Ship Disasters - Sinking / Crashing Boats - Cruise Collision on Telegram by RTP [Titanic / Costa Concordia / MS Estonia]
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Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 5

Part 1:

MS Thorbjørn er godkendt til 50 passagerer, men de ombordværende sejler i sikkerhed på bagsiden af Utøya uden at hjælpe de omkring 200, som snart efter forsøger at svømme fra øen. De bliver i stedet reddet af af folk, der trodser Breiviks kugler og sejler ud i små både fra landsiden

The ferry MS Thorbjørn sails from Utøya. On board are six participants from the summer camp – among them AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. In addition, the ship's captain and a crew of two are on board the ferry. MS Thorbjørn is approved for 50 passengers, but those on board sail to safety at the back of Utøya without helping the 200 or so who soon after try to swim off the island. They are instead rescued by people who defy Breivik's bullets and sail out in small boats from the land side.

Hjetland var om bord på MS «Thorbjørn» sammen med daværende AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen og syv andre som kom seg vekk fra øya med fergen mens skytingen pågikk 22. juli

Hjetland was on board the MS "Thorbjørn" together with then AUF leader Eskil Pedersen and seven others who got away from the island by ferry while the shooting was taking place on 22 July.

MS «Thorbjørn» forlot Utøya rundt 17.30, et kvarters tid etter at Anders Behring Breivik kom i land. Mens skipperen styrte fergen, lå de åtte andre flatt i bunnen av båten. Flere av dem fikk melding på telefonene sine om at det ble skutt vilt på øya.

MS "Thorbjørn" left Utøya around 17.30, a quarter of an hour after Anders Behring Breivik came ashore. While the skipper steered the ferry, the other eight lay flat in the bottom of the boat. Several of them received a message on their phones that game had been shot on the island.

Meanwhile the most important question is: HAVE YOU MADE A TRIP TO ICELAND WITH THIS BOAT??! SINCE POLICE WAS NOT ABLE TO USE THAT, so why?!!!

Near all issues with the boats the policed had ...
Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 6

Part 1:

Ni personer rømte med ferja mens skytingen pågikk.

Jeg tror jeg handlet slik folk gjør i slike situasjoner. Man handler på instinkt.

Nine people escaped by ferry while the shooting was going on.

I think I acted as people do in such situations? Do you mean like Schettino?!

If you left at 17.25 - 17.30

and Breivik was in another place ...
even if all maps show a bit different things ..

No matter what, the real question is, what happened to the boat???!

20 minutes later:
To betjente fra Nordre Buskerud politidistrikt ankommer som de første til færgelejet ved Utvika

Two officers from the Nordre Buskerud police district are the first to arrive at the ferry berth at Utvika.

De får først at vide, at de ikke skal tage ud til Utøya – at de i stedet skal blive på land og observere. Næste ordre går på, at de skal gøre sig klar til at blive hentet af politiets egen båd og deltage i indsatsstyrkens aktion på Utøya.

They are first told that they should not go out to Utøya – that they should instead stay on land and observe. The next order is for them to get ready to be picked up by the police's own boat and participate in the task force's action on Utøya.

Den endelige ordre bliver dog, at de skal blive på kajen og sørge for, at ambulancerne kan nå frem. Betjentene er bevæbnede med pistol og maskinpistol og iført skudsikre veste.

However, the final order is that they must stay on the dock and ensure that the ambulances can arrive. The officers are armed with pistols and submachine guns and wear bulletproof vests.

30 minutes later: Tungtbevæbnede Delta-styrker ankommer til kajanlægget ved Utvika ud for Utøya efter først at være kørt for langt.
Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 7

Part 1:

30 minutes later: Heavily armed Delta forces arrive at the quay facility at Utvika off Utøya after initially driving too far.

Kampklare politifolk er parat til at sejle over, men har på det tidspunkt ingen båd. De ender efter nogen forvirring med at køre længere nordpå til et mødested ved Storøya. Senere kommer det frem, at der er både tilgængelige ved campingpladsen 700 meter væk

Combat-ready policemen are prepared to sail over, but at that time have no boat.
After some confusion, they end up driving further north to a meeting point at Storøya. Later it emerges that there are boats available at the campsite 700 meters away.

Where the fuck is MS "Thorbjørn"?!

Ved Sundvollen, 3,7 km fra Utøya, finder Delta-styrkerne en rød gummibåd. Efter godt 400 meter trænger der vand ind i båden, der får motorstop. To motorbåde ankommer, og Deltastyrkerne fordeler sig i stedet i dem.

At Sundvollen, 3.7 km from Utøya, the Delta forces find a red rubber boat. After about 400 metres, water enters the boat and the engine stops. Two speedboats arrive, and the Delta forces deploy in them instead.

1 hour later: Breivik taler med politiet for anden og sidste gang. Han beder om at blive stillet videre til operationslederen i beredskabsenheden, men samtalen bliver afbrudt, og politiet kan ikke ringe tilbage.

Breivik speaks to the police for the second and last time. He asks to be put through to the operations manager in the emergency unit, but the conversation is interrupted and the police cannot call back.

De fire første politifolk fra Delta-gruppen går i land på Utøya hjulpet af en sejler i en civil båd. Efter at have talt med nogle af de unge bevæger politifolkene sig mod Kafebygget, hvor de unge har set en gerningsmand iklædt politiuniform.
Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 8

Part 1:

1 hour after 🇳🇴 Schettino Eskil Pedersen left Utøya
The first four policemen from the Delta group go ashore on Utøya helped by a sailor in a civilian boat. After talking to some of the young people, the police move towards the Kafebygget, where the young people have seen a perpetrator dressed in a police uniform.

Det er lett å si at det er det folk ville gjort, at de fleste ville flyktet fra stedet. Men dette var lederen for gruppa på øya. Det er som om kapteinen forlater skuta, sier Ihler

It's easy to say that's what people would do, that most would flee the place. But this was the leader of the group on the island. It is as if the captain is leaving the ship, says Ihler.

No matter what, the question about the boat is much more important! If police could use such boat ... BUT IT WAS NOT THE CASE AT ALL!

Det ene alternativet var at jeg gikk og konfronterte skytteren. Jeg tror vi alle forstår hvilket resultat det ville blitt. Det andre alternativet var å gjemme seg. Da ville det vært umulig for meg å ringe mine kontakter for å bidra til en raskere mobilisering, sier Pedersen.

The only option was for me to go and confront the shooter. I think we all understand what the outcome would be. The other option was to hide. Then it would be impossible for me to call my contacts to contribute to faster mobilization, says Pedersen.

The first option MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL (except if you have weapons)! Is not Costa Concordia ... but is still not an excuses to left kids alone on Utøya.

How exactly do you have contributed to "faster mobilization", if Utøya rescue was just an EPIC FAIL!
You could still help other people (for example by waiting a bit more) or bring the boat to the police! which was NOT the case ... you could even return back to Utøya. We need to remember there were two police officers ...

Det er umulig å gå tilbake i tid når vi i etterkant har alle svarene
Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 9

Part 1:

MS Thorbjørn la om kurs mot nord og gradvis forsvant ut av syne.

MS Thorbjørn changed course to the north and gradually disappeared from sight.

YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF

«Det kan ikke ha vært lenge etter at jeg oppdaget «MS Thorbjørn» ute i fjorden, midt i ferjeleie. Båten så tom ut. Den drev sakte mot landssiden. Det lå et håp i å se den. Noen hadde kommet seg unna. Det betydde jo også at noen ville komme tilbake. Var det derfor den hadde stoppet opp? Da den istedenfor å snu eller fortsette inn til brygga, brått la om kurs mot nord og gradvis forsvant ut av syne, var det ikke til å fatte. Skjedde det noe på landsiden? Hvorfor la den ikke til? Vi var fanget på øy med en mann som ville drepe oss. «MS Thorbjørn» var vårt eneste håp for å komme oss vekk og nå hadde den forlatt oss. Våt, kald og alene - fra min plass på steinen virket Utøya nå som det mest forlatte stedet på jordens overflate», skriver Pracon.

"It cannot have been long after I discovered "MS Thorbjørn" out in the fjord, in the middle of the ferry berth. The boat looked empty. It drifted slowly towards the land side. There was hope in seeing it. Some had gotten away. It also meant that someone would come back. Was that why it had stopped? When, instead of turning around or continuing to the jetty, it suddenly changed course to the north and gradually disappeared from sight, it was unbelievable. Did something happen on the land side? Why didn't it add? We were trapped on an island with a man who wanted to kill us. "MS Thorbjørn" was our only hope to get away and now it had left us. Wet, cold and alone - from my place on the rock, Utøya now seemed like the most abandoned place on the face of the earth", writes Pracon.

It is impossible to go back in time when we have all the answers afterwards

Eskil Pedersen er en tidligere politiker for Arbeiderpartiet som var leder i Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) fra 2010 til 2014.
Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 10

Part 1:

Eskil Pedersen is a former politician for the Labor Party who was LEADER of Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) from 2010 to 2014

It is impossible to go back ... DIMISSIONS? Taking responsibility? Obviously nope! Like no one in Norway took responsibility for the disaster they did before, during and after the attack!

Because yes, from one side we need to learn ...
but we need to take responsibility, not just "i'm sorry" ...

Otherwise every criminal could just say "sorry" and we fixed issues! Let we remember that Norway failed in so many things ... some things we still need to write ....
Let we remember even the topic abortion ...

Ok, let we go back to Germany ...

As you can see, both Germany and Norway had an EPIC fail about phone support, where Germany learned anything from Norway.

Ist nach Kenntnis der Bunderegierung bei der Polizei in Hanau mittler- weile ein Überleitungssystem für Notrufe eingerichtet worden, und wenn nein, warum nicht?

Hierzu liegen der Bundesregierung keine Erkenntnisse vor.

Welche Erkenntnisse hat die Bundesregierung bezüglich des Umstandes, dass der Täter nach Beginn seines Anschlags sehr lange Zeit, scheinbar unbehelligt, durch die Stadt laufen und fahren und weitere Taten ausüben konnte, ohne dass die Polizei ihn daran hinderte, und das, obwohl die Polizeiwache nur wenige hundert Meter vom ersten Tatort entfernt lag?

Die Bundesregierung nimmt keine Bewertung landespolizeilicher Einsatzmaßnahmen vor (wie die meisten Antworten)

Bundesregierung macht also einfach nichts ...