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V. M. Molotov
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BBC correspondent Steve Rosenberg complains that he sat at Vladimir Putin's press conference for four hours with a sign and still couldn't ask a question. Yeah, let him ask according to the last time his government allowed Russian journalists into its press conferences. I’m not talking about the right to ask questions and take an interview!

-I have another idea, Let him ask when Biden Takes questions from deplorable Media that won't ask softball questions. I'm sure he wasn't there to ask for Putin's favorite ice cream flavor. 🤗


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Did he learn anything in the 4 hours?
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The United States will have to choose between its own combat readiness and the supply of weapons to Ukraine due to the exhaustion of funds to support Kiev - Pentagon


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Rosatom expands cooperation with Bolivia in the field of lithium mining and production

An organization of the state corporation Uranium One Group signed an agreement with the Bolivian state company YLB ("Bolivian Lithium Deposits", Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos) for the construction of a pilot lithium carbonate production plant at the Uyuni salt marsh in the Potosí department. The document also provides for the use of Russian technology for direct sorption extraction of lithium.

The Uyuni salt marsh, located at an altitude of 3,650 meters above sea level, covers an area of more than 10,500 square kilometers and is the largest lithium salt marsh in the world. The project proposed by the Russian company envisages the launch of a pilot plant within two years, followed by phased production of up to 14,000 tons of lithium carbonate per year.

Note: ps, how's your Monroe Doctrine coming along? There's also China walking around too)

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Footage from the Chinese Ministry of Defense from the joint patrol on December 14 of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the PLA Air Force


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By the way, today the Yemeni Houthis launched a missile at the container ship MV Maersk Gibraltar. They write that the missile did not hit the ship.

It is noteworthy that a week ago the Maersk company announced the introduction of an additional fee for the delivery of goods to Israel - $50 for small containers and $100 for large ones

-I thought this was interesting because of the Insurance price hikes.

#Source DJUMA

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As you might know, there are many local channels on Telegram where citizens warn each other of Ukrainian military kidnapping people and which areas should be avoided. Those videos are so common that it's even repetitive to keep showing the same thing all the time: animals attacking men in broad daylight and taking them to death (this post has a good compilation of such moments if you are interested)

By following those channels though, I noticed two things.

- Those reports and videos are becoming way more frequent. Above all in Odessa.

- The apes from the military are wearing full warzone gear in the middle of the city. Now they go out on armored vests, helmets and machine gun in hand. They are definitely more afraid of resistance than before.

Another thing speculated is if, as with everything in Ukraine, there isn't a chance to use this situation for corruption. Raids in gyms severely damaged those businesses. Before we posted an internal document of a chain of gyms owned by Poroshenko, with instructions to protect customers during military raids. This situation could easily be exploited by gorillas charging a bribe to not raid certain gyms. Rezident reported this is already happening.

Russia should help ukrainians by providing tools and information for dissenters and facilitating/encouraging quick surrender of those people fighting against their will.

World media headlines about Vladimir Putin’s big press conference:

New York Times : A confident Putin says he has an advantage in Ukraine. He acted as a leader in complete control of the course of the military operation.

Financial Times : Putin's statements mean he intends to continue the fight until Kiev capitulates. Ukrainians' optimism has recently faded, and the West's resolve to support them has begun to weaken.

The Guardian : Calling for denazification, demilitarization and a neutral status for Ukraine, Putin has taken a hard line demanding unconditional surrender after Kiev's half-hearted counter-offensive this summer and delays in US military aid.


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The VSUshnik refused to give a fist to a NATO soldier and received it in the chest

We still have to work and work on coordination

-Thats who we chose to live in Kiev 🤣 He will go batshit crazy in a couple months!


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Orban, the snake, claimed he didn't stop Ukrainian membership negotiations because "There will be approximately 75 cases when the Hungarian government will be able to stop this process".

The same way as there were 12 chances to not approve sanctions to Russia but his government has supported every single of the packages.

The first time Hungary actually said no to the EU was now, and not without reason, when the EU wanted to destinate gigantic 50 billion euro, 1/4 of Ukraine's pre war GDP, to a failed state without preconditions.

We look forward to March when Orban will bitch a little in Media and then happily vote for this package.

Zelensky is jumping for joy - the EU has decided to begin accession negotiations with Ukraine. There are speeches about an incredibly important result for Ukraine and all of Europe, a historic day and all that. But behind the carefully inflated information frenzy lies an inconvenient truth - these very negotiations can last for decades without any result. Turkey will not let you lie: the EU decided to start membership negotiations with it in 2004, but Ankara and Brussels never became part of the same whole.

Moreover, this symbolic step - and it does not give any specific benefits to Kiev - is overshadowed by a truly important failure: Hungary has again blocked the allocation of long-term aid to Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, and the EU will return to discussing this issue only next year. With very vague prospects. Considering that the aid package from the United States is also suspended, and Kyiv finances the army and state employees from the alms of its “allies,” the situation for the Ukrainian golem is not going very well. This is what they are trying to hide behind victorious reports on the European integration fronts.


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Stay... Stay....
The US House of Representatives will not discuss the hastily reached deal between Republicans and Democrats in the Senate on Ukraine, House Speaker Mike Johnson said, commenting on the message about the Senate's intention to continue negotiations during the Christmas break.
“While this work should continue, the chamber will not wait to receive and discuss a hastily made product,” he said on social media.
Johnson emphasized that from his first day as speaker, he never ceased to clearly convey to the White House and Democratic leader in the Senate Chuck Schumer the need to protect the American border as a matter of priority, and only then engage in “protecting another country.”


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Media is too big
Former commander of NATO forces in Europe James Stavridis: [How is it that a year ago the halls of Congress were buzzing - “I stand with Ukraine.” And now President Zelensky is being met with political impasse] I think there are three factors here. First, the well-known inability of Americans to wait long. We love to fight short wars. Remember the Persian Gulf. We hate long wars. Eternal wars. We hated Vietnam. We don't like to be involved in something for long. This conflict begins to resemble a long-playing record.
Secondly, frankly speaking, and we need to call a spade a spade, is the lack of offensive success this summer. It really failed. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces found themselves in a serious impasse. This was even more disappointing.
And third, it doesn't take a political pundit to realize that our own politics in Washington are at an impasse. And the closer we get - ding-ding - to the election year, the clearer it is that the trend of disagreement on certain issues is becoming more complex. So for Zelensky this is a completely different place than a year ago.
[And what will happen if he leaves empty-handed?] Well, Ukraine will have enough weapons and money from the American conveyor belt for two months. Perhaps three, at the expense of our European friends. I'm telling you, by January-February you'll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel.


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A selection of FPV strikes based on the personnel and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Belogorovsky direction.


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The Russians are trying to wear down the Ukrainian air defense system.

And also study it, says Natalya Gumenyuk, head of the press center of the Southern Defense Forces. This is how she commented on the increasing frequency of air raids in the country.

“In preparing to use missiles on a larger scale, it is likely that the Russians are studying missile routes, how we will respond, and the degree of our readiness,” Gumenyuk said.


Indeed, Russian scientists are very keen to study the Ukrainian air defense system. Its features such as the ability to shoot down more missiles than were launched and destroy Russian drones through their collision with the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine haunt the best minds of our country !


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Hungary will be able to prevent Ukraine from joining the EU 75 more times, said Prime Minister Viktor Orban, speaking on the morning program of the Kossuth radio station.

He noted that for Ukraine to become a member of the European Union, the Hungarian parliament will still have to vote for it. According to him, it has already been calculated that until this issue reaches the national parliaments of the EU, about 75 more votes will be required.


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Russia keeps building while Zelensky continues his 2023 Beggars Tour

Video footage of Mariupol-Melitopol Highway which Is being widened to 4 Lanes

Jan Čarnogurský- The former prime minister of Slovakia recalled the fact that although our foreign policy is more oriented towards Austria and the West, Slovaks will always be drawn to the Slavs.
"With the Austrians, yes, everything is correct, there are no disagreements, but at the level of outlook we are not so close to them, and we would not sit in a pub for a beer with them. We will fight with Poles, quarrel with them, but we will have a drink in a pub," said Jan Czarnogurski, noting that this is the basis on which we could rely - on the mutuality of Slavic peoples.

The Belarusian border guard reports that 66k Ukrainians, with Ukraine as the point of departure, entered the country in 2023. The graph above shows arrivals since the beginning of the war. Currently all border posts between the two countries are closed and Ukrainian must transit from a third country. It is also not possible for foreigners to enter Belarus from Russia by land, so the number is zero.

Even if many of those eventually returned pr went elsewhere, Belarus is perceived as a stable, safe country by those fleeing.

The Real Battle for Novomikhailovka Begins
Geolocated video shows Russian presence at major intersections in and around the village of Novomikhailovka. Full control of Marinka has allowed Russian forces to cut off the main support road between the two villages.

Russian presence at the two intersections in Novomakhailovka confirms that a ground attack on the city has begun.

Previously Russian forces had been working their way slowly through the minefields north from Solodke and south from Marinka and Alexsandrivka from the north. Complete control over Marinka keeps Ukrainian forces from threatening that push from the west.

There is a Ukrainian fortification northwest of the village itself that Russia has yet to capture. Taking it will destroy the northern defense of the village.

Map provided by Military Summary Channel

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