The SHTF Farmer - Curtis Stone
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Welcome to SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) Farmer. This is a place where I share ideas, news worthy items, content, and things that I am thinking.
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I haven’t been posting as much lately as I’ve been really busy doing productive things, but this is a friendly reminder that there’s a really good possibility that most of the things we now see on social media are totally fake and created by AI.
I've been on a journey learning about the law over 10 years now. After all these years, the more I learn, the more optimistic I am for my own freedom and self-determination.
I've mentioned before that I have applied for an ATI from the Minister of Environment for all the records and reports in regards to geo-engineering (GE) in Canada since 1985. They have confirmed that I should receive these documents by May 1. I'm beginning to rethink my strategy in regards to going public with these documents.

Before I do I think I am going to give them notice in the private first, that they are causing harm to myself and family and will ask that all GE ceases within a 200 km radius of my home. If it doesn't, I will go public.

I wonder if perhaps, engaging perpetrators in the private first, should be our most effective course of action. Imagine if at least 20 people in every province across Canada spanning a broad geographical region did this? Most people want the easy road of approaching these issues politically, because it doesn't mean any individual skin in the game. I have found, over the last 10 years of engaging the state, to do so using the law over politics, the remedy has always been available.

The problem with going public might be that now it's about the money because the businesses involved in the GE, have a lot to lose in terms of profit.

What if those of us who are willing to put some skin in the game, stepped up and assumed some responsibility? My gut is telling me that this is the way of the future for those who don't want to live in the confines of the NWO. For those who do want to live within the confines of it, the game of politics and public display is for you. The tiny percentage of us who will exit, will do so lawfully and quietly.

It's all about winning versus being right.
We had an incredible crew for my law workshop in Westport, Ontario last week.

I'm doing 5 more this season. No immediate plans to do more over the winter, but we'll see. They are filling up fast. Each one is limited to 20 people.

In order of occurance;

Grand Forks, BC May 4 & 5
Saskatoon, SK June 1 & 2
Toronto, ON June 22 & 23
Comox, BC August 10 & 11
Edmonton, AL October 5 & 6

Email me at
There is no reason why this should happen and there are solutions to make sure it doesn't. But the reality is, without knowing the reason why in the statues and the foundational knowledge, most people are defenceless.
Forwarded from Amandha Vollmer
Media is too big
The food forest is finally happening.
Hey folks, we've still got some room for the Grand Forks, BC Law workshop this weekend. Feel free to reach out if you want to attend or need more information.
The first thing you need to do if you don't want to be an economic slave is be self-employed. That's #1. All your other options will stem from that.
The law workshops are going exordinarily well. Just wrapped up Grand Forks. The next ones are:

Saskatoon: June 1 & 2: this one is almost sold out.
Toronto area: June 22 & 23
Comox BC: August 10 & 11
Edmonton: Oct 5 & 6
Vancouver: Oct 18 & 19

Also, will be hosting an evening event with myself and Cal Washington at the Cordoroy restaurant in Kitsalano Oct 17. More on that soon.

If you want more information on any of these email me at
Happy Mothers Day for all the moms who make life possible fro all of us!
Good morning friends.

Quick update on the law events coming up. If you want to attend the Vancouver evening event at the Corduroy restaurant Friday October 18 with myself and Cal Washington, please email me and put "Cal Washington" in the subject line and I will add you to the waiting list. Still more details coming regarding price and itinerary.

Regarding the law workshops, the Saskatoon one, June 1 & 2 is near sold out, so if you want to attend that one, reach out soon.

I haven't added any new dates, so these are the next ones happening after Saskatoon.

Hamilton, Ontario: June 22 & 23 (hosted at an organic market garden outside the city)
Comox BC: August 10 & 11
Edmonton: Oct 5 & 6
Vancouver: Oct 18 & 19

Email me at

Have an amazing day!
I had a blast down in Missouri with this guy. Next stop Saskatoon!
Good morning folks, quick mention on my Saskatoon law workshop next week - June 1 & 2. We still have a few spots open. Snacks, coffee and lunch are provided for day 1 on Saturday, and we'll all go out to dinner somewhere in town that night. Day 2, Sunday is a half day. If you'd like more information, email me at
Media is too big
One of the most important Maxims of Equity is "No man shall suffer a wrong without a remedy". What it means is that in statue law, because it is "colour of law", not real law (The Bible/Gods Law), there must be a way out. I use four types of remedy; Principle, Jurisdiction, Money, and Articles.

In this scene from the movie Brazil, here is a great example of a remedy in the articles. Also hilarious.

This movie is brilliant!
This is the kind of stuff I’ve been talking about lately. It’s all true and even in Canadian law you can reference such things in the Citizenship Act and the Shipping Act. However, it’s mostly a pointless rabbit hole that will get you nowhere.
We still have some room at the next law workshop. It's on an organic farm in Dundas, Ontario. June 22 & 23. The way we've been doing these is it's an all day event on Saturday with lunch and we all go out for dinner together. Sunday is a half day and is mostly Q&A.

This one will be the fourth I've done since April and after this one, it's Comox August 10 & 11, Edmonton Oct 5 & 6, and Vacnouver Oct 19 & 20. Email me at for more info.