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【華人團體揭中共6式滲透加國大選 籲獨立專員徹查】
加拿大聯邦政府早前委任前總督David Johnston作為獨立專員,其權力可查閱聯邦政府內部任何機密或非機密文件,及沒有限制下召見任何相關人士,以審查過去兩次加國大選有否外國勢力干預。加拿大華人關注中共違反人權小組向David Johnston撰寫公開信,揭露中共以6種模式多方面滲透加國內政及大選。其發言人李美寶接受《棱角》查詢時指,雖然獨立專員設定網上遞交意見渠道,但期限甚短,而且加國面對外國勢力亦不止中共,故以公開信形式聚焦中共如何在多方面滲透加國。
報導:棱角 The Points 👉
#中共滲透 #加拿大 #外國干預法 #Canada #共諜 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #BoycottChina #支共禍患 #TakeDownCCP
加拿大聯邦政府早前委任前總督David Johnston作為獨立專員,其權力可查閱聯邦政府內部任何機密或非機密文件,及沒有限制下召見任何相關人士,以審查過去兩次加國大選有否外國勢力干預。加拿大華人關注中共違反人權小組向David Johnston撰寫公開信,揭露中共以6種模式多方面滲透加國內政及大選。其發言人李美寶接受《棱角》查詢時指,雖然獨立專員設定網上遞交意見渠道,但期限甚短,而且加國面對外國勢力亦不止中共,故以公開信形式聚焦中共如何在多方面滲透加國。
報導:棱角 The Points 👉
#中共滲透 #加拿大 #外國干預法 #Canada #共諜 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #BoycottChina #支共禍患 #TakeDownCCP
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MAY 7 「溫哥華手足」街站義工招募:關注在囚手足
當日Anvil Center 內有「香港人市集」,我哋希望藉住咁多香港人聚集,鼓勵更多香港人嚟到海外都唔好忘記香港嘅手足,了解而家嘅自由係建基於無數在囚手足嘅犧牲,海外嘅我哋係絕對有責任持續關注香港情況!
地點:Anvil Center 外, New Westminister
- IG PM @vanactivistshk
- email:
#溫哥華 #Canada #在囚手足 #聲援在囚手足 #冤獄 #莫須有 #以言入罪
當日Anvil Center 內有「香港人市集」,我哋希望藉住咁多香港人聚集,鼓勵更多香港人嚟到海外都唔好忘記香港嘅手足,了解而家嘅自由係建基於無數在囚手足嘅犧牲,海外嘅我哋係絕對有責任持續關注香港情況!
地點:Anvil Center 外, New Westminister
- IG PM @vanactivistshk
- email:
#溫哥華 #Canada #在囚手足 #聲援在囚手足 #冤獄 #莫須有 #以言入罪
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May 7,2023「聲援在囚手足街站」
“Support Hong Kong” Protest
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest
and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans.
Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong!
#Canada #Vancouver #連儂牆 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
“Support Hong Kong” Protest
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest
and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans.
Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong!
#Canada #Vancouver #連儂牆 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
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“Never Forget” Hong Kong Protest Exhibition (Vancouver)
Date: May 20, 2023 (Sat)
Time: 12-5pm
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza
Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aims to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcase the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and serve as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.
#毋忘抗爭 #勿忘初衷 #展覽 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver #海外港人
Source: @vanactivistshk
“Never Forget” Hong Kong Protest Exhibition (Vancouver)
Date: May 20, 2023 (Sat)
Time: 12-5pm
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza
Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aims to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcase the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and serve as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.
#毋忘抗爭 #勿忘初衷 #展覽 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver #海外港人
Source: @vanactivistshk
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"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk
THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you!
We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward.
#香港抗爭展 #溫哥華 #展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人
THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you!
We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward.
#香港抗爭展 #溫哥華 #展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人
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售票處 Ticket ↓↓↓ 10/6 UK London, AU Canberra, 11/6 CA Calgary
今年612四週年,我地就有三個城市一齊放映。分別係6月10日Canberra, London同6月11日的Calgary。放映從來都唔容易,搞手同義工往往費盡心思,而集齊三個城市一齊放映更係難上加難。雖然小編出席過唔同場合都遇到唔少朋友已經睇左,但諗深一層就好似前線一樣,黎黎去去都係果同一班人,想接觸更多香港人都唔係咁容易。
#Canberra #Australia #London #UK #Calgary #Canada #612四週年 #毋忘初衷 #遍地開花 #巡迴放映 #ScreeningTour #因為愛所以革命 #LITTOR #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution
售票處 Ticket ↓↓↓ 10/6 UK London, AU Canberra, 11/6 CA Calgary
今年612四週年,我地就有三個城市一齊放映。分別係6月10日Canberra, London同6月11日的Calgary。放映從來都唔容易,搞手同義工往往費盡心思,而集齊三個城市一齊放映更係難上加難。雖然小編出席過唔同場合都遇到唔少朋友已經睇左,但諗深一層就好似前線一樣,黎黎去去都係果同一班人,想接觸更多香港人都唔係咁容易。
#Canberra #Australia #London #UK #Calgary #Canada #612四週年 #毋忘初衷 #遍地開花 #巡迴放映 #ScreeningTour #因為愛所以革命 #LITTOR #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution
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Media is too big
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【怒斥亞投行被中共主宰 加拿大籍高層劈炮 亞投行反擊:描述毫無根據,令人失望】
亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(AIIB,亞投行)加拿大籍公關主管Bob Pickard,周二(6月13日)宣布已辭職;他在twitter上發文,指控亞投行被中國共產黨主宰,「該銀行(亞投行)受到共產黨員主宰,並且具有可以想像到的最有毒文化之一。我不認為亞投行成員資格符合我國(加拿大)利益」。亞投行則透過電郵發聲明指,「畢卡德先生最近對本行的公開言論及描述毫無根據,並且令人失望」。
報導:棱角 The Points 👉
#亞投行 #EvilCCP #CCPVirus #Canada #劈炮 #NeverTrustCCP #中共操控
亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(AIIB,亞投行)加拿大籍公關主管Bob Pickard,周二(6月13日)宣布已辭職;他在twitter上發文,指控亞投行被中國共產黨主宰,「該銀行(亞投行)受到共產黨員主宰,並且具有可以想像到的最有毒文化之一。我不認為亞投行成員資格符合我國(加拿大)利益」。亞投行則透過電郵發聲明指,「畢卡德先生最近對本行的公開言論及描述毫無根據,並且令人失望」。
報導:棱角 The Points 👉
#亞投行 #EvilCCP #CCPVirus #Canada #劈炮 #NeverTrustCCP #中共操控
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June 12th Silent Protest and Vigil 默站
June 12 2023 (Mon) 8-9pm
Metrotown Skytrain Station
我哋612 舉辦悼念默站,唔單只係向香港抗爭者烈士致敬同悼念佢地嘅犧牲。亦期望本地人知道香港嘅警暴打壓狀況,知道我哋反共反極權嘅訊息!
Source: @vanactivistshk
#612四週年 #溫哥華 #vancouver #Canada
June 12 2023 (Mon) 8-9pm
Metrotown Skytrain Station
我哋612 舉辦悼念默站,唔單只係向香港抗爭者烈士致敬同悼念佢地嘅犧牲。亦期望本地人知道香港嘅警暴打壓狀況,知道我哋反共反極權嘅訊息!
Source: @vanactivistshk
#612四週年 #溫哥華 #vancouver #Canada
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