game you become a member of a group, and you fight against the enemy group. You kill people and if you kill more people, you’ll win.

A friend of mine recommended it to me many years ago. I spend almost 30 minutes playing Call Of Duty every day. I know I can do something better instead of playing this game, but you know, it's really addictive. I mean, sometimes I cannot get enough of it.

1. popular - ommabop
2. As you can understand - siz tushunganingizdek
3. Fight against - qarshi jang qilmoq
4. a friend of mine - do'stlarimdan biri
5. instead of - o'rniga
6. addictive - o'ziga bog'lab qoyadigan
7. cannot get enough of it - o'zimmi tiyolmay qolaman


Beginner kursimizni 13-darsidan boshlab, shu topiclar orqali speakingizni rivojlantirishni boshlasangiz bo’ladi.

Beginner speaking

Topic #1: Myself
Topic #2: My family
Topic #3: My hometown
Topic #4: My hobby
Topic #5: My school
Topic #6: My favourite car
Topic #7: My future job
Topic #8: My favourite movie
Topic #9: My favourite meal
Topic #10: My favourite city
Topic #11: My favourite book
Topic #12: My favourite season


Elementary speaking

Topic #1: My daily routine
Topic #2: Ideal person
Topic #3: A place to relax
Topic #4: My favourite sport
Topic #5: My favourite holiday
Topic #6: English
Topic #7: A historical period
Topic #8: My habits
Topic #9: A healthy activity
Topic #10: Reading books
Topic #11: Ramadan
Topic #12: Important decision


Pre-intermediate speaking

Topic #1: A positive change
Topic #2: Winter
Topic #3: A new skill
Topic #4: My favourite video game

©️ Compiled by teacher Tolibjon (Speaking 8)
Media is too big

Lesson 22 (Adjective 2)

As ... as
As many/much + noun as
The same as

Darsimiz yoqqan bo'lsa, do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing :)

📝 Homework

📌 Barcha mashqlar (unit 89) (birinchi kitob)
📌 Barcha mashqlar (unit 89) (ikkinchi kitob)
Topic #5: Money


Money is an essential part of our life. We need money to support our family. If you have a lot of money, you can make your beloved people happy. I mean you can buy cars to them or different gifts. People usually become happy when they receive a gift.

I love money myself. I don’t think it is bad. Because, with the money I bought a car and a house. I would not have them if I did not have money.

If money is important, why is it difficult to make?

I think to earn more money, you should be worth of that money first. For example, you want 1000$ from your workplace. First, be valuable to that much money. It means that you should be smart and creative to earn that money. Then they can give you. But being smart is not easy all the time. You should read books and spend less time on TV. You should also learn English.
