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Damage to Ukrainian civilian and critical infrastructure exceeds $127 billion, said First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Emine Dzhaparova. She added that the restoration of Ukraine "will be one of the largest investment projects." "Ukraine has become…
Western countries do not plan to invest in the restoration of Ukraine, and all optimistic statements on this subject are a sham. This opinion was expressed to our agency by the former ambassador of the LPR in Moscow, Rodion Miroshnik.

"They were paid like kamikazes, and they decided that these were funds for a long and happy life. No one was going to and is not going to invest in any development of Ukraine. Now they are paying a suicide bomber who allowed his house to be destroyed and sends his citizens to death - this is a unique service, but it has nothing to do with the restoration of the country and investment in its future. Those who pay for death are unlikely to expect that the client will live. This is another profanity for "little Ukrainians," Miroshnik said.

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Slow night. Here's a cat!
One of the Russian-appointed "leaders" of the occupied part of the Zaporozhye region, Vladimir Rogov, wrote last night that he was in St. Petersburg and "the fate of the" special operation "is being decided there (Zaporozhye)."

“A few hours ago, I did not even imagine that I would be forced to celebrate the old New Year in St. Petersburg. In Northern Palmyra, the fate of our Motherland was determined many times. To some extent, it is being solved even now. At a minimum, the fate of the SMO, more precisely, according to what scenario the “special operation” will be carried out further, ”wrote Rogov.

He did not provide details.

Recall that earlier the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not rule out that the Russians could go on the offensive in the Zaporozhye direction.

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💥An explosion sounded in Kyiv

There was no air raid alert at the time of the explosion.

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Stocks of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are depleted – NM DPR

The planned transfer of Stryker armored vehicles to Kyiv suggests that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have nothing to replace the destroyed light armored vehicles.

“Those stocks of archaic BMP-1s that were supplied from Eastern Europe have already been knocked out. They are not enough even to make up for the losses in those units that have already been formed, ”said a representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR.

Now the reserves are not even enough to equip the mobilized and form some parts of them. In this regard, the West is forced to consider options for the supply of its own equipment.

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Russia initiates UN Security Council meeting on January 17 in connection with the situation with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Nebenzya

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya also stated at a meeting of the Security Council that:

- Ukraine has become, in fact, a "NATO PMC" - they give it weapons, money, intelligence, they tell it where to shoot;

- Kyiv's proposal to hold a so-called peace summit is just an attempt to please the Western public. In Kyiv, they do not hide the fact that the Ukrainian way of peace is the capitulation of Russia, which will be recorded by the international community;

- Kyiv and its allies are trying to present the matter in such a way that Russia's goals are the destruction of Ukraine as a state, almost its de-Ukrainization and violent Russification. We have never declared such goals;

- The Russian Federation is fighting only with the criminal nationalist regime, which came to power in 2014 as a result of an anti-constitutional coup and proclaimed a course towards the de-Russification of Ukraine;

- The SMO will be completed only when there is no threat to Russia from the territory of Ukraine. If this can be achieved through negotiations, Russia is ready for such a scenario. If not, the tasks will be achieved by military means.

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💥Explosions are reported in Ochakovo (Nikolaev region)

But specifically with Yermak, "everything is calm."

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The explosions in Kyiv were commented by the Deputy Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavlyuk:

“The sounds of explosions that could be heard in Kyiv and the region are actively used by Russian bot farms as an excuse to disperse panic and broadcast the message that this is supposedly the beginning of an offensive from the North. I note that there are no offensive actions of the enemy from the North yet.

Explosions are not associated with an air threat or air defense, as well as with any military action.

If there was a threat, you would have heard the alarm.

The causes of the explosions will be announced separately.”

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Media is too big
Kremennaya, forest, frost. It is very difficult to find an enemy, it is even more difficult to adjust the fire in such conditions. However, our drones with a thermal imager work perfectly, just like our 4th brigade.

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4 explosions in Kharkiv

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Air raid alert 🚨

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💥The sound of one of the first explosions in Kharkov

The photo shows the result of hitting an infrastructure facility. Due to power outages, the subway stopped in the city.

An interesting fact: when the air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroys their houses instead of Russian missiles, the Ukrainian media immediately show photos without pixels and blur.

But as soon as Russia destroys the infrastructure, we can only get "half-hearted" or blurred videos. Or even a complete lack of records.

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Situation in the Bakhmut direction, as of the evening of January 13, 2023

Bakhmut (Artemovsk) 
Fighting for Kleshcheevka (Klishchiivka) continues. After the capture of Opytnoye, the onslaught of Russian troops intensifies. Also, reconnaissance of the Ukraine's front line in the southern quarters of the city is underway. Street fighting continues in the southeastern quarters and the industrial zone in the eastern part of the city. There is also fighting for Paraskovievka and Krasnaya Gora (they have not yet been fully captured). There is no operational encirclement of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) yet. Russian troops do not yet have full fire control over the roads from Chasov Yar to Artemovsk. After the capture of Kleshcheevka and Paraskoviyivka, such an opportunity will arise. 

Fighting continues for the Sol station, by January 13's evening, Wagner units controlled about a third of the railway station. There are also reports of the beginning of the assault on Razdolovka. There is no information on mine no.#7 yet. According to the CNN reporter, the Ukrainians are gradually withdrawing their troops to reserve positions —most probably, the Ukrainians will not be able to hold the Sol station, Blagodatnoye, and Razdolovka for long. The capture of Razdolovka and the advance towards Seversk from the south will most likely lead to the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the area of Bilogorovka, Veseloe, and Sporny.The AFU will certainly try to keep Seversk, but this will be fraught with the risk of operational encirclement.

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The mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, confirms the arrivals around the city: “the morning shelling of Kharkov. Preliminary four arrivals of S-300 missiles in the Industrial District. Targeting infrastructure. We are clarifying the information regarding the victims and destruction.”

The governor of the Kharkiv region specified that there were not four, but two S-300 missile arrivals in the regional center.

Zin Note: You may recall, the issue of experimenting with S-300 missiles as cruise missiles to hit infrastructure was discussed some months ago on this channel. Of course, it's also possible that these are Ukrainian missiles that missed their target, but considering that industrial areas were hit, I think we could be seeing the former rather than the latter.

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Coming to a junkyard near you!

❗️❗️❗️❗️British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak agreed to send a tank squadron to Ukraine, Independent reports.

The publication reports that 4 main battle tanks Challenger 2 will be immediately sent to Eastern Europe, soon to follow 8 more armored vehicles.

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Biden and Kishida said that any possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would be an act of hostility against all of humanity that cannot be justified.


This is such a monstrous shame that I will not even comment on the paranoia about the nuclear plans of our state. Think about it. The head of the Japanese government, in a humiliating, loyal ecstasy, is talking nonsense about Russia, having betrayed the memory of hundreds of thousands of Japanese who were burned in the nuclear fire of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And Kishida absolutely does not care that the only country that fully used nuclear weapons was the United States. And its only victim is his own Motherland. He would have to remind the President of the United States about this and demand repentance, which was never brought for this act of war by the American leadership.
But no, Kishida is just an attendant for the Americans. And servants cannot have courage.

It remains only to pity the Japanese. After all, such a shame can be washed away only by committing a seppuku right at a meeting of their Cabinet upon their return. Although the concept of the honor of this generation of Japanese vassals is not typical.

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⚡️Tension is growing in the Kremensk direction

“Despite the advance in Soledar, large forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to concentrate in the area of Seversk and Krasny Liman. Their number is still sufficient for new counterattack attempts. It is possible that it is here that they will try to look for “new wins”, but only if they maintain their numbers.

For the last 24 hours, our troops in this direction have been delivering massive artillery and air strikes against enemy concentrations. The locals speak of a strong outgoing cannonade. Basically, there was no answer.

The militants have practically no alternatives. They will transfer to the Artemovskoye direction - they will expose the Krasnolimansky direction. Crawl out of the trenches - will be smeared. Artillery superiority on our part is palpable. Our assault groups are slowly but surely taking control of individual tactical points," writes Rodion Miroshnik in his TG channel.

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💥 And this is how the morning began in Zaporozhye today. In general, in Ukraine, a series of explosions were confirmed in Kyiv, Kharkov, Ochakov (Nikolaev region) and Zaporozhye.

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