What is Stable coin Supply Ratio (SSR) ?
The #Stablecoin Supply Ratio (#SSR) is the ratio between the# Bitcoin supply and the equivalent supply of stablecoins denoted in BTC. It is calculated as #Bitcoin Market cap / Stablecoin Market cap. This serves as a proxy for the supply/demand mechanics between #BTC and #USD.
The SSR oscillator is used by traders and analysts to identify market trends and potential buying or selling opportunities in Bitcoin.
When the #SSR is low, it indicates that the current stablecoin supply has more relative "buying power" to purchase #BTC.
When the #SSR is high, it indicates that the current stablecoin supply has less relative "buying power" to purchase #BTC.
The #Stablecoin Supply Ratio (#SSR) is the ratio between the# Bitcoin supply and the equivalent supply of stablecoins denoted in BTC. It is calculated as #Bitcoin Market cap / Stablecoin Market cap. This serves as a proxy for the supply/demand mechanics between #BTC and #USD.
The SSR oscillator is used by traders and analysts to identify market trends and potential buying or selling opportunities in Bitcoin.
When the #SSR is low, it indicates that the current stablecoin supply has more relative "buying power" to purchase #BTC.
When the #SSR is high, it indicates that the current stablecoin supply has less relative "buying power" to purchase #BTC.