🔷️👊نافرمانی مدنی ایرانیان👊🔷️
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📌ریاست محترم سازمان ملل متحد و روسای کشورهای عضو ؛

قیام خونین سراسری مردم ایران در ابان ماه سال ٩٨ ، در پی قیام خونین دی ماه سال ٩٦، تکلیف ملت ایران با جنایتکاران رژیم جمهوری اشغالگر اسلامی را تعیین کرده و راهشان را در براندازی رژیم جنایتکار انتخاب کرده اند و این مهم را محقق خواهند کرد .

بدینوسیله از همه کشورهای مدافع حقوق بشر و ارزش های دمکراتیک و پایبند به شرافت انسانی و همچنین از سازمان ملل متحد می خواهیم نمایندگان این رژیم آدمکش را از کشورها و مجامع خود اخراج کنند .

با توجه به هزاران جاویدنام و زخم خورده و زندانی بیگناه، که بدست عمال رژیم قربانی شده اند، آشکارا رژیم جمهوری اسلامی نماینده ملت ایران نبوده و اعلام میکنیم از نظر ملت ایران این گروه مافیایی ادمکش و سلطه جو هیچ مشروعیتی ندارد و همانطور که برخی از دیپلماتهای جهان نیز بدرستی اظهار کرده اند، ملت ایران گروگان این جنایتکاران بوده و بیشترین صدمه را از این فرقه تبهکار در طول چهل سال گذشته تحمل نموده اند .

To: The Honorable Secretary General and the individual Country Members in the United Nations,

The bloody uprising of the Iranian people throughout the Country, back in October 2019, is the continuation of the previous one, in December 2017, has become a turning point in History, for the Iranian people, to stand up against the Crimes of The Usurper Criminal Islamic Regime in Iran, with a purpose of overthrowing it, since this murderous Regime has never been legitimate, in the eyes of the Patriots and ultimately replacing it with a Secular Democratic Monarchy Regime.

Therefore, our request from The Heads of all the Democratic Countries and also other International Organizations, who support the Human Rights and have respect for the Human values, to #denounce the present Usurper Criminal Islamic Regime in Iran and also close their Embassies and expel all their Representatives, from their Countries with immediate effect, due to their ruthlessly murdering, injuring and arresting thousands and thousands of the defenseless innocent people of all ages on the streets of Iran, who peacefully have been protesting for their basic Human-Rights and the Regime change.

However, with respect to thousands of innocent heroes who have lost their lives, by the Regime’s Agents, clearly this Criminal Regime isn’t and never has been, Iranian people’s representative and most of all, in the eyes of the Iranians they are a bunch of murderous terrorists, who have no legitimacy and according to some World’s Diplomats who rightly have said, that the Iranian People have been taken hostage and have suffered the worst hardship by these Criminals, during these forty years😢

With Regards
From the suffering Iranian people