Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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❤️#Police officers of the Strategic Investigations Department together with border guards and representatives of the "Phoenix Group" charity fund continue to help and support citizens in every possible way. A humanitarian cargo was delivered to #Mykolayiv and #Bashtanka. Bashtanka is located 7 kilometers from the confrontation line.

Food, water and protective equipment for local residents and those who are the first to help people and maintain law and order - the Police.

Everyone is working on their front to achieve peace in Ukraine. We are strong together. The victory will be for 💙💛
❤️Поліцейські ДСР, прикордонники, БФ «Фенікс груп» продовжують допомагати та всіляко підтримувати громадян. Доставили гумвантаж до Миколаєва та Баштанки. Баштанка знаходиться у 7-ми кілометровій зоні від лінії зіткнення.

Продукти харчування, вода, захисна амуніція для мешканців та тих, хто першими йде на допомогу людям та підтримує правопорядок - поліцейські.

Разом ми сила.
Перемога буде за 💙💛
Russian occupation forces continue to launch missile strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine. The shelling of southern and eastern Ukraine continues. More than 150 infrastructure objects were affected during the day. As a result of shelling, 15 people died and 57 people were injured (including 1 child).

📍#DonetskRegion: Russian troops continue shelling and airstrikes along the entire front line. More than 10 settlements were affected. In particular, Toretsk, #Slovyansk, #Bakhmut, #Avdiivka, etc. As a result, 44 infrastructure objects were damaged (including 29 private and 3 multiple residential buildings, 3 educational institutions, 3 garage boxes, 2 shops, a brick factory, a fire and rescue unit, a warehouse hangar and a market). 13 people died and 39 were injured.

📍#ZaporizhzhiaRegion: shelling of settlements bordering the Russian Federation and the #DPR/#LPR zone (Orlivske, Novoyakovlivka, #Gulyapole and #Orykhiv) continues. As a result, 80 private residential buildings were damaged and 1 person was injured.

📍#MykolayivRegion: Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery shelling of the city of #Mykolayiv and #Bashtanka, Lymaniv, Solonchakiv. As a result, 2 multi-storey and 3 private residential buildings, the administrative building of the Bashtanka City Council, a shop and a cultural center were damaged. 2 people died and 4 were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: Russian troops continue shelling settlements bordering the Russian Federation (#Shostka, Starykove, Ryzhivka, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Vovkivka, Seredyna-Buda, Grabovske and Porokhon). As a result, 2 private residential buildings were damaged.

📍#KharkivRegion: Russian troops continue shelling settlements bordering the Russian Federation (Lebyazhe, Milove, Vidrodenivske, #Pechenigi, Dementiivka, Velyka Babka, Cherkassy Tyshki, #Husarivka, #Vatutino and Andriiivka). As a result, 10 private residential buildings, the Interregional Center for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response of the State Emergency Service, an educational institution, and a warehouse were damaged. 10 people were injured (including a child).

📍#KhersonRegion: occupying forces continue shelling captured territories and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (populations of #Pot'omkine and #Pervomaiske), as a result of which 2 people were wounded.

📍#KhmelnytskyRegion: the Russian Air Force launched a missile attack on the settlements of #Vyazovets and #Yarmolyntsi. As a result, the infrastructure of 2 military units was damaged and 1 person was injured.
Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery fire on the city of #Mykolayiv and the settlements of #Bashtanka and Bereznehuvate. More than 83 objects of infrastructure (including 9 apartment buildings and 25 private residential buildings, Mykolayiv National University, a Polytechnic College, a school, a shopping center "Epicentr", hospitals, an office center, a fish shop, an enterprise "Mykolayiv Electrotrans", the enterprise "National Information Systems", the branch of the "Raiffeisen Bank Aval" and the Southern Agrarian Company). As a result, 1 person died and 8 people were injured.
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#Russiantroops fired rockets and artillery at the city of #Mykolaiv and the settlements of #Bashtanka, Berezneguvate and Novoselivka. More than 8 infrastructure objects were destroyed (a residential building, a hotel, 2 private buildings, 2 schools and 2 hospitals). As a result, 4 persons died and 2 were injured.
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📍#Миколаївська область:
війська рф завдали ракетні удари та артилерійські обстріли міста #Миколаїв та населених пунктів #Баштанка, Березнегувате та Новоселівка. Руйнувань зазнали понад 8 об’єктів інфраструктури (приватний житловий будинок, готель, 2 приватні житлові будинки, 2 школи та 2 лікарняні заклади). Унаслідок цього 4 людини загинули та 2 поранено.
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📍#Mykolaiv region: russian troops fired missiles and artillery at #Mykolaiv city and settlements #Bashtanka and Novoivanivka. More than 24 infrastructure objects (10 private and 7 apartment buildings, a shopping and entertainment center, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Polytechnic Institute, hotel, 2 schools and a trolleybus depot) and 18 trolleybuses were damaged. One person died as a result of the shelling.
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📍#Миколаївська область: війська рф завдали ракетні удари та артилерійські обстріли міста #Миколаїв та населених пунктів #Баштанка та Новоіванівка. Руйнувань зазнали понад 24 об’єкти інфраструктури (10 приватних і 7 багатоквартирних будинків, торговельно-розважальний центр, Національний університет кораблебудування ім. адмірала Макарова, Політехнічний інститут, готель, 2 школи та тролейбусне депо) та 18 тролейбусів. У результаті обстрілів загинула одна особа.
📍#MykolaivRegion: Russian troops launched rocket attacks and artillery fire on the city of #Mykolaiv (6 rockets) and the settlements of #Bashtanka, Maliivka, Pervomaiske, Mishkovo-Pohorilove. More than 6 infrastructure objects were destroyed (4 residential buildings, a railway bridge, Mykolaivbudtrans enterprise). As a result, one person was killed and 3 persons were injured.
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📍#Миколаївська область: війська рф завдали ракетні удари та артилерійські обстріли міста #Миколаїв (6 ракет) та населені пункти #Баштанка, Маліївка, Первомайське, Мішково-Погорілове. Руйнувань зазнали понад 6 об’єктів інфраструктури (4 приватні житлові будинки, залізничний міст, підприємство «Миколаївбудтранс»). Унаслідок цього загинула людина та 3 отримали поранення.
📍#MykolaivRegion: russian troops launched rocket strikes and artillery fire against the cities of #Mykolaiv and #Bashtanka.  More than 10 infrastructure objects were damaged (3 private and 2 multi-apartment residential buildings, a private enterprise, a cafe, Mykolaivoblenergo and 6 official cars). As a result, 1 child was injured.
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📍#Миколаївська область: війська рф завдали ракетні удари та артилерійські обстріли міста #Миколаїв та #Баштанка. Руйнувань зазнали понад 10 об’єктів інфраструктури (3 приватні та 2 багатоквартирні житлові будинки, приватне підприємство, кафе, Миколаївобленерго та 6 службових автомобілів. Унаслідок цього 1 дитина отримала поранення.