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Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله reply to a student who asked him how many juzz a Haafidh of Qur’an should review daily:

"For review, you know as a Haafidh, if one does not have consistent portions per day, the Quran will leave him.

I don’t think a Haafidh should go under 5 juzz a day, maybe 3 if the sky happens to be collapsing that day.

That set “minimum”, one should not go under it no matter what happens in that day."

May Allah preserve our beloved Shaykh and grant him the best of this life and the aakhira.
Forwarded from Ahmad Musā Jibrīl
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35 _ Furū' Al-Fiqh _ Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jumah Sunan:
1. Bath
2. Perfume
3. Miswak
4. Nice clothe
5. Read alKhaf
6. Plenty of Dua
7. Salah on the Prophet
8. Go early
9. 2 rakat upon entering (even if the Imam is giving the Khutbah)
10. Attentively listening

~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
The fact that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى inspired you to make Du'ā is a great sign that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى will answer your Du'ā.

When Allāh سبحانه وتعالى wants to satisfy the hunger of an individual or quench his thirst, He inspires them to eat and drink.

When Allāh سبحانه وتعالى wants to forgive an individual, He inspires them to do Tawbah.

When Allāh سبحانه وتعالى wants to have mercy on an individual and grant them Jannah, He facilitates good deeds for them to do in this Dunyā to allow them entry into Jannah.

And likewise, when Allāh سبحانه وتعالى wants to answer your Du'ā, he inspires you to make the Du'ā, and that’s a sign, and a mighty sign, of the Du'ā being accepted.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Ahmad Musā Jibrīl
Police officers who give the commonly known and generic “Oath,” by choice and at their free-will, which includes upholding the US Constitution and defending it, along with other man-made systems of governance that contradict the Shari’ah of Allah (among the numerous other Islamic violations of being a police officer in the US) — have committed a nullifier of Islam barring duress, and those who die in such a state are absolutely forbidden from having a Janāzah, nor Tarahum be performed upon them, rather, their corpses shouldn’t even be allowed within the vicinity of a Masjid.

“Mashāyikh” reciting the Ayāt about the Martyrs who Died for The Sake of Allah upholding Tawheed, or the Ahādeeth pertaining to one who spends the night on-guard for the Sake of Allah not being touched by the hell-fire — over police officers who died upholding their oath to the laws of the Tawagheet, whilst the sheep within the communities weep tears of tacit acceptance, shows not only their low status and absolute disrespect of The Sacred Ayāt and Hadīth of The Messenger عليه الصلاة والسلام, but it highlights the widespread ignorance and lack of Tawheed that has festered within the communities at large.

This is a time and age, when those who fight to establish The Laws of Allah on this earth are deemed as villains, while those who fight to uphold and protect the laws of the Taghūt are referred to as heroes.


Ahmad Musa Jibril
Rab. I 1, 1446 AH
When you know their life and history and how they met at Al-‘Aqabah in secrecy, relate that to what you see and know today. What would those seventy-five be labeled today by the Munāfiqīn, the hypocrites? Whose path, of the people of today, most resembles those seventy five?

Be honest with yourself, because the path you choose is a determining factor between Jannah and Jahannam. It's not about comfort and luxury.

Who of the Ulamā’ and Du’āt and people of today talk and walk like them? Whose tone resembles them? And then, who of the people of today would be back in Makkah with their Wali Al-Amr Abu Jahl egging and giving Fatwās and justifications for Abu Jahl to hurl fireballs from his ballista to burn Shubāth in the arms of his mother, along with Umm ‘Umārah, and the rest of the seventy-three labeling them as Khawārij who deserve it, and then teaching Abu Jahl how to utter the word “Khawārij.” Having nothing against them except that they believe in Allāh the Almighty, Worthy of all praise, and that they rebelled against Kufr and the leader of Kufr, Abu Jahl, and met in secrecy behind his back and against his will.

The answer? The answer is clear, and it's as clear as the sun in the clear summer sky, for the hearts that haven't been polluted with desires and doubts.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Ahmad Musā Jibrīl
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11 | THE GHURABĀ SERIES | Insights from the Story of the Stranger from Al-Yaseen II
Some Signs Of An Accepted Duaa

So the first matter is that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى inspiring you to make Du'ā is a sign that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى will accept the Du'ā. There are other signs, and they’re not in the Qur’ān nor in the Sunnah. They’re somewhat of an Ijtihād by some Ulamā’. Ash-Shawkāni رحمه الله تعالى said they’re Tajribīyyah, meaning they’re derived through experience, so there’s no proof needed he said.

Among the signs some Ulamā’ mentioned is that when one completes the Du'ā, he feels deep awareness of the Power, Greatness, and Majesty of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى, and one may experience crying or chills or trembling or fainting or even passing out, and it’ll be combined with the relaxation of the heart and a cool mind. Some said that one will feel refreshed and rejuvenated internally, with a feeling of outward lightness, as if, for example, a heavy load was taken off their shoulders.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Lowering The Gaze

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله تعالى said,

Lowering the gaze is a means to attaining the provision of knowledge.”

Pay attention to this advice, because it's coming from one of the all-time Imāms of this Dīn. He said lowering the gaze is a means for one to attain the Ni’mah of knowledge.

There’s an avenue between the eyes and the heart. If the heart is corrupted, the sight is corrupted, and if the sight is corrupted, the heart is corrupted, and the opposite is true as well. When one controls his eyes from looking at Harām, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grants him a pure heart with pure insight. Their insight, their Basīrah, will be the likeness of one who physically looks with his physical eyes through clean, clear eyeglasses. Looking at Harām to the heart is like breathing on those glasses. What happens to the glasses when you breathe on them? It fogs and clouds one’s vision. The same happens to the heart when one looks at Harām.

When the Imams were victorious over themselves in such matters, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى granted their work inextinguishable Nūr and acceptance, even when the world may have collaborated against their work. The lesson from that is that when one lowers his gaze from that which Allāh سبحانه وتعالى has forbidden for Allāh’s sake, rest assured, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى will not let it go in vain. He will compensate him with something similar in nature but better.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Ahmad Musā Jibrīl
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Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-'Adhīm: Al-Fātihah | 14 - Shaykh Ahmad Jibril
Unless you cater your Islām to their liking, and you delude your Tawhīd to their tendency, then rest assured, rest assured, they will never be pleased, because the mere existence of the pure Tawhīd is a nuisance the oppressive Kufr feel they need to extinguish, abolish, and rid themselves of it.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
When I was a child in Madīnah with my father, memorizing the Qur’ān — may Allāh subhanahu wa ta'aala give him a long life full of deeds and heal him and cure him — my father took me many times to a very famous Shaykh. His name was Shaykh ‘Abd Al-Fattāh Ibn Sayyid ‘Ajami Al-Marsafi. He was a teacher in the University of Madīnah and he has several other big positions. He was a contemporary giant and Imām in the sciences of the Qur’ān and Qira’āt. He said reciting the Qur’ān with those musical Maqāmāt is not permissible in any way, even if it doesn’t conflict with the rules of Tajwīd! He states that reciting the Qur’ān with the Musical Maqāmāt doesn't and cannot coincide with the rules of Tajwīd. He said the Muslimīn have an Ijmā’ on following the rules of the Qur’ān and on the prohibition on the Maqāmāt, and I consider that Harām as well.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Lanterns of Tawheed
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🎥 #NEW | Kashf and Karamāt — Between Two Extremes | Shaykh Ahmad Mūsā Jibrīl حفظه الله | #AskAMJ

In this newly released audio Q&A, Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl حفظه الله responds to a question regarding an Athar that is commonly used as proof by some deviants to allege Awliyā' having knowledge of the Ghayb, and he goes further to clarify the stance of Ahl As-Sunnah on Karāmāt, Kashf, and/or Firāsah. May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى protect and honor our Imām.

Forwarded from Ahmad Musā Jibrīl
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36 _ Furū' Al-Fiqh _Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril
Believing in the pure Tawhīd, with all its aspects and conditions, makes you a stranger today even among those who claim to follow the words of Tawhīd. It applies to strangers who fulfill the Wājibāt and the Sunan that people have neglected. Whether it may be, for example, Salāh on time, Hijāb and Niqāb, refusing to do the popular Harāms that render you a stranger by not doing them. Strangers who were mocked, for example, for growing their beards, before it became a style, and they’ll continue to grow it after the style fades away, because they grew it in obedience to Allāh لىاعتو هناحبس and His Messenger (ﷺ). When a Stranger takes the golden statement of Waraqa and acclimates himself to the various forms of hostility that he or she will surely face, just as the messengers faced, it absorbs the shock, and it lessens the worry and afflictions that come in this path, and it keeps one determined and resolute, unswerving, unswayed, and unyielding.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله تعالى said,

“Lowering the gaze is means to attaining the provision of knowledge.”

Pay attention to this advice, because it's coming from one of the all-time Imāms of this Dīn. He said lowering the gaze is a means for one to attain the Ni’mah of knowledge.

There’s an avenue between the eyes and the heart. If the heart is corrupted, the sight is corrupted, and if the sight is corrupted, the heart is corrupted, and the opposite is true as well.

When one controls his eyes from looking at Harām, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grants him a pure heart with pure insight. Their insight, their Basīrah, will be the likeness of one who physically looks with his physical eyes through clean, clear eyeglasses. Looking at Harām to the heart is like breathing on those glasses. What happens to the glasses when you breathe on them? It fogs and clouds one’s vision. The same happens to the heart when one looks at Harām.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Project Guiding Light
“Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril’s tawheed classes are in the process of being translated to russian:

Please share so people will take benefit, بارك الله فيك”

Allahumma Bārek. May Allah reward those who spent the time to translate and caption this. Please share Insha’Allah