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🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

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Speaking Part 2 sample answers

Question #1 A historical period
Question #2 An exciting activity
Question #3 A successful person
Qeustion #4 A technique that helps you study

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I ____ help you. (not sure)
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Quyidagi jumlani tarjima qiling: “Eshikni ochib yuborolasizmi?”
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Could you open the door?
May I open the door?
Shall we open the door?
I ____ speak more than 3 languages now.
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“Perhaps, I will be late”
Yuqoridagi gapga mos jumlani toping
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I should be late
I am late today
I may be late
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Etibor bergan bo’lsangiz test ham mavzular ham sekinlik bilan qiyinlashib boryapti.

Lesson 1 dan keyingi testni ishlab ko’ring farqini bilasiz. Agar oson tuyulsa, demak, darajangiz ancha o’sibti. Chunki, boshida o’sha test ham qiyinroq tuyulgan.

Bundan chiqdi, agar hozirgi darslar va testlar qiyinlik qilayotgan bo’lsa, demakki siz o’z ustingizda ishlashni davom ettirishingiz kerak. Sekin astalik bilan qanday qilib ingiliz tilini o’rganib olganingizni bilmay qolasiz inshaalloh.
Need modal fe’lidan foydalanib to’g’ri savol bering
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Does he have to need iphone?
Do I need to learn this by heart?
Does she need help you?
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Question #49

Talk about a successful person you know

Script is

Well, I’m surrounded with many successful people at work. I work in such an environment where you can be everything, because there are a lot of opportunities for you to grow and to be better off, you know? It’s a private school. But anyway this is the best school I think that I’ve ever known. Cause, it takes care of its staff members very well I believe.

One of such successful people that I would like to talk about now is my co-worker and friend Johny who has been working as an IELTS instructor for the last 8 years now. Yeah, you may wonder how on earth can a teacher be so successful?! Of course, it is as strange as it seems, you know? But, he is one of the most successful people in my country and in the world of IELTS I think.

Firstly, he’s got everything that an everage man daydreams about - he is happily married, he’s got kids. Besides, everybody respects him and looks up to him at work as well. I think it has something to do with his personality. I mean he’s really compassionate. No matter what he is ready to help and give you a helping hand, you know?

What’s more? He’s pretty much loaded as well. Although he’s got deep pockets he never claims to be rich or wealthy. He never shows off himself at all. That is why I think this is one of the best qualities that i respect. I mean he is really humble in general.

What’s more? Yeah I wish I could be like him. Of course I’m trying to be as an IELTS teacher. I ask a lot of support and advice on how to be a better teacher. and I think that he is one my best teachers as well.

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1️⃣ Video darslar kurs sifatida o'rgatiladi.

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2️⃣ Speaking savollariga tayyor 7.5-8 lik javoblar olishingiz mumkin.

Speaking savollar - bu IELTS imtihonida tushgan va tushishi mumkin bo'lgan savollar hisoblanadi. Aynan shu savollarga tayyor javoblar olishingiz mumkin. Hozircha speaking part 2 savollariga javob tayyorlayapmiz. Keyingi oylardan boshqa part lar ham qo'shilishi rejada bor. Part 2 javoblarni bu yerdan topasiz 👉🏻 klick

3️⃣Har bir video darsdan keyin quiz test bo'ladi.

Albatta o'rganilgan bilimni tekshirib ko'rish kerak. Bu kamchiliklarni aniqlashda yordam beradi. Mana shu tekshirish usullaridan biri bu TEST.


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