Tolib’s lessons
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🔝IELTS instructor in Merit school

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Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8

Kurslar uchun: @Teacher_Tolib
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Tolib’s lessons kanalida siz:

Ingiliz tili gramatika darslari;

IELTS speaking idealarni;

IELTS ga aloqador topic vocabulary (#vocabulary hashtagi orqali barchasini topishiz mumkin);

Foydali motivatsion postlarni (#blogging hashtagi orqali barchasini topishiz mumkin);

Har bir grammar darsdan keyin quiz testlarni topishingiz mumkin.

Eng muhimi siz ingiliz tilini men, IELTS 8 holder, bilan o’rganasiz!

Kanalga qo’shilish uchun link 👉🏻 @TeacherTolib
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Bilim bu kuch deb aytishardi. Ammo bu ancha eski qarash menimcha. Chunki, internet rivojlangan bir zamonda o’zingizga kerak bo’lgan bilimni/infarmatsiyani bir necha daqiqada, bazan soniyalarda topishiz va uni o’rganib olishiz mumkin. Agar sizga kerakli infarmatsiya osongina topilar ekan, demak, u kuch emas. Chunki, kuchga qiyinchilik bilan erishiladi. Aks holda tarixdagi Buyuk qirollar va sarkardalar butun umrlarini jang qilib o’tkazishmagan bo’lardilar.

O’sha bilimni kim berayotganligi esa juda muhim. Shunday ekan, avvalo o’zim haqimda tanishtirsam.

Ismim Tolibjon. IELTS darajam 8. JIDU(Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti)ni bitirganman.Hozirda Toshkenda Merit school da asosiy IELTS ustoziman(IELTS instructor)

Ohirgi paytlarda ko’pchilik online kanallar va bloglar ko’payib ketganligi uchun men ham ulardan qolishmay deb kanal ochvolganim yo’q:) Asosiy maqsadim - olgan bilimlarmni ulashish va sizning ham bilimlaringizni mustahkamlashda hissa qo’shish! Inshaalloh foydali bo’ladi.


Question #50

Describe an activity that you did with someone else.

Script is

Well, I think being able to work in a company is kind of a virtue that everybody should try to develop in themselves. Because, when you manage to devide the task among people, you can finish it incredibly faster compared to working alone. Personally, I try to work with someon else to be more productive and it actually works.
For example, one of such events actually was prapering for marathon with my little brother. Praperation was a lot of blast and kind of fun for us. We had a year well before the time. So, yeah we didn’t have to push ourselve really hard I think. But anyway since that time we started running first thing in the morning together. And my brother was a kind of motivation for me. Because he himself is a professional athlete, and he talked about the importance of running and a healthy lifstyle actually to me. So yeah I learnt a lot from him. Since then i think i developed the habit of running every single day.
So yeah, what’s more? Finally, we crossed the finish line together happily and successfully with my brother. It was not the praperation for marathone or marathone itself, or doing such important thing together with him was not important for me, But it was spending some quality time with my brother and talking to him mattered.

Assalomu alaykum

Yana bir yangi mavzuni o’rganishga nima deysiz? 🤓

Bitta sharti bor: 40 ta 🔥
Lesson 15( to be going to).pdf
700.5 KB

Lesson 15 (to be going to - qilmoqchi)

Osmon juda bulutli. Qanday tahmin qilardingiz?
Anonymous Quiz
It’s going to rain
It will rain
It is raining now
Quyidagi jumlani to’g’ri tarjima qiling: “Men o’rtog’im bilan futbo’l o’ynamoqchiman”
Anonymous Quiz
I am playing football with my friend
I am coming to play footbal with my friend
I am going to play football with my friend
Jumlani tarjima qiling:
“Bugun quyosh charaqlayapti. Yomg’ir yog’masa kerak”
Anonymous Quiz
Today it is shining. It won’t rain
Today the weather is good. It is not raining
Today it is shining. It is not going to rain
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Assalomu alaykum.

Video darslar tayyor. Bugun bo'sh vaqtimizdan foydalanib faqat ilm ulashmoqchimiz :)

Qani 15 ta 🐳
Lesson 16 (Future simple).pdf
395.3 KB

Lesson 16 (Future simple - kelasi oddiy zamon)


1. barcha mashqlar(unit 28 ) (birinchi kitob)
2. barcha mashqlar (ikkinchi kitob)
3. Future simplega 10 ta gap tuzish va ularni og'zaki aytish.