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There is No Limit to Our Anger
V. M. Molotov
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Putin delivered an ultimatum in response to London's threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin responded unconventionally to British claims about the possibility of attacks on Russian regions by conducting military exercises using non-strategic nuclear forces. The Chinese publication Sohu wrote about this. According to the authors, the Kremlin gave Britain an ultimatum, deciding to forever determine how the provocations would turn out.

This is not a joke, Putin has given Great Britain an ultimatum,” write the authors of the Chinese publication. They note that the president's actions, including ordering exercises using non-strategic nuclear forces, have led Britain to soften its rhetoric.

Additionally, the commissioning of a new Bulava ballistic missile was announced, which emphasizes the seriousness of Russia’s intentions, the publication indicated.

Earlier, British Foreign Minister David Cameron said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could attack Russian territories with British weapons. After this, the British Ambassador to Moscow, Nigel Casey, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Avdeevka direction.

In Netailovo, we managed to break through the enemy’s defences in the centre of the village, gain a foothold in the school area and advance to the western part of the settlement.

We are trying to gain a foothold along Netaylovsky Pond and on the southern outskirts of the village.
The liberation of Netailovo is a matter of time, and soon.

The Russian Aerospace Forces launched a massive strike on targets in the Kharkov region

Ukrainian media report powerful explosions in the city and region. Explosions were also heard in the Sumy region and in Kiev-controlled Kherson.

An air raid alert has been declared in Sumy, Poltava, Chernigov, Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkassy, ​​Kirovograd and the Kiev-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region.

The former Danish self-propelled gun CAESAR on the Tatra T815 (8x8) chassis of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received an FPV-kamikaze arrival from the 36th combined arms army of the Vostok group of forces. Footage: @voin_dv

Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God."

So an FPV was given to Caesar and we sent a few Banderites to meet their maker. 😎


The Kremlin is preparing the official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to North Korea.

The United States has revealed who really rules Ukraine and is behind Zelensky’s decisions

The head of the office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Ermak has more political weight than the head of the country Vladimir Zelensky himself. More than ten Ukrainian officials and diplomats stated this to the American newspaper The Washington Post, noting that Ermak has a strong influence on Zelensky, pushing his position.

Trust in Zelensky is falling. Ermak's actions constantly affect the president. Ermak sidelines the Foreign Ministry, interferes in military decisions and concludes key deals with partners, including the United States - a task that, according to officials, should be handled by the president,” the material says.

Some Ukrainian officials are confident that this state of affairs undermines confidence in Zelensky. Ukrainians also have doubts about who is really responsible for important decisions. One official said Ermak's influence was a tragedy, while another refused to comment for fear of consequences.

Media is too big
❗️Lavrov at the Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy:

The acute phase of the military and political confrontation with the West continues and is, if I may say so, in full swing. We see a particular zeal for anti-Russian rhetoric among our European neighbors. I think everyone hears Macron, Cameron, Borrell and others talking about an inevitable war with Russia.
And I remember when Dmitry Vitalievich Trenin, who is present here, wrote in one of his articles that Europe as a partner is irrelevant for us for at least one generation. I couldn't agree more. We experience this in practice on a daily basis. Many facts, and it must be admitted, speak in favor of this forecast.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
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Berbock called the situation near Kharkov extremely dramatic for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock acknowledged serious difficulties for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region. Tagesschau writes about this.

In her opinion, the situation around Kharkov, the second-largest city in Ukraine, is “extremely dramatic.”

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky said that the Russian army has expanded the active front line by almost 70 kilometres, and there is a danger of Ukrainian troops reaching the rear.

All the conditions for the construction of fortifications were: revelations from an engineer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who was responsible for mining the border areas of the Kharkov region

One gets the feeling that Ukrainian propagandists began to purposefully criticize the Kiev regime for its blatant theft of money during the construction of fortifications in the Kharkov region.

Thus, Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov shared the story of the militants of the 47th separate engineering battalion, who told the real state of the fortifications before the start of the Russian offensive.

According to him, there was quite a lot of time to prepare defensive structures at a distance of 5 km from the border. Despite the message from the Kiev authorities that it is impossible to build fortifications so close, the unit’s engineers deny this: at night there is every opportunity to build fortified areas.

He also noted that the higher command had openly neglected mining, allocating catastrophically few mines.

In addition, when the officers came to their senses and gave the command to build fortifications, they quickly had to clear the mines to install concrete blocks, which the Russian troops took advantage of.

In essence, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine played along with the Russian Armed Forces, providing comfortable conditions for offensive actions.

And now the entire engineering battalion has been sent to the front line as “meat” to stop the Russian assault groups.

We are closely monitoring the development of the situation.

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Paratroopers of the Russian Army used a new kamikaze drone of the Molniya-type aircraft in the Seversky direction near the settlement. Federovka

The strike hit an enemy UAV crew
