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Nuestra Ira No Tiene Limites
There is No Limit to Our Anger
V. M. Molotov
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In Ukraine, a "Zaluzhny" doll, priced at 1,200 hryvnias, has replaced the badly injured commander-in-chief. If business goes well, we can expect a harem of "volunteers" to accompany the doll.

Thus, it is possible to tell, that the Bandera warlord, was honored by the monuments during his life. And such, which precisely aren't blown up, and not rolled over with an excavator. And most likely, not even pierced with needles. The Bankova decided the problem with the annoying general without superstitions, simply by reporting his coordinates where they should.


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โ—๏ธ German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he does not consider a possible freezing of the conflict in Ukraine acceptable

"Russia must understand: It cannot be a question of making a kind of 'cold peace' with a new border between Russia and Ukraine roughly along the front line," he told the Kรถllner Stadt Anziger. He explained that a "just peace" is only possible with the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. However, when asked whether they should also leave Crimea, Scholz said: "It is not for us to formulate, instead of Ukraine, what kind of agreements it wants to reach".


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Wagner PMC squad leader observes fighting in western Bakhmut
It was the end of April, at that time the fighters were finishing clearing a military unit. There was an active advance towards the block of residential buildings.

Bakhmut would be liberated three weeks later.


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Medvedev on the possibility of a Russian pre-emptive nuclear strike:

"Europe has lost its mind. The US is generally acting in its pragmatic interests. They are not fighting themselves, they are making money. They are trying to wipe out a centuries-old enemy. As for Europe, for me it is an amazing story. They constantly heat up and inflame the situation with their decisions. In this situation they will provide aircrafts to the Kiev regime. Moreover, maybe they will also give them nuclear weapons.
But then it will mean that a missile with a nuclear charge will come to them. There are irreversible laws of war. If it comes to nuclear weapons, a pre-emptive strike will be necessary. The Anglo-Saxons don't fully realise this and think it won't come to that. It will, under certain conditions.


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(UPDATE) Mike (iEarlGrey) Jones missing in Donbass

John Mark Dougan
provides an update regarding Mike Jones and Masha Lelyanova, who are still missing in Donbass.

Previously: American exile John Mark Dougan reports that Mike Jones (iEarlGrey) along with translator Maria (Masha) Lelyanova, who were last seen on the front lines in the Soledar area, have gone missing.


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The American establishment is alarmed by the fact that Russian nuclear weapons have started to be relocated to Belarus in the framework of the treaty signed by the defence ministries of the two countries.


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A militant of the 28th Independent Mechanized Brigade and a former fighter of the Azov national regiment, Igor Mysyak, call sign "Medik", has been liquidated in Donbass.
He was born in Lvov Region.


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Media is too big
Another great find by Misha.

Here, Fikile Mbalula, Secretary General of the African National Congress of South Africa explains to BBC correspondent who is the real aggressor in the world.

Please enjoy!

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UK may unfreeze Russian assets on condition that Moscow pays "compensation to Ukraine" for the special operation - The Guardian

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AFU ORGAN HARVESTING caught on camera

(Edited - This video is like an episode of the X-Files).

A GoPro found on a KIA AFU soldier, reportedly contained footage showing what appears to be organ-harvesting happening in an AFU field hospital.

The video is very short and as a result lacks context, therefore it is difficult to verify what it is we are seeing. Careful audio and visual analysis of the video reveals the following:

1. The cameraman is an armed soldier (his rifle is visible). He is looking for someone named "Skiff".

2. The surgeon who yells at the soldier speaks in heavily accented German (Most likely East German). The surgeon is clearly holding a human organ in his left hand.

3. The "patient" on the operating table appears to have a couple of IV drips attached to him, indicating that he is not (yet) dead.

4. Behind the surgeon there are containers, at least one of which is clearly an icebox, similar to those used to transport organs for transplant.

5. The operating room is guarded. The guard is wearing Peltor active hearing protection which indicates that this facility is at or very close to the front.

6. The soldier appears not to understand what is happening, otherwise the ending of this video may well have been a mass shooting event.


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Eugeny Prigozhin visits rear camps where Wagner PMC units have begun to move.

Note: how big is your apartment??

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