SIU - Spiritual Investigation Unit
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This is not funny this is sad, its not prophecy. It's kundalini and Steve should have 100% discerned what this was. We are not talking about this man, we are talking about his clear possession that is on display as anointing. This is a show, and a sick one at that. If he is normal before prophesying this is possession, not a medical condition.

The Holy Spirit does not do this to people!
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The Ekklesia is not in the Church. We are already out of the system, those leaders are being raised up but these Elijah List people will have nothing to do with the rise of those leaders but give us an example of what not to do. Their new administration they are looking for is a New Age Political Movement, with Christ removed as the Head of the Body. Why aren't they talking about the gospel? 7 mountains plan activated, gate keepers soon?
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Did Julie Falsely Prophesy About The Florida Hurricane? Ian death toll has surpassed 100 people so far. Do you feel that something worse than this could have happened to Florida? What other type of storms could be brewing. Remember this was September 2nd she spoke this Word. That's soon enough to track weather systems most severe storms like hurricanes can be tracked 28 to 31 days out from formation to land fall. She didn't expect it to be so bad? Dig, Discern, Pray.
We keep hearing the same thing from the followers of the false profits they say things like : "You have to listen to all their prophecy not just a little bit" You do know that, the magic is in the words to sell you something you think you need in your life right? They sell the fluff and make it sound holy and anointed. No, to ask us to listen to these fakes is like asking us to willing undergo a state of hypnosis. Because that is exactly what your under, those who believe them. Turn Them Off. 🙏
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When the funding is getting pulled because the people make the Platform accountable. Good! What does prophetic damage control look like friends? Does robin even know his own prophecies fulfilled? The Spirit reaches out and GRABS a bit of INFORMATION? - That doesn't sound like God speaking to a prophets heart now does it friends? The song at the end is fitting, just for you religious spirited folks. Dig, Discern, Pray. Blessings 🙏
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Johnny, Be Good... (COMPROMISED)

You have to do alot of research to find this one, but its out there friends. 7 Mountains has been a plan for a long long time. 🙏
Link from Truth Social:

Thank you for your comments about Elijah List. While reading we had some questions about the 501c3 we will link this information here:

Part 1 501c3

Part 2 Alternatives

Bill Johnson is the one who wrote the book on the dead having mantles of blessings for the living to claim.

He runs bethel church

His recently passed wife Beni Johnson was seen hugging Graves for anointings.

Sean Feuct
Seen taking his child there as well to receive and importation through touching the grave with his baby son in his arms. "GRAVE SOAKING"

What can you find on Bill Johnson and the Questionable actions of his congregation.

Did you know Sean has never publicly denounced this practice of grave soaking on soical media or Interview?

If we are wrong post his renouncing this practice on truth social thread. If you have any articles or tips post on the link below:

Dig, Discern, Pray 🙏
We are getting alot of people having no clue that Bill Johnson talks about receiving a Jumpstart into gifting by claiming those from passed on generations.

The Reality is God give the Gifts. We can't just have a revelation and go and pick up a mantle. Even if we could, wouldn't this be considered necromancy?

We wouldn't be bringing this up if it's fruit didn't lead people into the graveyard. What do you think? Let us know on Truth social. 🙏
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Christian Nationalist... Do you know what a Idol is friends? A Idol is anything your put before God, even your country. An Idol is worshiping the creation instead of The Creator. An Idol is a entity, building, system, structure, false god, everything else but God. This isn't some religious belief. It is biblical to have no other gods Before God. This Patriotic Church Movement is 100% unbiblical, Supporting any System besides following Christ is unbiblical.

Kingdom of God First then the Nation.
If you are going to use Gods name to win hearts and minds, you better make sure you aren't feeding them a false Christ or your circus will be called out. It is to late in the game to have these people running around the country giving you Information and claiming it is Revelation. The Remnant is not there, this unity is false and driven by 🤑💸💰.
Your voice matters, your vote is your voice. Even if your voice is censored now, It's still best to practice using it now. The enemy will always try and behead the prophetic in people. Your truth you have matters, so don't let the enemy silence you. It does matter to stand up for what you believe in, even when others push you down or make it unfair for you. In the end the righteous have their day. One day you will be vindicated for the stance you take today in Truth. Discern, Vote, Pray. 🙏
SIU has always presented the findings and encouragement to dig, discern, and pray for confirmations yourselves. Watch out for those telling you how to do so. You're incharge of your own salvation.
You know if you have followed the tour and everyone on it for a while the one thing they all eventually say is: I'm part Jewish. Has anyone asked if the Tour could be a Mossad Operation?

Farfetched? Masons do great deeds to to appear Good, but is it God?

Dig, Discern, Pray 🙏