Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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⚡️UAH 80 million in losses to the State during the importation of tobacco products: operatives of #SID in #Chernivtsi region exposed a criminal scheme in which 2 customs officers were involved

It was established that during the inspection of the cargo at the Romanian customs, the car drivers provided documents according to which the cargo of cigarettes was transiting through Ukraine to #Georgia. However, after an inspection of the cars at one of the checkpoints of the Chernivtsi customs office, its employees "did not see" this cargo.
Therefore, as a result of a criminal scheme, excise goods were imported into the territory of Ukraine without payment of mandatory customs payments.
The perpetrators were notified of suspicion under several articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The criminal proceedings are being investigated by investigators of the territorial unit of the # SBI under the procedural guidance of the Chernivtsi Regional Prosecutor's Office.
⚡️$5,000 for the opportunity to go abroad: in #Lviv, operatives of the #SID in Lviv region detained 2 persons involved in the process of obtaining an illegal benefit

The heads of 2 public organizations promised the man to assist in the production of forged documents on unfitness for military service for a monetary reward. In the future, this would allow him to leave the country without hindrance.
Procedural management in criminal proceedings is carried out by Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office.
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⚡️$5 000 за можливість виїхати за кордон: у #Львові оперативники #УСР у Львівській області затримали двох фігурантів під час отримання неправомірної вигоди

Керівники двох громадських організацій обіцяли чоловікові посприяти у виготовлені підроблених документів про непридатність до військової служби за грошову вынагороду. Надалі це дозволило б йому безперешкодно виїхати за межі країни.
Процесуальне керівництво у кримінальному провадженні здійснює Львівська обласна прокуратура.
⚡️Manipulations with the lands of the Danube Biosphere Reserve: in Odesa, operatives of the #SID in #OdesaRegion exposed the ex-head of the RSA.
While in the position of the head of the district state administration, the official unreasonably allocated land to relatives and acquaintances for summer cottage construction on the territory of the nature reserve fund. As a result of such actions, losses in the amount of almost UAH 4 million were caused to the state.
For the crime committed, the suspect may be punished by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to 3 years.
Procedural management in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office.
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Assets of a company related to the russian federation worth more than UAH 2.3 billion were transferred to #ARMA - #SID

Officials of the enterprise implemented a scheme based on which they hid the real owner and beneficiary - the russian oil company.

In addition, they established a mechanism for tax evasion.

They also illegally transferred more than UAH 5 billion to a non-resident legal entity controlled by a russian oil company for their further legalization.

The investigation is ongoing.
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До #АРМА передано активи компанії, пов’язаної з рф, на понад 2,3 млрд грн - #ДСР

Службові особи підприємства запровадили схему, завдяки якій приховали реального власника та вигодонабувача - російську нафтову компанію.

Окрім того, вони налагодили механізм з ухилення сплати податків.

Також незаконно перерахували на користь юридичної особи – нерезидента, що підконтрольна російській нафтокомпанії, понад 5 млрд грн для подальшої їх легалізації.

Слідство триває.
⚡️Another former official of a bank was notified of suspicion of embezzlement of almost half a billion hryvnias
#SID police officers exposed a "scheme" of withdrawing bank assets by illegally issuing loans to fictitious enterprises without proper collateral security. It was established that bank management officials were involved in criminal activity. The materials of the criminal proceedings with indictments against two persons involved in the case have already been sent to the court.
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⚡️Ще одному експосадовцю банку повідомлено про підозру у розтраті майже пів мільярда гривень
Поліцейські #ДСР викрили «схему» виведення активів банку шляхом незаконної видачі кредитних коштів фіктивним підприємствам без належного заставного забезпечення. Встановлено, що до злочинної діяльності причетні посадовці керівної ланки банку. Матеріали кримінальних проваджень з обвинувальними актами щодо двох фігурантів справи вже скеровані до суду.
In #Zakarpattia, the organizers of the illegal "transfer" of men across the border will be trialed - they were exposed by #SID in #ZakarpattiaRegion

Two people were detained while receiving 3,000 US dollars and trying to smuggle persons across the border. They were supposed to receive another 3,000 US dollars already after a successful "transfer".
The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings has been completed, the indictment has been sent to the court.
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На #Закарпатті судитимуть організаторів незаконного «трансферу» осіб через кордон – викрито #УСР в #Закарпатській області.

Затримано двох осіб під час отримання 3000 доларів США та спроби переправити громадян через кордон. Ще 3000 доларів США вони мали отримати вже після проведення успішного «трансферу».
Досудове розслідування у кримінальному провадженні завершено, обвинувальний акт скеровано до суду.
⚡️ #SID detained raiders in Dnipropetrovsk region
The criminal group had a clear hierarchy and structure, with its lawyers, controlled commercial structures and a force block. One of its leaders is known in criminal circles as a "criminal authority." Under his control, members of the group "made nightmares" to legal business and engaged in raiding of agricultural enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region.
Currently, the members of the criminal organization have been notified of the suspicion.
💬 "The police immediately reacts to all the facts about raider appropriation attempts. Moreover, there is a developed mechanism for documenting such crimes and returning property to real owners. That's why you shouldn't try to "solve the issue" on your own and delay appeals to the law enforcement officers," noted Andrii #Rubel, head of the Strategic Investigation Department.
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⚡️Providing medical services to fictitious patients for almost UAH 67 million: #SID in #Dnipropetrovsk region detained members of a criminal organization
Over the course of the investigation, the police collected evidence of involvement in the organization of the scheme of the director, the head of the division, the head of the unit and four doctors of the medical institution.
According to Andrii Rubel, the head of the #SID, in order to receive funds for medical care of the population under the medical guarantee program, those involved entered information about the number of patients who received medical services into the relevant databases. However, such patients either did not apply to the institution at all, or their data were invented by the doctors themselves. Therefore, during 2021-2022, according to such a "scheme", 66.8 million hryvnias were unjustifiably transferred to the hospital's accounts, which is confirmed by the conclusion of an expert study.
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Spreading criminal influence and money extortion from detainees in pretrial detention center: in Sumy region, a group of so-called "watchers" was notified on suspicion - #SID in #SumyRegion.
Having a certain influence in the criminal world and being in the pre-trial detention center, mentioned person that was convicted for several times, received the status of a so-called "watcher" of the institution. Subsequently, he appointed two "associates" - "watchers" of the different institution buildings.
Mentioned persons under the supervision of their leader, monitored activities among convicted persons, following to the "thieves' traditions", criminal schemes, collection of funds for so-called "obschak", extortion of money from dependents of pre-trial detention centers. Those who refused to follow the instructions of the "associates" were under psychological pressure and physical violence.
Offenders may have up to 15 years of imprisonment.
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