Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute
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Yesterday we had a fantastic opening session of the CFA Level 1 Workshop where we introduced Quantitative Methods. Today is Session 2 and we will be starting with a new topic: Economics. The idea of this Workshop series is to give a first-hand flavour of the entire CFA Level 1 curriculum to the candidate. 📈💼

🔗The session will take place on the ULURN application. Accordingly, all who have as yet not updated the Google Form link below, please do so now to get the application sign in credentials:

See you all at 4pm TODAY with a new topic: ECONOMICS
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Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Sanjay Saraf Educational Institute pinned «»
Yesterday we had a fantastic 2nd session of the CFA Level 1 Workshop where Sir introduced Economics and discussed Market Structure, Friedman's Theory, Porters Market Forces and more. Today is Session 3 and we will be starting with a new topic: Financial Statement Analysis (FSA).

The idea of this Workshop series is to give a first-hand flavour of the entire CFA Level 1 curriculum to the candidate. 📈💼

🔗The session will take place on the ULURN application. Accordingly, all who have as yet not updated the Google Form link below, please do so now to get the application sign in credentials:

See you all at 4pm TODAY with a new topic: FSA

Important Note:
Last two sessions with PDF are already uploaded on the ULURN Application. Should any candidate who has registered for the Workshop face any issue wrt accessing the class, please update the Google Form link below for Technical Support:
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