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19 March we marched on streets in Nottingham in solidarity with Ukrainians.

Posted by IG @nickdemocracy
#StandWithUkraine #StopPutin #ukraine #GloryToUkraine #Nottingham #UK #在英港人
NSWHK將於今年5-6月在英進行「起來,向極權說不!」一連串對抗極權活動, 揭視中共實屬極權世界一分子的本質,呼籲每個人以行動來對抗。



Sign the petition now:

#Nottingham #Ningbo #NeverTrustCCP #Russia #EvilCCP #聯署 #petition
#612三週年 #UK #Nottingham #遊行

We stand! Say no to totalitarianism! - Protest March

Date: June 12th Sunday
Time: 1p.m - 3p.m
Route: Depart from the Old Market Square, via Justice museum, arrive at Nottingham City Council and submit the petition.

Source: Nottingham Stands With Hong Kong fb
Link: fb.com/NottsStandsWithHK/posts/753250742752950

June 12th signifies “Fight against tyranny with courage” to Hongkongers, in remembrance of the 612 Hong Kong Protest. NSWHK is hosting an anti-totalitarianism march in Nottingham, to express the public's determination to stand against China’s totalitarianism.

612 對香港人的意義是”站起來以勇氣對抗暴政”,因此為了記住香港人曾以行動去對抗極權。NSWHK 將於6 月12日在諾定咸市舉行反極權遊行,讓公眾表達反對中國支持極權主義的立場。

Please come and stand in solidarity with us, to fight for freedom and democracy of the world.

#612三週年 #UK #Nottingham #遊行

We stand! Say no to totalitarianism! - Protest March

Date: June 12th Sunday
Time: 1p.m - 3p.m
Route: Depart from the Old Market Square, via Justice museum, arrive at Nottingham City Council and submit the petition.

Source: Nottingham Stands With Hong Kong fb
Link: fb.com/NottsStandsWithHK/posts/753250742752950

June 12th signifies “Fight against tyranny with courage” to Hongkongers, in remembrance of the 612 Hong Kong Protest. NSWHK is hosting an anti-totalitarianism march in Nottingham, to express the public's determination to stand against China’s totalitarianism.

612 對香港人的意義是”站起來以勇氣對抗暴政”,因此為了記住香港人曾以行動去對抗極權。NSWHK 將於6 月12日在諾定咸市舉行反極權遊行,讓公眾表達反對中國支持極權主義的立場。

Please come and stand in solidarity with us, to fight for freedom and democracy of the world.

831活動 - 有誰願意走下去?
Source: IG @nottsstandwithhk

Thank you all for coming today.

As an overseas Hongkonger, we treasure the freedom we have. We should stay united in this difficult time and keep reflecting on ourselves. We are looking for new ways to sustain the social movement and support the Hongkongers who are still under siege.


We continue our calls to Nottingham city council to de-twin with the Sister city Ningbo by sending petition letters. For who did not join us today, you can find the template in the google form we provide in our social media.

我們繼續以寫信致諾定咸區議員,呼籲諾定咸市盡早與寧波脫離姊妹城市關係。希望大家繼續關注支持,若未填寫,可於本Facebook所提供的Google form索取請願信內容範本。

Petition letter template:

#Nottingham #毋忘831 #抗爭三年 #SisterCity #Ningbo #姊妹城市 #寧波 #petition
101活動 - 101 Shames of China 中共的101道黑

Last Saturday was the 73rd year establishment of Peoples Republic of China. China has been weaponising globalisation and posing threat of our times. The parliament petition which is a UK joint action among 19 participating groups in corresponding countries is circulated. It will begin to pressure the government and reexamine the relationships with China. There were more than 470 signatures we have collected yesterday. We are very grateful to all your support in upholding freedom and human rights.


Credit: IG @nottsstandwithhk
#Nottingham #UK #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光 #SayNoToMIC

Assembly details are as below:
Date: 23 October 2022
Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Old Market Square, Nottingham, NG1 2DT

Source: fb.com/NottsStandsWithHK/photos/a.361188358625859/859374715473885

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


On 23 October, over 300 people stood silently at Old Market Square. In addition to expressing solidarity with those who were attacked in Manchester, we can also see the seriousness of the CCP’s foreign interference and political infiltration to the UK. So we should continue to initiate our petition, hoping that the Parliament can face up to and monitor threats posed by the CCP to the world, and re-examine whether they should continue to maintain sister-city relations with China.

Posted on IG @nottsstandwithhk

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


On 23 October, over 300 people stood silently at Old Market Square. In addition to expressing solidarity with those who were attacked in Manchester, we can also see the seriousness of the CCP’s foreign interference and political infiltration to the UK. So we should continue to initiate our petition, hoping that the Parliament can face up to and monitor threats posed by the CCP to the world, and re-examine whether they should continue to maintain sister-city relations with China.

Posted on IG @nottsstandwithhk

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
年近歲晚,又係同親朋好友聚首一堂嘅好時候!我們誠邀來自香港嘅你,於2023年1月14日(星期六)喺諾定咸同其他香港同英國本地朋友一齊拜個早年! 當日活動包括: - 應節活動 (如手寫揮春)、 - 攤位遊戲 (小手工、扭氣球)、 - 港式小食、 - 表演、 - 在英醫療、就業、生活資訊簡介等等

日期:2023年1月14日 (星期六)
時間:11:00am-1:00pm / 1:00pm-3:00pm
地點:St Nic's Church (79 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, NG1 6AE)

名額有限,先到先得。有興趣嘅話可以喺呢度免費登記參與: bit.ly/nottinghamff23

Source: @ukhk_welcomechurches
#Nottingham #農曆新年 #在英港人 #離散港人