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❗️🇺🇦 Russia is almost out of old missiles, so the Russian army has started using 2022 missiles.

Russia is producing new high-precision weapons of various types, and as it accumulates, it delivers new strikes.

Therefore, the cessation of attacks due to the full consumption of missiles will not happen, the Ukrainian telegram channels sadly state.


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🛩🇷🇺🇺🇦 Turkish UAVs in Ukraine: how reputational costs overshadowed financial profits

A few days ago, the revelations of the head of the Association of Defense Enterprises of Ukraine Sergey Pashinsky about the widely publicized Bayraktar TB2 drones appeared on the network.

In an interview with Russian pranksters, he voiced that Turkish drones “are not miracle weapons” and added that almost all of them were lost in just a week of hostilities.

Pashinsky's words again raised the issue of the ineffectiveness of Turkish attack UAVs during the SMO. And he did not appear out of nowhere:

🔻For less than 8 months, the Bayraktar TB2 combat work personnel can be counted almost on the fingers. This is negligible compared to the conflicts in Karabakh, Syria and Libya with dozens of videos of accurate strikes on armored vehicles and air defense systems.

🔻There are dozens of photos of downed Turkish UAVs on the net. The @lostarmour team was able to identify 15 destroyed drones. The list includes only devices that fell on the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: due to censorship, Ukrainian resources do not publish data on drones struck in areas occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

🔻Already after the start of hostilities, dozens of Bayraktar TB2s were delivered to Ukraine, which theoretically should have made up for the loss of devices. However, the intensity of their sorties remained low relative to other conflicts involving Turkish drones.

🔻The use of the Bayraktar TB2 was also hampered by technical problems, such as the rapid wear of the landing gear due to the poor quality of the runways of Ukrainian airfields. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to conserve the resource of devices and further limit their use.

So is Bayraktar TB2 completely useless? No: under certain conditions, this is a completely formidable weapon that can effectively solve problems on the battlefield.

▪️The Turkish UAV is equipped with a high-resolution Canadian camera that provides a clear image of objects at a distance of more than 40 km. This allows the drone to be used for reconnaissance and target designation without entering the coverage area of ​​Russian medium-range and short-range air defense systems.

▪️In conditions of suppressed or insufficient air defense, Turkish drones can also be used in a strike version. In May, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used UAVs to attack the garrison of Zmeiny Island, where there are only a couple of air defense systems, and it could stand without ammunition for a long time, waiting for missile supplies from the mainland.

❗️ In the absence of a threat from the ground, Bayraktar TB2 can leave the enemy without artillery, supplies and armored vehicles, as was the case in Karabakh or Libya. But the course of the SVO showed: in the conditions of layered air defense and the absence of air supremacy, they become a tasty target for fighters and anti-aircraft missile systems.

The fighting in Ukraine was supposed to emphasize the superiority of the Bayraktar TB2, but in the end it only spoiled the reputation of the drones. And they also finally broke the halo of the “wunderwaffe”, which the media had been intensively creating for them for years.

And if the export of shock UAVs to other countries gave dividends to the Turkish military-industrial complex, then deliveries to Ukraine brought them only anti-advertising. The costs turned out to be much greater than the profits.
#UAV #Russia #Turkey #Ukraine

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Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
Why the Ukrainian power system has not been destroyed, but only partially disrupted?

The main backbone, the backbone network with a voltage of 750 kV, continues to function quietly.

The backbone is concentrated in central and western Ukraine.This was done purposefully back in Soviet times, since the entire 750 kV network was created for the transportation of electricity from the nuclear power plants of the former Ukraine SSR to the MIR energy system (the unified energy system of the European COMECON member countries).

Recall that the power systems of the former Ukraine SSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia were controlled from the "Central Dispatch Control" of the MIR power system located in Prague.

There is still excessive generation of electricity in the western and central parts of Ukraine, which is transported to Europe via the 750 kV network (this network is highlighted with a bold red line on the map).

If the 750 kV network, together with substations (red triangles on map), is decommissioned by our missile strikes or kamikaze drone attacks, this will not only destroy the Ukrainian power system, but also completely nullify even the theoretical possibility of selling Ukrainian electricity to Western countries, since without the 750 kV network, Ukrainie will be forced to put nuclear power reactors into "cold" mode.

That's when a complete collapse of energy, transport and communications can really occur in Ukraine.

Why is Russia not yet striking at the 750 kV voltage backbone network?
There is an assumption that information has been brought to Kiev, Washington and London through unofficial channels that strikes will not be carried out on the backbone network yet, but if the Kiev regime tries to blow up the Kakhovka dam, then the retaliation will completely plunge Ukraine into the Stone Age.

Zin Note: I'll remind everyone of this Australian study that revealed most of the bot activity was associated with the pro-Ukrainian side on twitter:

Report from https golosmordora:

Turns out my Twitter has been deleted attention! "For liaison with Russian intelligence."

And then - in general, a song! I quote: “The most influential pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts have either been deleted or have lost access to them. Of the thirty accounts with coverage up to March 2022, only seven remained significant after April. Many have experienced their content being downgraded (grey ban), such as the accounts of television propagandist Vladimir Solovyov and the former independent news outlet Gazeta ru
This case study demonstrates how limiting even a few influential accounts with established audiences dramatically reduced the reach of pro-Kremlin propaganda, meaning fewer real users were exposed to the Kremlin’s messages.”

From the report of the NATO Strategic Communications Center


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🇺🇦🇬🇧The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the Russian army is advancing in the Donbas, firing along the entire line of contact

▪️Russian troops are advancing in the areas of N. p. Bakhmut, Ozaryanovka and Otradovka.

▪️The RF Armed Forces are focusing their efforts on reaching the administrative borders of the Donetsk region and holding the occupied territory.

▪️The Russian army is firing at the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the entire front line, providing engineering equipment for positions in certain areas and conducting aerial reconnaissance.

▪️The RF Armed Forces carried out 40 missile strikes and launched 16 kamikaze UAVs at infrastructure facilities.

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❗️After the morning series of explosions in Ukraine, the cities of Lutsk, Rivne and Khmelnytsky are de-energized - Ukrainian media

In all city of Nikolaev the power supply is stopped.

The Nikolaev region and its administrative center are completely de-energized after morning arrivals at critical infrastructure facilities.

The mayor of Ternopil said that the power went out in the neighboring regions and urged to prepare for emergency shutdowns.


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Briefly on the situation on the Svatovo-Kremennaya front, the more I see on the net a lot of different texts that are not related to reality. Especially if they write about all sorts of "legendary bats" defending with their troops (judging by the texts) literally everything and everything.

The weather was bad for several days, the UAVs did not fly, artillery fired at previously planned targets, both ours and Ukrainian. Khokhol accumulated large forces behind the dam of the reservoir in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Makeevka. Yesterday, after the sky cleared up, the Little Russian struck (without artillery preparation) with the forces of a maneuverable armored group north of the Terny settlement. First, 3 tanks and 2 infantry fighting vehicles went on the attack, then up to a dozen more armored vehicles entered the gap.

Fortunately, the forces of 20 OA took up a strong defense and, thanks to the competent command and valor of the soldiers, the Khokhol did not succeed in what they had previously demonstrated near Balakleya and in the Krivoy Rog direction. Several tanks were fired, and by evening the Little Russian ran back.

I would like to emphasize that this blow was planned by the crest for a long time and was transferring forces here even from Volchansk. Having driven the TRO detachments to the forefront, he carried out a regrouping of troops. At the moment, the situation is tense, but as I wrote earlier, we, in my amateurish subjective opinion, will hold these milestones.


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⚡️ "In the event that Russia launches a nuclear strike on the Office of the President of Ukraine, the world must respond with a blow to the decision-making center in the Russian Federation," Zelensky said in an interview with Canadian television channels CTV and CBC.

Let's pay attention: only Ukraine constantly talks about nuclear weapons.


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What to do with Shebekino? Transfer the city to a state of siege. Prepare for defense. Evacuate people. Keep reserves ready. The situation continues to escalate.

Heavy equipment is being accumulated in Volchansk. In the area of ​​Sereda-Murom, the situation is also dangerous. No need to be surprised at any actions of the ukrov, you need to respond to any situation. We believe that the Ukrainians have very ambitious plans.

And stop any panic moods. On the contrary, if ukry rypnutsya - this is a great opportunity to inflict serious damage on them.


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❗️🇫🇷 France admitted that sabotage at Nord Stream was of American origin

Florian Filippo, leader of the French Patriots party and former MEP, said that the sabotage of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines demonstrated how far NATO can go in escalating the conflict around the Russian Federation.

In his opinion, the alliance is even ready to go for the use of nuclear weapons to give the "conflict a global character," so that France must get out of this vicious circle."

“Sabotage, probably of American origin, at Nord Stream showed what the NATO bloc is capable of. You need to be vigilant: this alliance is capable of the worst, up to the use of nuclear weapons under a false flag in order to give the conflict a global character, ”Reuters quotes him as saying.


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American scientists have discovered a vulnerability in the Starlink system.

According to the MIT Technology Review, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have proven that Starlink can work like a GPS system.

They note the possibility of deliberate interference with the Starlink system.

Signals from an open-source navigation system, as the researchers made clear, can be faked.

Without a properly functioning Starlink, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can go blind.

Elon, revenge for insults, it turns out, is so easy! Dare


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❗️Latvia will become a completely deserted territory by 2050 - Swedish Karolinska Institute

As experts write, having studied the demographic situation in Latvia, one can confidently “come to the conclusion that with such rates of emigration and extinction, this territory will become completely deserted by 2050.”

🥸 Does anyone else doubt that the Soviet Baltic States, under the "reliable auspices" of the EU and NATO, is turning into the United Baltic extinctions ..?


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US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken said the strikes on Ukraine's energy infrastructure have a clear purpose: "to make the Ukrainian people suffer."

US Secretary of State Anthony J.J. Blinken should remember the US and NATO strikes on Yugoslavia's energy infrastructure, which apparently had a different purpose than to make the Yugoslav people suffer.

PUTIN on Telegram


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Footage of the destruction of Ukrainian fighters in the village of Bakhmutskoye. The enemy is being destroyed by servicemen of the 6th regiment of the PM of LPR

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⌨️ Killnet will make a fuss.

There are serious fears in Britain that Vladimir Putin will interfere in the election of a new prime minister. His hackers are already ready to set things up.

Under the new rules, nominations will close on the afternoon of 24 October. At least 100 Conservative MPs must vote for each. And then the election will take place. And they will take place online. According to an IT expert interviewed by the Daily Star, it would be a cakewalk to interfere in this vote.

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UA fight with monuments again. People who don't respect
history, will not have a future.

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❗️ Internet in Kherson has virtually disappeared

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The Internet connection in Kherson has gone completely down.

This suggests three things:
1. They're blocking any transmission of traffic information
2. Possible saturation of the city and the region with new military units
3. Sweeping the city of Ukrainian SBU/GUR agents

Getting ready for something big? 
There is little faith in the withdrawal from the city. 
Our sources are leaning more towards the idea that the city will be cleaned up and prepared to face an attack by the AFU, which Zelensky demands during the US elections.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Inna)
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Zelensky has named the only condition under which negotiations with Russia are possible:

"They can give us back our territory if they want negotiations. They should withdraw from our territory and leave us our land within the internationally recognized borders of 1991. And then we will say in what format and with whom we are ready to talk".

Your choice. As Lavrov said, conditions will only become worse

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Zelenskyy called Putin an old man who does not keep his word and thus explained his unwillingness to negotiate with the Russian president.

According to Zelensky, Putin is violating any agreements, including those reached within the Normandy format:

"It's all 'blah, blah, blah', with an old man who no longer remembers where he gave his word and where he didn't. This is what is happening. So what is the point for me as the president of the country to talk to a person who says something and then changes his position tomorrow".

At the same time, Zelensky said, sooner or later, Russia will be led by people with whom Ukraine will communicate in one form or another. But the level of relations will depend on whether Russia itself returns the territories it controls to Ukraine or has to reclaim them.

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