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Operational Briefing: Svatovo

Troops under General Lapin's command counterattacked and repulsed the village of Terny. Also yesterday the Central Military District artillery ambushed two Khokhol columns regrouping towards Kremenna.

Yes, this is not a counteroffensive at all yet, but only an active defense. But it is bricks like this that make up the overall victory. Svatovo itself continues to be prepared for defense, the Khokhol has concentrated large forces and despite very serious losses it has enough forces to attack. But as I said before, we will hold Svatovo, at least this is my subjective opinion.

Also today the troops of the Central and the ZVO columns have taken Torskoye and Novosadovoye. There is an active defense. It is raining heavily on the front, with a real heavy downpour towards evening.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Picchu)
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62,000 bomb shelters across Poland are inspected for their current condition, equipment and suitability for use.

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Moldova will not close its airspace after Russian missiles flew through it towards Ukraine, the republic's defence minister, Anatoliy Nosatiy, has said.

Wise choice.

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Operational Briefing: Svatovo

Troops under General Lapin's command have counterattacked and retaken the village of Terny. Also yesterday the Russian Army's Central Military District artillery units ambushed two Ukrainian columns regrouping towards Kremennaya.

Yes, this is not a counteroffensive at all yet, but only an active defense. But it is bricks like this that make up the overall victory. Svatovo itself continues to be prepared for defense, the Ukrainian army has concentrated large forces and, despite very serious losses it has enough forces to attack. But as I said before, we will hold Svatovo, at least this is my subjective opinion.

Also today the Russian Army's troops of the Central and the Western Military Districts have taken Torskoye and Novosadovoye. There is an active defense. It is raining heavily on the front, with a real heavy downpour towards evening.

from Starshe Eddy

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Picchu)
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What had been warned, hinted at, and expected as manna from heaven has happened. After receiving several serious blows from Ukrainian proxy formations, behind which the predatory grin of NATO countries was hiding, Russia nevertheless recovered its spirit and struck at the overzealous Kiev regime. Our colleagues were right - all this should have been done long ago. Almost from the first days of the SMO. But we were mercifully limiting our force, hoping that a simple show of force would make the Kiev regime at least a little more sensible and start behaving within the legal framework.

It has not. We had to go further, but as if by the Leninist maxim "one step forward - two steps back". We press on, stopping for a brief moment. There may be forks ahead - in the spirit of "goodwill gestures". But neither the junta in Kiev nor their masters appreciated these gestures. As one man who is now listed as a foreign agent said (and deservedly so) - "scum take kindness for weakness". As a result, we had several very nasty incidents, up to and including the Kiev Zerg rush that began in September, heavy fighting in the Kherson region, and redeployment.

Eventually, the Western and Kiev scum decided that nothing serious would or would not follow their machinations. It was a mistake, a mistake, a mistake...

We have yet to see what is coming in the coming days on the SMO fronts. The appointment of Sergei Surovikin (aka "Severoviy") as commander of the united group of troops has already borne serious fruit. Recently I had a close conversation with our techno-journalist friend, who asked me who I see as the most promising commander in the SMO zone, referring to specific names, we all know them. I answered him, that good management requires neither a 'jack-of-all-trades' (a military man, who emerged from civilian ranks) nor a 'stormtrooper' in the vanguard of an offensive - everyone has his tasks, and there is no need to put them in the wrong places. And what is needed is a combat general who knows the specifics of working with the various branches of troops and can establish quality interaction. I confess, at that moment I had completely forgotten about "Severe". And in vain, as it turned out.

As a result, on the first day of the new commander-in-chief we have:
⚔️ Over 200 arrivals in Ukraine, which is quite a record. By the way, the sorties are the same Kalibras that by all laws of military propaganda we should have run out of.
⚔️ Massive power cuts in almost all of Ukraine
⚔️ Serious water supply outages
⚔️ Damage to critical wartime infrastructure - primarily repair factories where the AFU was being repaired
⚔️ Fuel and supply disruptions in virtually every region
⚔️ Transport collapse at Ukrzaliznytsia: trains are stopped, and some routes are switched to diesel - which naturally leads to the aggravation of the fuel situation
⚔️ Ukrainian Security Service building struck, head of Cyber Police of Ukraine department Yuriy Zaskoka, who was responsible for coordinated telegram bot attacks, eliminated

It's coming down hard. It's going to rain (C)

Crucially, there is a clear awareness that today is far from the last in a series of Egyptian executions that the Kiev regime and its followers have inflicted on their heads. By evening, Ukraine is once again covered in air-raid alarms. The city goes to sleep - the Calibers wake up.

And the most important thing in this whole story is that the Ukrainian authorities have warned of the consequences, of not playing with fire and poking a stick in the den. Back in the summer, Dmitriy Medvedev promised that in the event of a strike on Crimea, the Ukrainians would face "Judgment Day". Well, 10.10.2022 was that doomsday for the Ukrainians.

By astramilitarum
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10 explosions in Kherson, presumably by air defense, Izvestia correspondent Natalia Grafchikova reports

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A photo of Lviv without electricity was published by Mayor Sadovyy.

Don't worry. Soon there will be light as in summer noon.

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Media is too big
⚡️ A Ukrainian soldier's wife complains about the lack of winter uniforms in her husband's unit.

📌 I've been getting calls all morning from soldiers in different units, different brigades, and different front lines. They all have the same problem - autumn has suddenly started. The guys have nothing. Out of warm clothes, there are elementary even fleece balaclavas. No warm socks, no thermal underwear, no jackets, no warm sleeping bags, nothing at all.

📌 Our guys are wearing summer uniforms and it is cold, very cold at night. I get calls from the military saying my fingers are frozen to the machine this morning.

📌 As for the unit my husband serves in, we wives got together and bought all the winter clothes ourselves to give to our guys.

A fortnight ago Anna Malyar said that the matter was almost closed.

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Reporting on Kherson:

The enemy took no active offensive action during the day.

The enemy conducted a reconnaissance battle in the area of Davydov Brod. According to the results of the fire defeat, it suffered losses and retreated.

In the Dudchan area, enemy DRGs conducted reconnaissance, the enemy was spotted, fire contact occurred, and the enemy withdrew.

The Russian Armed Forces destroy AFU crossings over the Ingulets River. We conduct defense and continue to destroy the enemy's DRGs, crossings, and facilities in its rear.

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Our OP source said that Biden had promised to allocate air defense to Ukraine at the NATO defense ministers' meeting to be held in the Ramstun format this week.
Separately, Biden made a statement that the US condemned Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian territory. He also added that the US would support Ukraine "for as long as it takes".
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Zelensky tried to make up for Ukraine's air defense with fictitious figures about allegedly shot down missiles

In Ukraine today the citizens of Ukraine, who believe in the possibility of their victory, ask how it is possible that their country was blown to pieces in 3.5 hours. Where is our army at all, the typical Ukrainian thinks sadly. These worries have reached the Bankova, and they have decided to calm people down the way they do the best - by just starting to stupidly lie.

In his evening address, Vladimir Zelensky announced the number of missiles and drones that were shot down by Ukrainian air defense, thus reminding us that it does exist. These figures are simply made up - more than half of the missiles and almost all of the Geranki have been shot down, according to Zelensky. At the same time, there is not a single fact of shooting down at least one missile, and only a couple of Geraniums have been reliably damaged.

As a reminder, by the afternoon there was virtually no electricity across Ukraine - retaliatory strikes on Ukrainian power grids had reached their conclusion.

BUT...this speech turns into
another epic Zelensky fiasco, of course, is Zelensky's chromakey speech, following the information that he was being hastily evacuated to a bunker in Western Ukraine. Look closely at the video - the mismatch of shadows and the general unnaturalness of his figure against the 'backdrop'.

One can talk about bravery all one wants but when the leader of a country runs into the bushes at the first sign of trouble, the future of the country is doomed.

By Readovka
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Ukraine’s Arestovich: “There will be continued shelling tonight, They will work with Kalibr’s from the Black Sea. They will work on energy infrastructure. They scouted targets that they could not hit - they want to hit further. In Zaporozhye, one should especially not neglect the safety rules.”

Source: UA channels
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Map of major infrastructure strike points in Ukraine

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Media is too big
HIM again.

⚡️The morning shelling may continue tonight, Arestovich said. "Calibers will be fired from the Black Sea. They will work on energy infrastructure, a normal second stage in quotes: they have scouted the targets they want to hit, and they will want to hit further.

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