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Update notifications and beta builds for Tails 🦊
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Feel free to send me feedback on other features and changes you'd like to see in Tails. If you've already suggested me something that isn't listed above, don't worry, I promise have it written down. I'm going to implement more requested stuff in version 2.1 and later, but I simply had to cut some features off from 2.0 or otherwise it will never get released! πŸ˜…
I've set up my Telegrams in three parts: this channel t.me/TailsApp with only the important updates from me, a discussion group at t.me/TailsChat, and I'll still be available to message privately at t.me/SafoSnep just as before.
Currently you need to use an AltStore beta to sideload, otherwise you'll hit this issue: https://twitter.com/altstoreio/status/1355273701068054532. If you don't have access to the AltStore beta, let me know and I can try to hook you up. Also just a reminder: iOS 14 is required for Tails 2.0.
8.2 MB
But without further ado, here's the Tails ipa. (SHA256: 3f39b2d1c2bdb86375c837a6e19dfa4487736ad22e414dbf7d7bd6a1d48e1e10)
8.1 MB
Time for beta 2! This should be the version to release publicly too. (SHA256: 0a7384dbd96e28070950bf7908926ed6e70adce8bcf0fe9e2b4a284f9bd3e02d)

* Fixes hiding blacklisted posts
* Fixes lazyloading in image viewer
* Fixes wrong post ordering in image viewer
* Fixes "Add to search" tag long press action
* Improved clearing of the updated status from favorited tags
The new version is now released publicly! πŸŽ‰

If you installed the beta 2 already, you don't need to reinstall: it is the same build. If you haven't installed it yet, you can do so from this link too: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.0/Tails-2.0.0-102aceb564f4be4d2264511d08fc6957ccb09179f1e2aa79eff0f71dff43a666.ipa

Thanks for all of your feedback on the betas, it was really valuable for fixing the first beta's bugs!
Version 2.0.0 of Tails is re-released to fix installation problems with Filza and AppSync Unified. The download is now a few megabytes smaller as well, but if you haven't encountered issues installing or you're using AltStore, there's no need to reinstall.

If you decide to reinstall, all download links have now been changed to the new one, and the SHA-256 hash for the new ipa is 102aceb564f4be4d2264511d08fc6957ccb09179f1e2aa79eff0f71dff43a666.
Just a heads up: Tails might be unable to load any information from e621/e926 at the moment due to Cloudflare's bot/ddos protections. I'm investigating if I can do something about it.

Update an hour later: the issue seems to have gone away. Please contact me this still affects you!

Second update: there is an ongoing DDoS attack going on against the website and due to that, there is an increased level of protection with Cloudflare captchas. The build below should be able to handle them better, but the previous version should resume working too after the attack slows down.
2.2 MB
This build should fix the Cloudflare issues that are still ongoing. SHA256: dc493402636a16cd24f198c7af2197b9d1f8f1918701cd0f1a86dcabd1df63f4
iOS 15 is now available and Tails version 2.1 adds support for it.

Download it here: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.1/Tails-2.1.0-31d36e5b6a585db26de0c5b4f4485762a227111a38df1ba97ccfba0b1fd987e3.ipa (SHA256: 31d36e5b6a585db26de0c5b4f4485762a227111a38df1ba97ccfba0b1fd987e3)

Release notes:
* Adds iOS 15 compatibility in addition to iOS 14
* Allows playing WebM videos fullscreen
* Fixes updating and caching issues with favorited tags
* Improves the performance of thumbnail lists and fixes visual glitches with updating them

I didn't get to do a beta period at all for this version due to timing issues so all bug reports are very welcome!
I'm posting the first beta of version 2.2 (first in maybe 6 months – sorry for my absence!) and you can download it here: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.2/Tails-2.2.0-c8a706523b57b3b67bb9f216337ca98dff7ea5dd25d0c8ea4fc56127344b076d.ipa (SHA256: c8a706523b57b3b67bb9f216337ca98dff7ea5dd25d0c8ea4fc56127344b076d)

It has the following improvements:
* Image scaling modes in Behavior settings:
* Always fill screen horizontally (current default option),
* Scale to fit in landscape mode (possibly a future default option),
* Always scale image to fit screen
* Redesigned pool list and pool indicator in the posts' detail view
* Post relationships: parent/child posts are listed below the post's tags like the pools that the post belongs to
* Post filters in the sorting menu: hide still images, hide animations, or hide child posts
* Date range shortcuts in the sorting menu: quick filters for searching posts within the last day, month, week, year or decade

This release also fixes all of the known bugs:
* Fixes a crash when updating favorited/subscribed tags
* Fixes high CPU usage after scrolling quickly through a long list of posts
* A post's detail view will no longer flicker visually when scrolling when the view was scrolled all the way to the top or bottom
* Fixes framerate issues for .gif animations on high refresh rate displays

Please let me know if anything is broken!
It's time for second beta of v 2.2 which you can get here: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.2/Tails-2.2.0-111876b9d123288cf9b59e79a24783aa58c0d635003060f3f784f06c3be453b1.ipa (SHA256: 111876b9d123288cf9b59e79a24783aa58c0d635003060f3f784f06c3be453b1)

In addition to the first beta above, there's now a couple more features:
* Pool search (by title only at the moment, might implement the rest of the search options later if anyone finds them useful)
* Latest pools can be viewed as a list instead of thumbnails to show their last updated time and more letters of their titles
* A slideshow option for images (available from the long press menu when viewing them in the horizontal detail view)

And a couple of bug fixes:
* Tag autocomplete no longer tries to search words under 3 characters (this isn't supported on the API)
* Tags with colons (such as "magic:_the_gathering") are fixed and no longer broken by the ":"
It seems that I've released the beta 1 build twice, so good job me πŸ˜… Link above is now updated (and verified to be the correct build) and the new hash is 111876b9d123288cf9b59e79a24783aa58c0d635003060f3f784f06c3be453b1. Sorry about that!
Third and probably final beta of v 2.2 is here: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.2/Tails-2.2.0-23f3ccaaee5fbe6ccbb72cbacc3e6695e77403a7fd2cba61b87cfad8b52d02d9.ipa (SHA256: 23f3ccaaee5fbe6ccbb72cbacc3e6695e77403a7fd2cba61b87cfad8b52d02d9)

This version has the following improvements:
* Four new quirky themes (two light and two dark)
* Also a pretty large overhaul to the theming system making it easier to create new themes in the future – suggestions/inspiration welcome!

And these fixes:
* Searching a favorited tag by manually typing it into the search no longer changes the favorite's color to gray
* Pool thumbnails with text on top are more readable now

Lastly, the behavior, where going from a post to a search by tapping a tag, and then tapping the same post's thumbnail navigated you back like you tapped the back button, is removed. It was confusing and made less sense with the new slideshow feature introduced in the previous beta.
At long last, Tails version 2.2 is now publicly released. There are no functional differences to the last beta, but it does include many new homescreen icons 😎 (some of them are weird too)

Download it here: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.2/Tails-2.2.0-f60d607b6fb68dcfecfcc60d526a804c1cc8f14aeebf0dd02f0e18f4603258fa.ipa (SHA256: f60d607b6fb68dcfecfcc60d526a804c1cc8f14aeebf0dd02f0e18f4603258fa)
Tails 2.2.1 is released with a fix for a visual glitch where the pincode screen would show a pixel’s width of previous content.

Download link: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.2.1/Tails-2.2.1-69f3900ec63a6bb49a90ba634dea20d6231ff0654a09b2269244b247b336e6a2.ipa (SHA256: 69f3900ec63a6bb49a90ba634dea20d6231ff0654a09b2269244b247b336e6a2)
Tails 2.3 beta 1 is here and it has the following improvements and fixes:

* Sort order and date range for post thumbnail views are always available from a dropdown menu in the top right corner (the arrows up and down button)
* "Popular posts" view can now show popular posts by week, month or year in addition to day
* "Favorited posts" can now be sorted by date they were favorited
* Default order and date range options have been moved to the settings
* External screen mirroring improvements:
* WebM videos play properly
* Images can be zoomed in
* The mirroring features can now be disabled in the settings so that the device's screen is mirrored 1:1 to the external display
* Information about the post (ID, sources, resolution, etc.) are displayed underneath its tags
* Adds an option to autoplay .gif animations in posts' thumbnails
* Fixes a "There were no posts to show" error for users in time zones that are behind UTC

Download link: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.3/Tails-2.3.0-07ee6a811d29c277110e6682c38fa04ee0527f522554f3eb8fef5ae21d3f81df.ipa (SHA256: 07ee6a811d29c277110e6682c38fa04ee0527f522554f3eb8fef5ae21d3f81df)
There's going to be a new Tails beta (v2.3 beta 3) that has completely new image zooming which should work better for tall images. Beta 2 was briefly available here, but it has an issue with WebM video playback, so wait until tomorrow to install the next one with a fix for that.

And for the first time, a very experimental Mac version: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.3/Tails-2.3.0-Mac-1d8a07545fdf31bf5072af97cdae0fbdbf79116fdb9711ea9b77f78839c01544.zip (SHA256: 1d8a07545fdf31bf5072af97cdae0fbdbf79116fdb9711ea9b77f78839c01544. You will need to right click the app once unzipped and select "Open" from the menu, instead of double clicking the icon. That is still Beta 2, so WebMs are borked.)

All feedback is very welcome!
Here's the latest Mac build with a fix for logging in and playing WebM videos: https://github.com/SafoSnep/tails/releases/download/v2.3/Tails-2.3.0-Mac-cbd3d6b9efdb453bc44333fd638c700dd7fd65bb575fa844559c6fe713687bdf.zip (SHA256: cbd3d6b9efdb453bc44333fd638c700dd7fd65bb575fa844559c6fe713687bdf)